Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Natural high blood pressure remedies

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

You may want to read this page on AC I thought it was interesting:)

http://www.eart … d_pressure.html

Really interesting - especially the feedback from diabetics that had blood tests done - blood sugar down, blood pressure normal - great post!

As an aside, another supplement/nutrient that plays a big role in general organ health (especially the heart) is CoQ10. I’ve used accelerated CoQ10 supplementation to help fix a kidney problem about a year ago. Kidneys control blood pressure and the level of red blood cells in the blood as the kidneys release a hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells.

All the Best,

(off to buy some Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar :) )

High blood pressure

Try celery seed

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it, but yoga has lowered my blood pressure considerably. I went from 120/70 to 98/65.

I was not trying to lower my blood pressure as it was not high to begin with. I changed nothing about my daily routine or diet. I just noticed a steady drop in the 6 months I have been doing it. I believe that it’s the drop in stress that yoga provides that lowers blood pressure. Might want to give it a try.

Originally Posted by avocet8
I understand your desire to avoid the B/P meds, if you can. But keep in mind that hypertension is a “silent” enemy, doing its bad stuff while you feel more or less normal.

Get yourself a good B/P monitor. They’re pretty inexpensive now. For a couple weeks check your B/P mornings and late afternoons. Write down what you get. In the past 1.5 yrs they’ve changed the acceptable systolic and diastolic values - what is safe is lower now than it used to be.

If you are not well within the safe zone, do consider the drugs - there are hundreds of them to choose from. If you do try medication, be specific with your doctor that you do not want anything that will effect your erectile function. There are many of them that won’t do that.

I just bought a BP Monitor. Using it has really opened my eyes as to what happens to your body as you put different things into it. In addition to AM and PM readings as Avocet suggests, measure 15 mins to a half hour after ingesting caffeine or sugar. My BP and resting pulse rate jumps after caffeine, and doesn’t come down for hours. I am weaning myself off of it which is hard because BP meds can cause a sluggish effect in some people.

I hadn’t been able to lose weight because my BP was so high that it was not safe for vigorous exercise, and I had no luck with any of the natural remedies, although I didn’t try them all.

I was having some dizziness, so I bit the bullet and went to the doc. He put me on Lisinopril. The generic is on the Walmart $4 generic list. He said it was also low on ED side effects. He was right. Believe it or not, my wood is stronger on the meds, I guess that a side effect of HBP is softer wood. Or it could be the vas effect of the meds. This effect became more pronounced when he added Norvasc to the mix (Not Generic) which is used for angina, and has a good vaso-dilation effect.

Now that My BP is into the normal range, I feel comfortable stressing my body in other ways to get off of the meds. As you probably know, weight plays a huge factor, and that is first on my list. Congrats on you losing some, lose more, and you will probably get normal. My doc agrees that if I lose 50 pounds, I would probably be normal and not need meds.

With the BP monitor, I have tested myself during times of great stress, and it does not effect my BP. Although, it may effect you.

I have only been on these meds for 6 weeks, so long term effect I cannot comment on. However, I feel much better.

Good Luck

I almost forgot, 20 minutes after sex is my lowest BP reading for the day on a consistent basis. I took the BP on my dick after that though, and it was somewhat higher. No shit.


Thanks for the info on that medication and reporting your results with it. And I’m happy to hear your blood pressure has went down:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I’m going to get some of that Q10 stuff my mothers heart doctor “yes it runs in the family I guess” recommended that she take it.


I would love to try yoga if I had the time maybe after I lose weight at the gym but I agree that it would help for sure.


I haven’t heard the celery seed thing yet I did hear that celery increases sperm loads:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by manage123452000

I almost forgot, 20 minutes after sex is my lowest BP reading for the day on a consistent basis. I took the BP on my dick after that though, and it was somewhat higher. No shit.

Good job getting normal, manage. And Lisinopril does have a very low profile for sexual side effects.

Don’t make yourself crazy with constant checks; just taking your blood pressure a lot can affect the results. Check just at a couple times a day for awhile. If for example you take your meds in the morning, you want to make sure the drugs are remaining effective throughout the day such that you aren’t getting a late afternoon or evening spike.

Your dick isn’t a reliable place to check whole body B/P. It’s normal for your penis to have a higher reading under those circumstances. :)

There is a condition called “white coat hypertension” that we should all know about, just in case. My brother has it; I have it. And this is one reason why having an at-home monitor might give some of us better reads. What happens is psychological. You see a nurse or a doctor coming at you with a B/P monitor. You get an adrenalin surge and your B/P immediately escalates above what it usually is. My brother has totally normal B/P, if a nurse or doctor isn’t around.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Good job getting normal, manage. And Lisinopril does have a very low profile for sexual side effects.

Don’t make yourself crazy with constant checks; just taking your blood pressure a lot can affect the results. Check just at a couple times a day for awhile. If for example you take your meds in the morning, you want to make sure the drugs are remaining effective throughout the day such that you aren’t getting a late afternoon or evening spike.

Your dick isn’t a reliable place to check whole body B/P. It’s normal for your penis to have a higher reading under those circumstances. :)

There is a condition called “white coat hypertension” that we should all know about, just in case. My brother has it; I have it. And this is one reason why having an at-home monitor might give some of us better reads. What happens is psychological. You see a nurse or a doctor coming at you with a B/P monitor. You get an adrenalin surge and your B/P immediately escalates above what it usually is. My brother has totally normal B/P, if a nurse or doctor isn’t around.

Thanks Avocet.

