Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Masterbation Feelings


Masterbation Feelings

Does anyone else out there predominantly have feelings of guilt or regret after masterbating?

It’s fine until 5 sec after then major buzzkill.

Only do it once every 2-3 weeks.

Any feedback or thoughts appreciated.

Starting BPEL 6 3/4" x EG 5 3/8"

Working on 10% increase :<]

Current BPEL 7 1/16" x EG 5 1/2"

Never ever.

I love to masturbate.

If I don’t have sex with my gf I will masturbate daily.

What is there to be guilty about?

I do but I’m actively trying to avoid orgasms as apart of my NoFap journey. However so, I don’t think masturbation is bad for most people as long as porn isn’t involved, it doesn’t extinguish the drive to find intimacy with another human, and it’s performed with reasonable frequency. Moderation like anything right?

Once every 2-3 weeks seems very reasonable to me.

*️⃣ Now (6/1/20): 7.125” BPEL x 5.6875” MSEG

*️⃣ Start (10/31/19): 6” BPEL x 5.25” MSEG

Easy Peasy’s Quest to Swang an 8x6

DaBears - do you mean regretful feelings after ejaculation, or you meant what you wrote saying masturbation?

I can’t remember the term coined but I often feel deflated and a myriad other emotions after ejaculation from masturbation.

I’ve done nofap on several different occasion, the latest string since November. I mainly find it an exercise in frustration. I find masturbation calms me down mentally afterwards, I never feel regretful, just cool, calm and collected. If you’ve got a girl to relieve you a couple of times a week then sure, but if not then nofap is a bizarre form of self torture, imhao.

However, I don’t use porn, just memories of sex I’ve had with prostitutes. I think it’s more healthy to masturbate using you’re imagination than fake images on a screen, I wouldn’t watch porn, it’s sad and a waste of time. I think nofap would have lead me to homicide if I practiced it during my 20s, it’s only now I am 30+ that my hormones have slown down sufficiently for me to practice it and not go crazy.

You get these freaks screaming about nofap like it’s the next best thing since sliced bread and it gives them “superpowers”…wtf, they need a shrink.

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

Originally Posted by bent_cock

You get these freaks screaming about nofap like it’s the next best thing since sliced bread and it gives them “superpowers”…wtf, they need a shrink.

Tone it down! Understood?

For many having self control over something they haven’t had control is a good thing. Try and be supportive of people improving themselves.

I for one stay away from it myself and it’s been great! Live a little and you’ll learn.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Search for post-coital tristesse and see if fits in your situation.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

I don’t feel as bad as I used to when I watched porn. I don’t cum when I masturbate anymore though, I’m trying to train away ingrained Premature Ejaculation habits, and gain more control. To me it’s more of an exercise at this point, and if I need release I go to my wife. It’s a recent shift in mindset but it’s been rewarding.

I think it has something to do with feeling like I’m cheating on my wife in a way.

Makes sense if there is some porn stimulus.

Gonna limit myself to only porn free masterbation and see if that changes the dynamic.

Starting BPEL 6 3/4" x EG 5 3/8"

Working on 10% increase :<]

Current BPEL 7 1/16" x EG 5 1/2"

Originally Posted by Smooth99
Never ever.

I love to masturbate.

If I don’t have sex with my gf I will masturbate daily.

What is there to be guilty about?

I very rarely watch porn, and even then I’ll go mostly “ew”. And I don’t cheat on anyone. My GF sometimes asks me to finish myself off on her when she gets sore or has tried to make me cum for the third time and is tired. :-) And if she’s not around, there’s nothing to feel guilty around. I mean - she *loves* her toys and is not the least shy to use them. In fact before she visits she’ll sometimes asks me to make sure I charged her fav toy. She is a toy samurai, she on occasion uses them on girlfriends of her choice and based on reports gets them pretty hooked on them - I have witnessed it two or three times, too. She has shattering orgasms when I do her doggy while she’s using a vibrator on her clit. First of all, why would I deny her that? Second of all, when she comes that hard, I’ll seldom be able to hold back and I’ll cum while she’s still screaming, it’s effing amazing. Would you say she’s mastrubation rather than having sex with me? Well I wouldn’t care. :-) I have lived for a while, but I have never had a partner with whom I have had this many simultaneous orgasms, it’s sublime. God, I’ve had some orgasms in that moment that were so hard that a muscle in the leg or my ass would halfway seize. There is often some masturbation involved in great sex. Raise your hand of you haven’t stroked yourself some while changing positions or something. In any case, I know I make her cum just fine without toys too, but it makes my job easier. :-)

