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Need advice, lost libido


Need advice, lost libido

Hey guys I have been trying to get some good info on all this on my bodybuilding forum but no one over there really seems to care enough to post any replies to any of my questions.
Some of you know I was doing clamping and pumping consistently and my erections was great and my girl was just asking why I felt so good meaning my cock was super hard and bigger well 12 days ago I started my first cycle of Sustanon 250 (Steroids) to help me get my old size back before I had my shoulder reconstructed and being stronger would make a lot of things in my life easier to do.

So around this time of my first injection I run out of lube and my PE routines go to hell and I plan to get back into it in a few days and then this is when I took my first injection and I thought test injections would give me erections so hard they hurt but actually my erection quality immediately started to suffer! Ever since I have pretty much lost my erections and have ED. I don’t know if this has something to do with me stopping my PE work out or the injections of test fucked up something.

I tried to have sex 2 nights ago and I couldn’t get all the way hard I was pretty much soft and it was embarrassing to the point I wanted to cry guys lol I thought maybe my estrogen levels was out of control so maybe a week ago I started with Nolvadex and have been doing 20mg a day and I am waiting for arimidex (i also got some femara couldn’t decide which i wanted) to show up so I will try that when it gets here.

So tomorrow I am going to do some PE again, hanging with 2.5lbs and some jelqs see if that helps (strangely i hung 2.5lbs twice last night and had good morning wood today has my cock got to the point where it doesn’t work unless I PE?)

Now tonight I invited a girl down I went to high school with that I always wanted to get with but never could and on her way here I was stressing out thinking I was going to have ED so I took 15mg of Liquid Cialis I got from the research store CEM-MESO and when she got here we made it pretty much straight to my bed and I went down on her and oh my god I had never been with a girl with a body like this she was really petite with a big butt and I could lift her with one arm and her pussy was hard to get one finger in when I felt it my jaw dropped I couldn’t wait to feel that thing.

So I am working her over and just waiting and hoping my penis gets rock hard but it never does finally I finger her and where she doesn’t notice when I would bring my hand out I would slap my cock with it kind of secretly masturbating so finally it got hard enough for penetration and got in her and I didn’t know how hard I was yet so I was hoping I would bottom but I didn’t and it never got fully erect and to its full size which sucks because I was trying to measure up to her ex boyfriend and I don’t think I did so good lol. So half way I lose my erection completely while fucking her and I am like dang its too hot let me get some water so I get a glass of water and take another hit of 15mg of liquid Cialis and go back to her. Anyway I lost my erection for good and she left unsatisfied which sucks because I have a good crush on her.

Even if no one can help me it feels great to get that off my chest to my PE brothers lol. A last note, I am not into body building to look good and get girls though its a bonus, I love getting stronger it makes me feel like I can protect my friends and family (especially my daughter) better, just in case some of you are wondering how I can bring myself to use testosterone.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

DHT also seems to have an effect on erections maybe I got that hormone out of whack?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

So you just started taking test and now your experiencing ED. Ok, when you inject synthetic testosterone into your body, your natural production shuts down, which causes your nuts to shrivel since they are not producing testosterone. Sustanon is a anabolic steroid with 3 different types of testosterone in it. Usually cypionate, enathate, and propionate. In this trio you have two fast acting steroids and one long acting meaning that the short acting steroid will be in your system in a matter of days. Possible 2, whereas the long acting steroid will be in your system in about 8 days. My only explanation is that your natural production is slowing down and the steroids are not in your system enough for you to have those raging hard-ons. ED is common among steroid users for a variety of reasons. Introducing a foreign substance to your body causes adverse reactions. Just as eliminating common substances from your body can cause complications. It takes your body a little while to get used to this new pattern.

Now I don’t know anything regarding DHT, so I can’t speak for that

Also, do you think there is a possibility your over thinking it? This is a big cause of ED also. Some guys just think way too much and worry about rising to the occasion.

Best of luck to you.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Bro I am definitely over thinking it I feel like a virgin all over again lol. My nuts have already shrunk a bit so my natural levels are down already, and since the Sustanon works the way you described it is the possible reason for this, I should of went with a single ester choice and injected every other day. Maybe in time my levels will be normalized somewhat.

I don’t know if I mentioned but I am doing 500mg split into two shots a week.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Its been a few hours and the Cialis is just now kicking in I had to take my cock out of my shorts because it got hard. I took the Liquid Cialis right after a big meal so that maybe made quick absorption impossible.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

If your only taking 2 cc’s a week give it a little time. Probably after a two weeks you’ll start to feel it and you will become more aroused for no reason. Make sure you wear underwear because if you don’t and the wind blows the right way you’ll get hard and be walking around with a hard-on.

