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Morning wood shrinkage

Morning wood shrinkage

I have a question about morning wood. It seems my morning wood is good, rock hard etc. But it measures smaller than my normal erections. 13.2 cm (5.2 in) x 17.5 cm (6.9 in) the EQ is definitely harder than my normal erections but I’m wondering why the tunica wants to be so tight with the morning wood? Tight as in I can’t make a dent in it.

I haven’t been gaining much either all things considered. Having only manual exercises at my disposal I can get expansion up to 19 cm (7.5 in) x 14.1 cm (5.6 in) that however, is not permanent. Sticks around for a while if I want to have some fun with it but the non modified erections are still just the same. 18.4 cm x 13.3 cm (7.25 x 5.3 in)


Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

My guess is that this is your parasympathetic nervous system working while you sleep. The Parasympathetic lets erections go full gun whereas the sympathetic (waking times) holds erections back.

See Male Sexual Circuitry at the top of the Mens’ Sexual Forum for details.



Well, that makes sense about how hard it is. But I’m still confused why it gets actually bigger with waking erections. For instance, if I try to work out using my morning wood I got almost no expansion. But if I wait for it to subside and the achieve a conscious erection to do my PE it will swell an extra half cm in each direction.

I was under the impression that a harder penis was a bigger penis. At any rate it’s a good Pi so I’m not complaining just curious and wonder if it can be applied in any certain way for gains benefit.

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

I have this…well I won’t say problem, but mystery as well. Even the workout factor, I feel I have better hangage the next day when I let it subside and then follow with a nice workout.

Yeah, I don’t see it as a problem. Just know how to work around it I guess.

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

Originally Posted by tootyfisty
Well, that makes sense about how hard it is. But I’m still confused why it gets actually bigger with waking erections. For instance, if I try to work out using my morning wood I got almost no expansion. But if I wait for it to subside and the achieve a conscious erection to do my PE it will swell an extra half cm in each direction.

I was under the impression that a harder penis was a bigger penis. At any rate it’s a good Pi so I’m not complaining just curious and wonder if it can be applied in any certain way for gains benefit.

I have noticed this too - it’s as if the tunica is particularly tight and stiff with morning wood - a kind of internal tension/hardness. And the glans isn’t nearly as full; and not particularly veiny. I’ve always been that way.

With an erection driven by something erotic, it’s quite different: fuller, hard without that tunica tightness, and a very full glans with very large/extensive veins.

I wonder if it has to do with a merely sympathetic driven erection v. Storm of hormones in addition to the nervous system activation?

Anyone else notice this? Or have any theories?

(Hope it’s okay to resurrect this thread.)

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