We do things for many different reasons, and I never judge ever. I have read about the power of controlled abstinence in kamasutra like practices. I personally can’t. I think I work with far more confidence if I know that my tool was working perfectly well only 12 hours ago. It’s kind of a mechanical all-systems-go test. :-D In fact, just a few days ago my GF was taking a nap on the couch and looked so sexy I couldn’t help but masturbate next to her. I knew she was really tired so didn’t want to wake her up but just couldn’t help myself. When she woke up an hour later she felt playful, and we went at she made me cum again, easily. I told her and she laughed! I will acutally do the Bathmate for 15-20mins in the morning when she’s around, we have established it’s no different from her doing kegels (and she is a kegel fanatic). We hide nothing (I firmly hope, I know I don’t). She has a key to my place, my main computer doesn’t have a password, she can use my phone whenever she wants to, she knows my password. Only once did she find a message from an ex that startled her, but we clarified that quickly.

I think unless we exploit/demean other or do anything illegal there is absolutely nothing in sex anyone should ever feel guilty about or needs to provide an explanation for. All we can aspire for is to keep our partners very happy at that level - it’s the whole point of sex, right?

Last edited by Smooth99 : 02-23-2020 at .

I think it’s a normal thing especially if someone was raised in a very conservative household, suffered abuse, feel uncomfortable with their bodies, etc.. There can be so many many different reason why people might not feel okay about masturbating and they feel guilty as well as other negative emotions. This occurs so much that it has been studied and if you look of post-coital dysmorphia there is a range of negative emotions someone might feel. Whatever you do don’t feel guilty about it and instead try to find yourself more and reprogram the brain to associate it with something good.

Originally Posted by DaBears
Does anyone else out there predominantly have feelings of guilt or regret after masterbating?

It’s fine until 5 sec after then major buzzkill.

Only do it once every 2-3 weeks.

Any feedback or thoughts appreciated.

I don’t.

I used to have a feeling of guilt around sex because society presented sex as something immoral when I was a child. My perspective now is that it was actually society that was immoral for creating psychological hurdles to reproduction.

I do think it’s unwise for a female to have sex without contraception before she is married because the way society is structured today and children, especially male children, need a father in their life for several reasons. There are things only a father can teach, just like there are things only a mother can teach, and it seems like males without fathers or father figures have lasting behaviors that might be an obstacle for their living a good life. Case in point, it seems like you can identify males that were raised by single mothers by body language and speech. There seems to be a window of time when children imprint on an adult of the same sex and mimic their body language and speech. If there is no adult male, male children seem to adopt effeminate body language and speech patterns and end up being ostracized by other males in puberty and adulthood.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

I have never experienced guilt or any other negative feelings. Just my experience. Wife could also care less. She is typically just happy that her vagina is getting a momentary break.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I am proud to be a masturbator.

For me wanker or Masturbant is not a dirty word. I like being a masturbator and proud of it.

Apart from that, most people masturbate anyway.

For me, sexual activity is masturbation.

I mean that masturbation is a basic need like eating, drinking and breathing.

And besides, the masturbation is also fun. I’ve been masturbating almost every day for 65 years now and still enjoy it.

In addition, the masturbation has the advantage that you can masturbate with not quite erect penis. Because with the erection I have a problem since my age of 62 years. I am now 74 years old. Daily masturbation is very good for the penis and for the prostate. You can see that in my pictures after 27 6485 masturbations in 65 years.

I am proud to be in such a large company of masturbators.

Masturbation is better than sex!

I used to get that horrible feeling afterward. It’s rooted in The 12 years of Catholic school I endured. Then after I got rid of that hang up it became an issue of resentment and humiliation because if my wife at the time gave me enough I wouldn’t be beating off like a damn 12 year old in the bathroom! Well I divorced her and my new girl has consistently given me as much as I can take. I almost never jerk off because I know she’ll take care of it later.

If for some reason she isn’t feeling well or our schedules don’t line up I can take care of business without that regretful feeling and when I tell her about it she gets really worked up and wants to talk about it, asks how big was your load? What were you thinking of? Etc. makes it hot. I found my ugly feeling was because of things outside of me. Hope you figure yours out.

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

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