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Natural high blood pressure remedies

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

I repeat you guys really need to try this stuff I really think it helps big time

http://www.coen …

You can buy it at the vitamin shoppe and let me know what you think. I have been Zen like all but two days since I started it.

So, are you still taking this, Dino? And how is your blood pressure these days?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I always liked these links: Very well indexed, researched, etc for various ailments, remedies, etc… with footnotes.

http://www.umm. edu/altmed/arti … sion-000087.htm

I was written for Nifedipine sometimes aka procardia, a calcium channel blocker. I was written for stress test blood pressure in the 240s as the top # in the first 4 minutes. I also have Raynaulds (most likely secondary). http://en.wikip … aud%27s_disease

http://en.wikip … wiki/Nifedipine
http://www.drug … nifedipine.html

I took the procardia drug each day
I attempt to walk at least 30 minutes if not longer, 7 days a week, but always at least 4 in the shitty weather.
Bammed soda, fast food, etc… I may have one or two every three weeks.
3 servings of fruit a day, sometimes more.
Can of soup from Campbell’s Healthiest line of garden harvest. NO MSG, Lowest sodium.
Watch my levels of sodium intake too.
Little bread, etc…..

Instead of buying celery extract, I learned to eat it for the effects. It takes up room in my stomach and helped me lose weight as well.

I made respectable progress, but was not written for a secondary med for Raynaulds which would then lower my blood pressure more. Only if I have the pain in my feet am I allowed to get it. I will finally fucking get my Cytomel compounded drugs, which will raise my blood pressure. I already have the adjunct material to take with it, when I begin a cycle.

I have to especially careful with it cause of reserpine. But I take it along with the t3 drug when it arrives.
http://en.wikip … /wiki/Reserpine
http://en.wikip … lfia_serpentina

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’ve only speed read the thread, but surprised no one has mentioned Beetroot, unless I’ve missed it.

Google “Beetroot blood pressure” - there has been a lot about it in the UK this year.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
So, are you still taking this, Dino? And how is your blood pressure these days?

Hey bro, most of the time my pressure is OK but I can still have a bad week every now and than. Right now not taking anything but a multi vitamin, but I still watch my diet and salt and crap like that.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

It’s probably been mentioned before but already. Resveratrol.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Drinking Concord Grape Juice May Reduce Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Men.
http://www.ency … 1-99989386.html

Concord grape juice is the best(non-alcoholic) source of Resveratrol. Taking it as a supplement however should give even stronger benfits.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

I forgot about this thread then got the update in my email.

I was on 3 different BP Meds until I stopped taking Ibuprofen. I am now on one Med at half the original dose, and a light dose of diuretic. My BP is great.

I don’t know if it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but it bears repeating.

For those of you who may be taking Ibuprofen or similar pain relievers, go cold turkey and start with one aspirin at a time for pain.

Of course you should also be taking it for heart attack and stroke prevention.

I chew the aspirin for greater effect and no longer get stomach upset from it.

Good Luck

Originally Posted by Sporran
Thanks for that link on the Beetroot, tt.

WOW, interesting about the beetroot juice. When I visit my wife’s family in Russia, we always eat a fair amount of beets and drink beet juice. Not because that’s all they have I just happen to like beets! We went to a clinic where her aunt is a doctor and just did a checkup. Hell, it was free. My blood pressure was in the normal range! Maybe it was the beets? Have to ask my doctor but he insists on putting me back on meds, which I hate.

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

Originally Posted by clawhammer
WOW, interesting about the beetroot juice. When I visit my wife’s family in Russia, we always eat a fair amount of beets and drink beet juice. Not because that’s all they have I just happen to like beets! We went to a clinic where her aunt is a doctor and just did a checkup. Hell, it was free. My blood pressure was in the normal range! Maybe it was the beets? Have to ask my doctor but he insists on putting me back on meds, which I hate.