I just wanted to examine the effects of other factors on BP, especially caffeine. Also there is that “New Toy Factor” that will subside soon I’m sure.

There were two nursing schools in my home town, restaurants near them were some of the easiest places to get laid. They still get my BP going, but not from nervousness. he he he


A few points:

1) Got the Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and tried it - Amazing! BP drops on both counts - just like throwing a switch. Great find Dino!!

2) Dino - if you get CoQ10, study up on it and get as highly absorbable as
you can find because its not cheap, maybe one of the more expensive
supplements out there - 100 mg daily is typical and they usually come in like
a 60 mg softgel. Some people that are on cholesterol lowering meds can
get deficient in CoQ10 and that’s really dangerous as really low CoQ10 can
compromise the heart function. First symptom of CoQ10 deprivation is
muscle soreness in the larger muscle sets like glutes and quads but when you’ve not really stressed those muscles.

3) I’m with Avocet on owning a blood pressure monitor - great advice - and I’ve owned one now for several years using it to check the effects of various things (like Apple Cider Vinegar :) )

4) I also own a new AccuCheck blood glucose meter - even though my fasting blood sugar is in the normal range which is what most Drs check (that and insulin), the fasting value is not the whole story. Maybe what is even more important is how you react to a slug of sugar or high-glycemic carbs. If your blood sugar spikes up and stays high for a long time that is a symptom of either insulin resistance or tired, worn-out beta cells in the pancreas which means you are pre-diabetic. Anything you can do to cut some slack and rest your pancreas is well-advised. How do you run the test? Get a baseline and then take 5 grams of sugar or simple carbs on an empty stomach and then measure blood glucose every 10 to 15 minutes for say 2 hours. That curve will tell the story (think flat, no long tail on the curve is desired). A high spike with a long, fat tail on the curve suggests problems. Cutting carbs, exercise, and things like Apple Cider Vinegar can help normalize your blood sugar and help protect your pancreas. In other words - prevention. I spent about the same money on my glucose monitor as my blood pressure monitor. The glucose monitor is a HUGE motivator to lose weight and do so by cutting carbs. For more information read Dr. Richard Bernstein’s book “Diabetes Solution” - written by a man who is a Type I diabetic from the age of 12.

You’ve only got one pancreas - if you see your blood sugar spike up to 130-140 and stay there for an hour or two then consider this - every minute that blood glucose reading is above say 110 there is the potential for vascular and neural damage as well as a few more beta cells get injured or die. This is especially true if you have a high-carb snack before going to bed. Your blood sugar will spike and, because you are not awake and moving around, will stay elevated the entire night doing even more damage at an accelerated rate for the extended time you are asleep! Want a snack try protein or just pass.

Another great test but one that has to be run in a lab on a blood spot or blood sample is HbA1C - it measures how much your blood sugar has averaged over say the last 3 months. This test is a good one for insulin resistance, too. If you can get your HbA1C down below 5 and keep it there through diet and exercise you might avoid diabetes altogether.

So why the rant about blood sugar when the topic is hypertension - hypertension is many times an early indicator of the conditions leading up to Type II diabetes because of the irritation that elevated blood sugar causes in the vascular system.

Anyway, thanks again Dino for the info on ACV.

All the Best,



I have high blood pressure as well as diabetes. Everyone in my family has high blood pressure, I was the only lucky one to get diabetes as well. My brothers bp is the highest of everyones, usually 190 over 110. He goes to the doctor at least once every 8 weeks, and is on medication to control his bp.

He has asked the doctor several times if his bp is putting him at risk for a heart attack or stroke. This is very important to us in the family, since a massive stroke is what took our mother’s life 10 years ago. The doctor has repeatedly told him that his bp is not putting him at risk, since some patients are just GENETICALLY inclined to have higher bp than others. I suppose that is why all of us in the family have high blood pressure.

The only meds that I know of that have worked for us have been ace inhibitors. I know that stress can undo any good that meds are capable of providing, but maybe you can ask your doctor about them. Also, my doctor has told me that sex can help alleviate alot of the stress, if only momentarily. I know that sounds silly, but mentally it can help.

I feel for your situation, Dino, and I hope that this helps out man.



That’s great news about the apple cedar vinegar:)


Sorry Bro about the Diabetes that’s a real bumper.


I also have that white coat thing going on also when I see the blood pressure tester my blood pressure goes up. Even when I test it in a drug store I still get nervous but not as bad:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey Guys

You may want to try this stuff I think it just may work great. It’s called coenzyme-A and you can get it at the vitamin shoppe or online. It’s not cheap but so far it may be worth the money.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I repeat you guys really need to try this stuff I really think it helps big time

http://www.coen …

You can buy it at the vitamin shoppe and let me know what you think. I have been Zen like all but two days since I started it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey Guys

I think my high blood pressure might have been related to my hair regime which consisted of Revivogen and Rogaine. It got really bad when I switched to the 15% rogaine from Genhair. It might have had something to do with me absorbing to much because I would rub the Rogaine on and than the Revivogen so I was getting a double dose through my hands. Also it’s possible that the revivogen helped with absorption of the Rogaine.
So I went cold turkey and so far my pressure is much better so who knows. I did some research and this is a common problem for Rogaine. The only problem is my hair looks like shit off my program so I ordered some 5% and I’m going to try using plastic gloves to limit absorption and hope that this doesn’t bother my blood pressure and saves my hair line. The 15% worked great when I added that to my routine my hair was the best it ever was in a long time. I also took a break from all vitamins and supplements.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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