Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping Gone Crazy

Pumping Gone Crazy

Just for fun, I decided to see how big I could get with my medical grade air pump.

I put a cr on and pumped the hell put of my dick.

I managed to reach the top of the cylinder-7 1/2 in.- and when I pulled out I measured a full 6 in. around.

I would be very pleased with these stats if I could make them permanent as this would provide a volume of 10.72 ounces with a placement in the top .06 percentile according to an online calculator.

Is this likely doable and if so, how long do you think that it would take?

Also, how often should I pump (once per day, three times per week, etc. and for how many minutes per session) ?


How much increase did you get in terms of BPEL and mseg?

Originally Posted by Amerikanisch

Just for fun, I decided to see how big I could get with my medical grade air pump.

I put a cr on and pumped the hell put of my dick.

I managed to reach the top of the cylinder-7 1/2 in.- and when I pulled out I measured a full 6 in. around.

I would be very pleased with these stats if I could make them permanent as this would provide a volume of 10.72 ounces with a placement in the top .06 percentile according to an online calculator.

Is this likely doable and if so, how long do you think that it would take?

Also, how often should I pump (once per day, three times per week, etc. and for how many minutes per session) ?


There is no answer to your questions, sorry but that is the thruth. Your gains in the tube was most likely edema and that is not gains.

Just keep on with quality sessions for years and you will get gains👍

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Last time I pumped, I reached 7 inches without a cr. This time I reached 7.5 pumping with several crs in place..

Last time I reached a pumped girth of 5 3/8

This time, using crs I reached 6 inches but since the crs were stacked at the base, I probably got a lopsided measurement with a bulge at mid shaft. Next time I will try to even out the blood distribution to get a better reading.

Originally Posted by Amerikanisch
Last time I pumped, I reached 7 inches without a cr. This time I reached 7.5 pumping with several crs in place..
Last time I reached a pumped girth of 5 3/8
This time, using crs I reached 6 inches but since the crs were stacked at the base, I probably got a lopsided measurement with a bulge at mid shaft. Next time I will try to even out the blood distribution to get a better reading.

The thing is with pumping is it really doesn’t matter what you measure outside of the tube. UNLESS you manage to get out of the tube with 0 edema, which is extremely unlikely. I see this all over Thunders, so its not just you, but I honestly do not understand the obsession with taking measurements post-pump. Again unless you manage to somehow pump with literally 0 edema, what your measuring has zero statistical importance to growth.

The best way I can explain this is, lets say youre at a starting measurement of 10f/oz disregarding length or girth in this case. You pump and come out of the tube at now 12f/oz, again disregarding what the length vs girth gains were. You have to understand that even after the perfect session you will have some edema, even if its not perfectly noticeable. This means for our example, that of those 2f/oz gained during pumping not all of it will be blood flow. So theoretically by pumping you may have only increased and/or stretched the penile tissue a total of 1f/oz NOT a full 2f/oz. So by measuring after a pumping session your giving yourself a clear misrepresentation of the actual growth achieved from the exercise. If I or really anyone wanted to, we could pump for hours at high HGs and increase the total volume of our dicks by easily 50%, disregarding that 40% of that growth is nothing but edema, which ultimately serves 0 benefit to stretching the tunica or the penile tissues that result in actual growth over time. You really need to be putting more focus into having sessions that are targeting internal growth, limit edema build up, and stop trying to “hit” numbers during a pump, and repeat that process over and over again.

I mean honestly, i used to sit in my pump for hours, and would get such terrible edema that the “girth” at the mid shaft and glans would be close to 7inches. Do you think im walking around with a 7in thick penis head today? Nope because that fluid was causing 0 stretch to the actual tissue needed to grow for that to happen, and will ultimately go away. Pumping is by far my favorite, and now my only, routine but you really need to understand where the focus should be. And trying to pump just to hit some magical numbers for the 30minutes to an hour after you leave the tube? That aint it bud.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Pumping with any kind of restriction is asking for trouble.

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