So claw did you stick with the beet juice and than go to the doctor here, just curious.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

My hypertension was caused by the reaction I had to keflex a antibiotic. Noting seem to lower it and all blood pressure meds were off the list because of the damage they may do to already damaged kidneys. My doctor took me off of the lisinoprill. I had low hypertension before the reaction to keflex. Early and not quiteso prien links on taurine has led me to believe that taurine was my last hope. I also had a elevated pulse of an average of 106 bets per minute at rest. After several months of taurine therapy my pulse rate has come down to a resting pulse of 64 BPM.

Also passion flower has a lowering effect on blood pressure. Note, I have not had my blood pressure checked while on these supplements for fear it may not be working. Someday I will get brave enough though. My average blood pressure was 170/110. I’ll be back with some links.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Http//. - Cached - Similar -

This is a good link on taurine.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Http//. - Cached - Similar -

This is a good link on taurine.

Here is the entire report.


Michael Lam, MD, MPH
Dr. Lam - Adrenal Fatigue Recovery - (626) 571-1234

Taurine is an important amino acid in our body. It is found mostly in our central nervous system, skeletal muscle, and in greater concentration in our heart and brain. It is made from two sulfur containing amino acids called methionine and

Methoinine and cysteine are found in egg yolk and meat as well.

Taurine is commonly found in animal protein and not in Vegetable protein. Vegetarians with a low intake of protein may have difficulty producing taurine in their bodies. In addition to meat, taurine is found in abundance in shell fish. Vegetarians as well as those on a low fat diet will have to be mindful on the amount of taurine consumed.

Cardiovascular Disease

In the cell, taurine keeps potassium and magnesium inside the cell while keeping excessive sodium out. In this sense it works like a diuretic. But unlike prescription diuretics, it is not a cellular poison. It does not act against the kidney, but improves kidney function instead. Taurine is very useful in fighting tissue swelling and fluid accumulation. People with heart failure, liver disease , late stage ovarian cancer, congestive heart failure frequently have unwanted fluid accumulation inside their bodies and people who take long plan flight usually have slight fluid retention.

Taurine has been very successfully used to treat people with high blood pressure. When excessive fluid is normalized, blood pressure becomes normalized. Taurine functions to dampen the sympathetic nervous system, thereby relieving arterial spasm. When blood vessels relax, the body’s blood pressure will fall.

There have been studies showing the positive effectiveness of taurine on heart failure. Aside from having diuretic properties, taurine is able to strengthen the heart muscles and maintain proper calcium balance. Together with Coq10 and
Carnitine, taurine is able to regulate the heart’s contractility and guard against toxic threat of chemotherapeutic drugs such as adriamycin(doxorubicin). .

Working together with magnesium, taurine also is able to regulate heart rhythm and help to stabilize it.

Women’s Health

Taurine is an important amino acid in the female body. The female hormone estradiol depresses the formation of taurine in the liver. Women who are on estrogen replacement, birth control pill, or those suffering from excessive estrogen (this is a widespread condition commonly called estrogen dominance) may need more taurine. Taurine is also helpful in clearing excessive fluid retention during menstrual period.

Furthermore, synthetic estrogen replacement therapy blocks the production of taurine in the body , as well as in the case of chemotherapy or the lack of good bacteria in the intestinal tract.


Taurine functions in the brain and the heart to stabilize the cell membrane by regulating the electro-chemical forces. It tends to inhibit and modulate neurotransmitters in the brain and helps to stabilize cell membranes. It is beneficial to the gall bladders, eyes, blood vessels, and has some antioxidant and detoxifying activities. Because it aids the movement of potassium, sodium, and calcium in and out of the cell, taurine has been used as a supplementation for epileptics as well as for people who have uncontrollable facial twitches. However, because of it’s inability to cross the blood brain barrier, the use of taurine to treat people who are in a neurological dysfunctional state is limited.

Between 1 and 3g a day, there is usually no problem.

However at a dosage of more than 5g a day, taurine may occasionally cause loose stool. The general dosage for people who have edema, high blood pressure, and seizure disorders range from 0.5-4g a day. In high doses, taurine may increase slightly the secretion of stomach acid.

