Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

OT Masturbation one week challenge


OT Masturbation one week challenge

If I fail I will donate $10 to the site.
If I do not fail I will still donate some money anyways. :p

OCT 24 to the OCT 31 11:59:59 [-8:00 GMT]

That excludes PE ,Just no orgasms/ejaculation.


Your thread reminds me of that Seinfeld where they all make bets on who can go the longest without, “Self Service.”

Good luck and do keep us posted.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by fat_cock
If I do not fail I will still donate some money anyways. :p

Well done.

:_pump: :donatecar

It isn’t so hard fat_cock. I ejaculate this morning when i was finishing my jelqing session after one month of abstinence and i’m 19 so age it’s not a factor. No excuses!!!!

Becoming the “Master of your Domain” takes dedication and not giving in to temptation.

I usually go two to four weeks without. Then I pretty much pig out for a few days. Abstaining while doing PE is particularly challenging, because your cock is constantly being “activated”. I think it stimulates seminal production as well, so the first time you start jerking, it starts pouring out with hardly any orgasm.

Hmmmmmm? Why?

I attribute my good health, good physical condition, strong libido though i am in my mid-60’s, and good PE gains, in part….to enjoying 2-3 good wanks every day.

It has all ready been 35hours since.
I noticed my EQ went throw the roof and made it hard for me to sleep also.
Only got less then 5 hours of sleep but it does not bother me at all I feel fine right now.

Also I have been getting erections several times A hour.

All ready failed unintentionally.
Blew a load when taking a defecate. :(
No orgasm/ejaculation but EQ has changed, good possibility there was one but I did not feel it.

Resetting the timer

OCT 25 11:59:59pm to the Nov 1 11:59:59pm [-8:00 GMT]

Lol, you blew a load while taking a shit?

Originally Posted by fat_cock
Blew a load when taking a defecate. :(

Wow what?

Dec '09 : NBPEL: 6'' x EG: 5.1'' x FL: 2" -----> Aug '10 : NBPEL: 6.3'' x EG: 5.6'' x FL: 2"

Yeah, don't worry. It did not take me 8 months to get these gains. I was more off than on when it came to PE :O

Goal: EL: 7.25" x EG: 6.2" x FL: 4"

Originally Posted by Yataghan50

Lol, you blew a load while taking a shit?


It just came out with my piss while I was taking a shit. I am sure it was not pre-cum as it was cloudy.Most of the time I pre-cum when I take a shit, but this was the first time I had a load with it.

Originally Posted by fat_cock
It just came out with my piss while I was taking a shit. I am sure it was not pre-cum as it was cloudy.Most of the time I pre-cum when I take a shit, but this was the first time I had a load with it.

Sounds more like pre-cum. I wouldn’t reset the timer. If you came while taking a shit you must have penile glands in your rectum. May be a good time to cut down on the Fowfers or you may end up like Langemann.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

But how could you do that just when you was taking a shit.

One week. Sounds like eternity. I barely stand one day without masturbation.

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