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Some side effects of porn and masturbation.

Some side effects of pornmasturbation.

So I did some research, asked some doctors, read some articles on the two subjects and figured I’d share the knowledge.

Masturbation: If in a relationship it should almost never be done. It takes away from what you two have together. Although not bad, it’s not helpful either to masturbate much. If you masturbate too much, you’ll want your partner less, have lower libido, have lower quality (not really hard) erections, and might even get prostatitis (temporary pain in the perineum/prostate). If one were to lay off masturbation for a week or even two, they’d notice harder erections, more delight in pleasure, and no prostate pain. Your body does this as a defense mechanism if you masturbate too much, telling you to stop with bodily warnings. So keep it to a minimum, your body, yourself, and your partner (whomever it may be) will thank you.

Pornography: Pornography is similar to drugs, even worse if masturbation is involved. Chemicals in the body get stimulated at seeing porn, and of course more chemicals get stimulated if orgasming. Masturbation and porn if done sparingly will not cause much harm, but both together and a lot, and you’re on your way to an addiciton. Porn has different intensities, ranging from soft core to hard core. The soft core is like a soft drug, it’s stimulating but lower case of becoming desensitized. However a hard drug, quickly you become desensitized and need more exciting, crazy, insane pornography, to the point real life doesn’t suffice. And it gets worse if it is Video porn as opposed to Picture porn. As the video, takes away any mental arousal and leaves it all to the visual. If one would want to subject themselves to porn, with minimal bad side effects of an addition, one should stick to soft core Picture porn. Otherwise one day real life may just not do it for you. Further more watching hard core porn such as banging wives, cheating girlfriends, or bestiality, just as example, makes a man turn paranoid into thinking all girls are like this. The very material, changes a man’s personality towards himself, his friends, and especially girls into thinking they are nothing but cheating filthy whores. True story. It happens. So be careful.

If ever you feel your libido is dropped, you have no respect for women, find certain pornography hysterical while others look at you weird; look at your frequency of orgasms, further more watch your frequency of porn watching and it’s intensity. Take a week or two, or months off from it, and benefits will follow. Trust me on this. I’ve done my research. Good luck.

Eh bs, coming at least once a week makes for a healthy prostate. Porn can be bad I’ll admit, but it’s fine in moderation.

Originally Posted by refresh9

So I did some research,

“Research” from where?

Horny Bastard

I watch porn a few times a week and don’t see anything wrong with it. But I can imagine if someone watches every day and gets aroused only by porn that it is a problem.

But your post somehow doesn’t sound like it came from a research.

I respectfully disagree with most of this. I have not come across any credible research supporting this. The few that I have seen are poorly done and definitely confuse the cause and effect. In other words, people that are already into some pretty sick stuff or disrespect women watch porn. Porn doesn’t cause it.

I also think porn can stimulate new ideas and encourage variety in a relationship.

I would agree that there might be a certain desensitization process and we seek more and more hardcore material. However, I can still jack off to Victoria’s Secret catalog after 20 years of masturbation.

I would also agree that beating off might mean a smaller load when you do your woman the next night, but I think the negative side to this is slightly overstated.

Either way, thanks for sharing. More discussion on stuff like this is good.

Having met and talked with quite a few doctors about prostatitis, none ever said that masturbation was a negative. Most savvy ones recommend “frequent” ejaculation in fact, to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. Whether you ejaculate through intercourse or jerking off is not important. Getting off is.

I would love to see your research sources. Please share them with us.

By the way, “temporary pain in the perineum/prostate” is not a diagnosis for prostatitis. Prostatitis is more complicated than that.



