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Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
…xenolith have you had any Negative effects of Kundalini?

I don’t know how to answer your question. I’m sorry that I used the word kundalini. I shouldn’t have as I don’t know what it means. The “kundalini syndrome” that I referred to earlier in this thread was meant to describe becoming a bit hot-tempered, due to accumulation of chi in the crown chakra. Which has happened to me. It is easily remedied by ejaculating.

I’ve not had any negative effects from SKF practice, all very positive effects in fact :)

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 10-27-2005 at .

Xenolith! Would you mind sharing with us how to practise the SKF step by step? I know it’s a lot to ask but I’m sure lot of guys here would be interested.


SKF practice, step by step:

Originally Posted by xenolith

SKF takes off where edging stops. The chi generated by stimulation and “caught” by one’s successful use of good timing and a strong BC muscle (pump #2), IOW, edging, is “handed off” to the “sacral pump” (pump #3), which in turn “hands off” the chi to the “cranial pump” (pump #4). The cranial pump moves chi to the crown (top of one’s head) where, upon sufficient delivery of chi, CCOs spontaneously occur.

You want more detail? READ. THE. BOOK.


Originally Posted by xenolith

I’m here to complement the book, not substitute for it.

More importantly, I CANT substitute for it. I’ll post something here and there that may be of value to those who pursue SKF practice, but my principal objective with this thread was simply to honor mgus’ request (I wonder if he knows of this thread) and to then get out of the way. If guys have specific questions, I’ll try to answer them.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Interesting thread.


The only dumb question, is the question not asked. Goals: 7" Long not bone pressed 6" Girth

Thanks for the suggestion Xenolith!. The book you have suggested by mantak chia seems not to consider the dangers of practising SKF, at least according to the reviews written by some people who have experienced neurotic conditions . I have posted a review of the same by one such user in my last thread although I’m not sure how accountable that could be but nevertheless it’s worth taking all precautions before anyone gets into the wrong side of it.

Also, The other day after reading your post, I decided to download a 24 page sample of the book you have mentioned. I was very surprised to read the 2 pages of warning where it is clearly stated that neither mantak Chia nor his School is responsible for any negative side-effects seen after practising SKF. I agree that It would greatly depend on the user of the book not to deviate from any standard guidelines suggested.

One more clarification Xenolith!. Last night while lying on my bed, I started to clench my anocoxxygeal muscle(tailbone muscle) repeatedly about 200 times after which I could feel a wave pass through my spine and into my head. My Eye lids became heavy and I could feel an increase in my heart rate. It was a feeling that lasted for 20 secs. Please note that I did not have an erection. Could you, possibly tell me what might have happened to me? Is this some kind of SKF I accidentally manage to do ?

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry

Could you, possibly tell me what might have happened to me?


Originally Posted by godofdeviltry

Is this some kind of SKF I accidentally manage to do ?

Probably not.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith

Probably not.

Make that a definitely not.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I’m just on page 43 and am already loving it. It explains my "loss" of powers after spending the seed. My wife is not nearly as understanding of this as she is of PE, I am working on that.

Until reading this book, I was fascinated by my abilities after holding the seed and using some special powers. I’m not much of a record keeper, but think in my case, the blessings come into play after week 3 or so. I’m sure this is different with each person.

When I am "on", I can see that some women feel the aurora. Some seem fearful of it, others curious, and some pick up on it and communicate without words that they would like to test me out. I have at times felt my balls rock and it worried me, I thought I was going to have an accident. I see now this was a blessing and I should have used the power to my benefit. I am confident this book will show the "way".

I am especially encouraged by the following passages:

"The Hindu holy men refer repeatedly to Amitra, the elixir of life, a rejuvenation substance that may be produced during prolonged sexual activity without ejaculation."

" Extraordinary powers, including healing and clairvoyant perception, may evolve when one retains the semen and drives its power back up into the body."

I see there is problems finding the book, here is where I found it. I’m sure you could shop around for cheaper sources. Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy

Hi Alice-

I’m glad that you’re enjoying the read. There IS a lot of valuable information in this book. I think it’s important to keep the meta-physical stuff in context…none of it is required to learn SKF or to have CCOs. Your mention of special powers is disconcerting for me. I sure as heck don’t have any special powers. But having said that, it is true that some of the meta-physical concepts in the book have proven to be of value in my life, but most of that came once I began to experience CCOs.

Realize that, as far as I can tell, mastering SKF is a very long process. In my experience, it makes the process of PE look like the blink of an eye in comparison. If your experience is anything like mine (let’s hope not, let’s hope you’re a quicker study than I was!) you’ll have plenty of time to sift through the metaphysical stuff, determining what is of value to you and what is not. Expect much of it to make much more sense once you begin to experience CCOs.

Thanks for posting the link to a web source for the book.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for the tip. I’ll back off the meta-physical stuff here, but living in the sticks and the way I was raised I will try to cling onto it, it’s just natural for me and I have to be myself. I do realize how the above may look strange, but that’s O.K.

Hoping in the South,
Student Alice

Thanks Alice. I’m not worried about you, but the utility and applicability of the meta-physical stuff is so individual specific that I think this thread will be better off by sticking to the comparatively objective utility and applicability of plain old SKF.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

“To understand this process, you need only to think of filling a very long straw with water. The bottom of the straw is at your penis/testicle and the top of the straw is the crown of your head. The straw is too long to fill with one breath, so you must inhale and then stop the end (of the water in the straw) while exhaling. Otherwise the fluid will run out and you will have to start all over again. Fix the power at the level to which it has been drawn, then exhale; then inhale the fluid still higher.

