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Post Mature Ejaculation

Post Mature Ejaculation

Is there such a word? Anybody else have this? I just can’t seem to finish lately. Drives me nuts. What do any of you suggest. I am taking maca, catuaba, muria priens, L-argenine, fish oil, multi vitamin daily.

It’s always taken me forever to finish, but lately it’s getting worse.

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Delayed or retarded ejaculation. If you can’t get off at all, they say you are anorgasmic. Used to have that problem, went to a doctor. He was not much help, but eventually it went away. I think I was just really bored with my sex life at the time.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

The only thing I have found that helps me cum faster when having sex is to not jerk off for a few days. If I have sex after not having an orgasm for more than 3-4 days, then I’m able to get off much quicker. Other than that, maybe you could train yourself to cum faster - like the opposite of edging. Start jerking off and forcing yourself to reach orgasm in a short period of time.

Funny, I am having a lot of fun lately. Yesterday I had sex with a cougar for a few hours, then a couple hours with my wife later on.

Yes, my wife knows, before anybody gets on my case :D

I tend to think it’s the St. Johns wort. I’m going to have to check it out. I just started taking that stuff again for sleep.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Originally Posted by kfarrelldba
I just can’t seem to finish lately. Drives me nuts.

My wife tried for over 10 years to give me an orgasm orally. Then I restored my foreskin. Now we’re having the best sex of our lives depsite 19 years of familiarity, and she can finish me orally as often as she likes (seems like never, of course).

Before I restored we would bone for 45 minutes or an hour and she would have several orgasms, but she’d get rubbed raw and need days off to recover. If I wanted to finish she would need to break out the dirty talk and the stars needed to align.

Now, intercourse is such luxurious feeling I’m in no hurry to get to a big finish. But we always seem to be busy and feel rushed so whenever she has had enough of sex, I just let go and climax with her easily. Getting busy on consecutive days happens regularly.


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