About The Author

Michael Lam, M.D., M.P.H., A.B.A.A.M. Is a specialist in Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Here is a good report on passion flower. It just so happen I have a passion flower vine growing on my front porch go figure. This to along with taurine has helped me a great deal. You see my blood pressure was so high I could hear my heart thump in my ears and throat. With the combination of these two supplements I no longer get the real loud thumping. When I fail to take taurine and passion flower the thumping returns.

This is from Http//.

Passion Flower Tea
A Multi-Beneficial Fusion

Why is passion flower tea one of the most respected herbal remedies for high blood pressure? Well consider some of the ailments the passion flower herb is used for.

1.Hypertension and Heart Disease
2.Stress and Anxiety
3.Nicotine and Alcohol Withdrawal

Now some of these illnesses are typical causes of secondary hypertension. If any are directly or indirectly linked to your elevated blood pressure, addressing those illnesses too should be of prime interest to you.

But can passion flower tea really have any impact on these ailments? Yes it can! I will discuss them in brief and then show you how you can make an infusion.

Hypertension and Heart Disease

Scientists have found that the harmane alkaloids found in passion flower can help lower blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle and expanding coronary arteries.

But extensive investigations on this herb were being carried out in the 1980`s and the leaves were clinically validated as being hypotensive, among other benefits such as possessing anti-spasmodic properties, and relieving anxiety.

It is also known that here in Europe extracts from the flower are used in several pharmaceuticals for the treatment of heart palpitations and high blood pressure. It can also slow down heart rate, and treat tachycardia.

Stress and Anxiety

Because prolonged stress or anxiety can lead to high blood pressure, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can be very beneficial, rather than using tranquillisers or sedatives. Passion flower tea is another very effective treatment to calm nerves and the brain, and it works very well because it contains serotonin which is a neurotransmitter used to calm the brain.

The flavanoid Chrysin is another substance that relieves anxious thoughts.

None of these substances are as powerful on their own, but put them together and you have a synergistic affect that researcher`s have discovered is potent.

Nicotine and Alcohol Withdrawal

When people go to their doctor and are diagnosed as having high blood pressure, the doctor will normally ask some questions as part of his protocol for prescribing a diet and lifestyle change. The patient will be asked if they smoke or drink frequently, and advised to give these up if the answer is yes.

That`s the easy part. Some people will find it hard to give them up because of withdrawal symptoms, and that`s where passion flower tea could lend some support.

It is used for curbing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

It acts as a substitute, calming nerves, just like the nicotine would do. As for alcohol withdrawals symptoms, any tremors are eased.


Did you know that passion flower has been added to the German Commission E list as a product which can reduce general restlessness and the National Health Insurance will cover the cost? Now most of us will not be able to benefit as we don`t have a policy with the National Health Insurance, but it sure does boost your confidence in the passion flower herb to help insomnia?

Can insomnia cause high blood pressure though? It sure can!

At Penn State College of Medicine, Pennsylvania, Dr. Alexandros Vgontzas studied more than 1,500 random participants and their sleep habits. He divided them into 3 categories according to the hours they slept. Those who had normal sleep, those who had some sleep difficulties, and those who suffered sleepless nights. His conclusion was that whether people found it hard to fall asleep, wake up during sleep, or found it difficult to sleep at all, were all linked to high blood pressure.

Making Passion Flower Tea

Use 4 to 8 g of P. Incarnate, P. Edulis, or P. Caerulea dried. This is the daily recommended limit

Use 150mls of boiled water to 1 teaspoon of dried Passion flowers or leaves, and brew for 10 to 12 minutes.

If the taste is not to your linking, add some honey.

For a soothing sleep, drink 1/2 hour before bedtime.

Herbs that Compliment - Vaerian root, Capsicum, Chamomile, Hops, Peppermint.

Note - Passion flower has been noted also for it`s anti-inflammatory and diuretic abilities.

Caution - Do not take passion flower tea, or any preparations with anti-depressants, blood thinners, sedatives or tranquillisers.

Not only can you benefit from drinking passion flower tea, how about growing them. Try growing several of the 500 species and the results will reward you with a sight to drink in with your eyes.

Passion flower tea is just one infusion you can make from herbs. See other herbs that may help bring your pressure down.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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