Keep driving the power (chi) higher and higher up the spine into the skull and the Pai-Hui. It may take one or two months (or many years) for the power (chi) to pass the coccyx, but once it passes this (very) difficult bridgehead, it will leap up to the middle of the back. Then it will jump to the nape of the neck and from there up to the Pai-Hui (crown chakra).

After some weeks or months (or years) of practice the head reservoir will fill and the power (chi) will run down the front of the body with relative ease. It travels through the point between the brows, then down through the roof of the mouth to the tongue tip. It continues through the throat, chest and navel. Collect the energy (chi) at your navel, when the chi is full in the navel (cauldron) it will overflow to the sex center and rejuvenate the sex organs, and complete the circuit at the Hui-Yin.

This technique will not be realized overnight.”

From pgs. 126-127. My edits are in parentheses.

Based on my experience, the most difficult part of SKF was getting my chi past my coccyx. It took me about 10 years to learn to do it. Chia apparently thinks it can be learned faster, I hope so, but just don’t know. I was very motivated, practiced pretty much every day and it still took me 10 years to “get over the hump” of moving my chi past my coccyx. In order to “grease the skids” for successful chi mobilization past the coccyx, I recommend spending the time it takes to become familiar with your microcosmic orbit (MO), it is the path that your chi will follow, make it a familiar path and your chi will find it a path of low resistance. Indeed, once one becomes familiar with one’s microcosmic orbit, one can move one’s chi past this point, and throughout one’s MO with little more than a flicker of the mind. Incredible but true. I believe that there is something akin to “muscle memory” in this process, but more appropriately considered as “nervous system memory”. For me, my nervous system seemed to have Alzheimer’s for 10 years. Now my nervous system has Ken Jennings-like memory for tapping into the pleasure center of my brain (having CCOs) via SKF. Phenomenologically, I believe CCOs are the conditioned response to SKF that 10 years of SKF training has wrought. But I digress.

For me, successful movement of chi past the coccyx was signaled by a feeling of mercurial warmth in the middle of my back. I knew exactly what it meant and made for a very happy day for me. Pulling it to the crown through the cranial pump was very natural and intuitive. 2-3 months after learning to move chi past my coccyx I was having CCOs.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hello, I find your Chi arguments on these sexual matters interesting. I practiced a little martial arts, and I have a experienced a little bit of moving the Chi. I find staying relaxed and not forcing anything makes things easier for me.

I would like more insight on breathing. My experience has been to inhale and try and get the Chi to move up the spine, and then exhale to get it to go back to the “center.” It forms a loop that I must complete with the tongue on the roof of my mouth. For some reason, I feel it actually helps, like my teachers said it should. Anyway, I have only used this to break boards, :rofl: !

Your ideas seem to be consistent to what I’ve been taught as well. Can you give me pointers on how to breathe to help me pull this sexual application of the Chi? I saw your straw analogy, but I want to know when to exhale and “hold” the Chi in place. I also want to know what it feels like when you successfully hold it for the next pull. I think it will make me a better martial artist too.


Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

Originally Posted by Maj.Wood
I find your Chi arguments on these sexual matters interesting.

Arguing is the last thing that I want to do. What I’m doing is reporting what is out there and my experience with it.

Originally Posted by Maj.Wood
My experience has been to inhale and try and get the Chi to move up the spine, and then exhale to get it to go back to the “center.”

I don’t understand what the “center” is.

Originally Posted by Maj.Wood
Your ideas seem to be consistent to what I’ve been taught as well.

The ideas expressed in this thread are not mine. Except where I state that I’m presenting my opinion or my belief…I’m trying to keep these to a minimum. Otherwise the ideas in this thread are Mantak Chia’s.

Originally Posted by Maj.Wood
I saw your straw analogy,

That is Chia’s analogy, note the quotation marks and the pages citation.

Originally Posted by Maj.Wood
but I want to know when to exhale and “hold” the Chi in place.

I think that the best service that I can offer you on this question is to recommend that you breathe normally. And, yes, you guessed it, read the book. I will tell you that IMO, Chia emphasizes breathing more than I have found is warranted for successful SKF practice. I surmise that others have experienced difficulties associated with their breathing when learning SKF. Or it may be that breathing provides a temporal framework within which to place instructions to students. I kind of suspect that the latter is the case. The most difficulty that I ever had with breathing when practicing SKF was simply remembering to do it while experiencing a CCO. It is a breathtaking experience.

Good luck to you with your seminal and other martial arts pursuits.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hi to all

Thanks to Xenolith for an amazing job of dealing with the range of questions on what at 1st appears to be a complex subject. (I`m happy to offer my support if wanted)

When you learn a new skill, people who know how pass on info and you apply it almost by rote as basic practice; eg with learning to drive, “mirror, signal, manoeuvre”. We all see what happens on the road when drivers go “manoeuvre/signal” with no mirror 1st; near or real accident.

Master Chia`s books all emphasise basic practice before, and as a requisite of, advanced practice; ie, if you try “some, or “a bit”, then you will hit the bumpers, often big time (as people are describing).

“The Multi-Orgasmic Man is, (in my opinion!) a good starting place as it simplifies whilst retaining the core of the practice (but it’s all important; don`t miss bits!). Many of the other writings of Master Chia can be overwhelming for a beginner.

This all appears complex, difficult and perhaps alien but at it’s core, it is profoundly simple ( the Tao Te Ching, the sacred book of Taoism is only 81 short verses; the Bible I have to hand is 1156 very densely typed pages!)

I could go on and on but really intend to support Xenolith so I`ll shut up. If anyone is interested, I`ll post the experience I base my opinions on. Move Qi; conserve essence and you might be pleased!




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