I can’t speak for cialis, as I have never used or researched it.

With most oil based steroids, sustanon, you don’t need to take it daily or every other day because it stays in your body longer and it’s active life in your body is a longer than a water-based steroid such as winstrol-v.

Do you have any HCG for your post cycle therapy? Taking tribulus terrestris helps in restoring your bodys productions of testosterone also and you can get it over the counter.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

From what I’ve heard, tribulus is a waste of money.

You may want to check out this thread: Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

It has lots of info on different ed meds. If you want instant action, you want some V, the liquid C takes awhile longer, and is not as intense. For me it is better 12 hours after dosing.

I use Test cypionate via Rx for age related low test every two weeks, and for the first 24 hours after injection, I have the same experience you do. The doc says that it is the amount being converted to estrogen initially, and is nothing to worry about. Get some V and forget about your problem.

Another over the counter remedy is Yohimbe, if you don’t have high blood pressure. Combined with the liquid C it is a potent combination. It also gives intense orgasms.
Good Luck.

I think that tribulus is rather a libido booster than a testosterone booster, meaning it doesn’t increase libido by increasing testosterone but rather by enhancing dopamine status,IIRC, you can correct me if I’m wrong.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

manage123452000, what do you think of adding some armidex? or other AI ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Everything I have read on tribulus says that it doesn’t increase test levels, it frees already circulating bound up test for use by the body.
It has been a few years since I researched it, so there may be new info.

I did try it before Test supplementation, and noticed a slight rise in libido, but nothing to write home about.

As an after cycle recovery tool, the clomid and others are much more effective.

Originally Posted by jb560
If your only taking 2 cc’s a week give it a little time. Probably after a two weeks you’ll start to feel it and you will become more aroused for no reason. Make sure you wear underwear because if you don’t and the wind blows the right way you’ll get hard and be walking around with a hard-on.

I can’t speak for cialis, as I have never used or researched it.

With most oil based steroids, sustanon, you don’t need to take it daily or every other day because it stays in your body longer and it’s active life in your body is a longer than a water-based steroid such as winstrol-v.

Do you have any HCG for your post cycle therapy? Taking tribulus terrestris helps in restoring your bodys productions of testosterone also and you can get it over the counter.

Thanks for the information bro, yeah I have 5000IU of HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex, and soon to have Arimidex and Femara so my PCT should be covered. I am thinking about running half of my HCG in the middle of the cycle and the other half after its over.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by manage123452000
You may want to check out this thread: Closing down all the generic drug web sites/and finding open sites for generic drugs

It has lots of info on different ed meds. If you want instant action, you want some V, the liquid C takes awhile longer, and is not as intense. For me it is better 12 hours after dosing.

I use Test cypionate via Rx for age related low test every two weeks, and for the first 24 hours after injection, I have the same experience you do. The doc says that it is the amount being converted to estrogen initially, and is nothing to worry about. Get some V and forget about your problem.

Another over the counter remedy is Yohimbe, if you don’t have high blood pressure. Combined with the liquid C it is a potent combination. It also gives intense orgasms.
Good Luck.

Great link I need to spend some time in there. I am so glad you experience the same thing I thought it was not normal because other guys seem to only talk about how they are turned into sexual beasts from the stuff and rarely mention the bad sides. I guess guys that are not on a PE forum tend to be ashamed to talk about things like that.

I need to check my blood pressure I always had perfect blood pressure and I eat totally clean and I didn’t think the hormones would effect me too bad since I ate clean but when my estrogen levels got up so did my stress and blood pressure, do you have to deal with that still on your HRT? If my blood pressure is good I am gonna try some Yohimbe later thanks. :)

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I can feel my prostate is doing something not normal so it is probably enlarged, would this be causing my ED problems? I am currently researching Saw palmetto but want to see if there is indeed benefits and no risks. I will never put hormones into my body again after this cycle all this stress is aging me rapidly and it is totally NOT worth it.

The girl I mentioned in the first post is wanting to come for another session in 3-4 days so hopefully I don’t blow it with a limp dick again, one time is ok but two will change how she looks at me. :(

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by bluray
….. I will never put hormones into my body again after this cycle all this stress is aging me rapidly and it is totally NOT worth it.

The best decision so far.

As far as I know, Saw palmetto does nothing, neither any supposed ‘testosterone booster’ supplement.

Tribulus increase libido, this is consistently reported, but I’ve seen little or no proofs it enhance T.

The only thing that really can help is fixing the drop of your T and than just wait that your body cleans all the shit you put in it.

Another bad news : despite the popular belief, weigth training seems to lower T levels, so if you are training hard you could have some libido problems.

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