Improved DLD Blasters BEFORE Hanging
Yesterday I learned about the Improved DLD Blasters. I tried them and couldn’t believe how much they stressed my ligs. Today, I thought that I would try them in conjunction with hanging. Here is what I did:
5 min. moist heat
5 min. stretching
10 I-blasters - left (10 seconds on reverse kegel)
10 I-blasters - right (10 seconds on reverse kegel)
20 min. hang session (I normally start the day hanging 25 lbs., but I had to drop to 20 lbs. because my ligs were sore)
After one session, my ligs were stressing. The I-blasters got me in the fatigued state almost immediately.
I did the same heat-stretch-I-blast routine before my second hanging set and my ligs burned throughout that set like they do at the end of a day of hanging. I am very excited about this as I think that it can get me into the fatigued state at the beginning of the day and keep me hanging in an optimized state throughout the day. I plan on I-blasting several times throughout the day to keep stress on my ligs. I have a sneaking suspicion that this could accelerate gains from hanging.
I’d like to see some other hangers try this approach to see if it produces results for them.
Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!