Couldn`t agree more with you refresh9. Got some “extensive” experience upon the topic, we all probably have. It all boils down to keeping it at a moderate rate and being absolutely aware of a “quicksand” ground in the land of addiction, especially when you`re young, horny and single. I believe there should be more emphasis put on it in schools as this undoubtedly was/is/will be an issue to some. However, looking at it in a perspective of an individual, we are all different(supposedly) and reactions will vary. All in all I`m positive to one thing. This shit ain`t done me any good and certainly won`t do. Unless you`re up for some “Porno Karaoke”, you`ve got a real women in you`re bed(In this place I would like to bring attention to word REAL) and you want her to remember you as a guy with “Hey, I can do it too” attitude, do not expose yourself to porn. Your dick is blind anyway, he won`t see shit. Now, excuse me gentlemen but it`s about time I crawl back to my dark, damp corner ,bite my toe nails and reflect on my “porn-industry” waisted years.. In all seriousness I think refresh9 have made some good points.

Best Regards to all.

Further more watching hard core porn such as banging wives, cheating girlfriends, or bestiality, just as example, makes a man turn paranoid into thinking all girls are like this. The very material, changes a man’s personality towards himself, his friends, and especially girls into thinking they are nothing but cheating filthy whores. True story. It happens. So be careful.

So I did some research, asked some doctors, read some articles on the two subjects and figured I’d share the knowledge.

Thank you, for sharing this deep, scientifically proven knowledge with us.

I love it when medical men use the term “cheating filthy whores” (this is the answer you got from the “doctors”, right??)

I’m wondering if you can post a link to the detailed, scientific study that you quote here? It would make me so happy to know that the phrase “cheating, filthy whores” is now an accepted clinical term, ‘cause if it is, I’ll use it as often as I can, just like when I found out that “mental retardation” was an accepted, clinical definition.

GM and various articles on the internet, even ones associated with the govt.. Things I’ve read, none the less research, but not a research paper.

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Thank you, for sharing this deep, scientifically proven knowledge with us.

I love it when medical men use the term “cheating filthy whores” (this is the answer you got from the “doctors”, right?)

I’m wondering if you can post a link to the detailed, scientific study that you quote here? It would make me so happy to know that the phrase “cheating, filthy whores” is now an accepted clinical term, ‘cause if it is, I’ll use it as often as I can, just like when I found out that “mental retardation” was an accepted, clinical definition.


I wrote filthy cheating whores, not the doctors.

And yeah coming atleast once a week is fine! I didn’t say never to do it. Nor did I say doing it will cause problems, but TOO much of it will. Look at every word I say before glossing it over with your eyes already thinking it’s bs, consider it written in law, every word I write is very important to the totality.

Further more, any pain associated in the perineum whether dull ache or shooting pain is usually prostatitis, which happens to come in many forms. In this case of over masturbation it would be the non-bacterial, inflamed type.

Originally Posted by refresh9 and various articles on the internet, even ones associated with the govt.. Things I’ve read, none the less research, but not a research paper.

I wrote filthy cheating whores, not the doctors.

r9, you want to state your opinion on “filthy cheating whores”, that’s fine by me.

If you want to present your opinion as medical fact, or the product of “research”, that’s a problem.

Post a link to your “various articles on the internet” or consider this thread closed, and feel free to post a new one stating your opinion, not presented as unreferenced, medically endorsed, fact.


I don’t agree with the part on masturbation being bad for you but I do agree with the part about porn. I almost never look at it other then when I’m with my woman. I find when I do look at it at all online by my self that I want to keep looking and that after a few days in a row I find that I am not very horny unless I think about the porn. I’m not saying its such a bad thing but it is something I try to avoid just to make sure of no future problems.

Originally Posted by refresh9
Further more, any pain associated in the perineum whether dull ache or shooting pain is usually prostatitis, which happens to come in many forms. In this case of over masturbation it would be the non-bacterial, inflamed type.

It is very common, for just one example, for guys here who overdo on Kegel exercises to tire their perineum-area muscles. Same sensation, and not prostatitis.

The usual result of “over-masturbation” (an ill-defined term, at best) is no erection or a lousy one.




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