Well — seems like people have different problems. My feelings about low balls are different than some guys. Even though my balls are of normal size, my balls have always been drawn up so tight that most of the time they looked like a small boys balls. I would gladly be faced with the problem of low balls — watching how to sit or ride on a bike (I bike a lot and would find a way to handle low hangers.
About three weeks ago I bought eight 2 inch rings from Lowes. I started with 3 rings using the sock trick and filling in the gap between the rings and my sack using a head sweat band cut in two. This system works great — it is comfortable and I have no problem sleeping with the rings on.
Today, I am comfortably wearing 5 rings (my stretching measurements are 3 and 1/4 inches measured from the top-most ring to the bottom of my balls). I’m looking to be able to mount 10 to 12 rings (2 inches in diameter and 1/4 inch thick). That should be up to three inches stretch. (I just don’t want them to be so long that they get wet when I sit on the toilet.)
You talk about being happy with results so far — when I look down at the two beauties on the bottom of the 5 rings, I’m very happy. I say to myself “I’m a man.”
I will keep you up-to-date on the progress being made.