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Need Help Hard Flaccid


Need Help Hard Flaccid

I know I already posted this but it’s an emergency. I’ve been doing intense stretching for 2 weeks and I just got very hard flaccid. I don’t want to stop because if I stop stretching my penis will become stronger. Should I take a break?

Stop. Better stronger than injured.

Probably you have to forget PE for a few years. Focus on something else for a while.

Ahh.. Will it be harder to get gains when I comeback? And can I work on girth in the mean time?

Nope! I’d rest. I spent the first three months constantly on the verge of overtraining and injury. I gained some girth and my dick got veinier but almost zero length. It wasn’t until then that I finally conditioned myself well enough to truly withstand the forces of PE and really started to gain. My dick is now stronger for good reason, which I believe is necessary to a certain degree based on my own experience. If you are serious about PE it will be an incredibly difficult urge to resist while you rest, however, if you don’t rest properly until you are conditioned well enough it will be harder for any gains or future progress to continue. The longest break I had to take was three days due to some slight numbness and poor erection quality. Go back at it starting easy once you’ve given yourself a few rest days. As stated here on Thunder’s a thousand times.. Your dick will thank you for it. We all want 8” dicks tomorrow, or in marinera’s case 12” but Think of it as a newly adapted life style instead of a race.

Aha, no I don’t want at all a 12” penis, I was satisified with my pre-PE starting size actually. Cosign the post for the remaining though.

Originally Posted by Italianguido69

I know I already posted this but it’s an emergency. I’ve been doing intense stretching for 2 weeks and I just got very hard flaccid. I don’t want to stop because if I stop stretching my penis will become stronger. Should I take a break?

Perhaps get some arnica oil and rub it into your shaft. You could also try magnesium oil.

Originally Posted by marinera

Aha, no I don’t want at all a 12” penis, I was satisified with my pre-PE starting size actually. Cosign the post for the remaining though.

Marinera, I joke I joke! Surely you’ve still got a goal though right? Perhaps not though, your already ridiculous in size! I’ve wondered what I’ll do once I reach my desired goal because I know I won’t stop! Maybe just cut back on the amount of PE for maintenance purposes and much slower growth? Do we really know what happens if we do this consistently the rest of our lives? Will we be 80 years old and dragging our dicks on the ground?? Lol. That last part was a joke too. ; )

Crap, sorry about the lol, (laugh out loud). I just remembered your a stickler for forumn rules!

Lol is acceptable, since is a very common acronym. :)

Hard Flaccid Need Help Please

Someone please help me, I’ve gotten hard flaccid 3 days ago from too much stretching and jelqing. I took a 3 day break and it’s still hard and very small and today the glands are very pale and cold. Please help anyone. I need advice.

Someone please respond!

You start too many threads. This is useless.
You got already answered in the other thread. Why start another? Or why not 10 threads?

Stop all PE and go to the doc. Pause all PE activity for some months and read meanwhile how to do it properly.
Right now you dont seem to be able to perform PE in a safe way.
Check the progress forum..many guys you can use as role model on how to do it responsibly and with brain.

So your saying it’s not curable?

He is saying that PE is not for you, at least not at this time, maybe when you’ll have wiser judgement. And don’t cross-post.

Originally Posted by Italianguido69
So your saying it’s not curable?

Use some common sense.
Im no doc. No one can give a diagnosis here.
Just stop all PE and and relax and wait. If you have doubts go to the doc.

and yes PE isnt for you it seems. Get to know your body and how it reacts and make wise desicions.
Right now you are all over the place and this way you wont gain and injure yourself.

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