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Sexual Energy and Withholding Ejaculation

Thank you for all the useful info, most specifically THEORY. But am I missing the part here in HOW to exactly get this ki working or flow freely or make me stronger or something? You cited you medidate, or clamp your BC, but that’s not all right?

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

Yes well, you should check out the book on ki in daily life, but I will attempt to give you a brief overview.

First, you must stop seeing yourself as separate from the world around you. In the “west” we tend to think that way. It’s a christian thing. If you think this way, you will hamper your ability to take in ki. You must realize you are a part of the whole. One-ness is the key here. If you wish to stand on one foot balanced ,you do not think “left,right,back,forward,left…”. You only attain balance by being one. There is no right, no left. You are one. This is the same.

Ki meditation is helpful, but other things are more beneficial first.

You must have proper posture. Stand erect with the chest out the head/neck in line with the centerline of the body. Do not throw the shoulders back. Be relaxed. Look forward, eyes up like an eagle not downward like a wipped dog.This is important. Never slouch. It hampers the flow of ki.

Breathing is the biggest thing. In the “west” we breath shallow breaths with our chests rising and falling. This is wrong. We do this because we think it makes us look slimmer. If you do not breath in deeply you will not draw in ki properly.
The proper way to breath is, like any meditation book will tell you, to breath deeply, through the nose, allowing the stomach to expand as the diaphragm draws air into you lungs. Fill them completely. Hold the breath for a few seconds- don’t force it, just give your lungs time to extract the oxygen. Then exhale fully, allowing the stomach to “hollow” as the diaphragm pushes the air back out. Hold again, then inhale and so on. Your breathing should be steady and relaxed, not rushed and tense.

When I’m sitting watching the TV or on the computer, my girlfriend checks to see if I’m asleep because of my breathing. My blood pressure is perfect and my heart rate is between 60 to 65 at all times. I don’t gulp ragged harsh breaths during hard exercise and I can lower my heart rate from exercise to normal in a matter of beats.

This breathing will create a good intake and flow of ki.

You should try to be at piece with your mind. If you are full of negative, stressful thoughts, this will stifle the flow of ki. Remember, you are going to die, anything short of that is not that big a deal. Things may get bad but they will also get better. It is the cycle of life- like the in and yo (yin and yang) of the Tao symbol. It’s not personal. remember bad things do not happen to YOU. Bad things simply happen.

You should learn to shut up the inner voice. Have a still mind. What the Japanese call Mushin or mind-no-mind. For this read “the unfettered mind”. If the mind rambles on, it does three bad things to you:

Most often, when the mind is not controlled, it will dwell on bad things and fill you with negativity. This stifles your ki and stagnates the ki you have stored. It also draws negative things to your life.It keeps you from being at peace with yourself.

Also, while your mind is trapped in it’s own ramblings it is impossible for you to experience the now. So that you loose your present, your life essentially, to your ramblings. Remember that what you are doting on has happened in the past, even if it just happened. It is not current and if you trap your mind in it you will miss what is happening forcing you to ramble on what you missed and creating a big cycle of missed life.

Finally, if you trap your mind in something, your thoughts or anything else, it is impossible for you to promptly react to what is happening. For instance, if I was in combat with swords, if I focus my mind on my opponent’s sword- trapping it there- I will try to parry it and it will no longer be there for my mind is trapped where it was. This is called the secret of two hands clapping. When the hands come together, there is not the delay of even a second, the sound is there. The mind must be still- unfettered- if it is to achieve this.

Right action is important. Having a code of ethics you follow helps create order in your mind/soul this creates inner peace and limits negativity.

As I said in a previous post, you must use your ki if you wish to gain ki. Look back in this thread for that. No use making this book bigger than needed.

Organize yourself and your surroundings. If your home, office, or personal effects are in chaos you will not have piece of mind. This is a good starter for now. I’ve got a martial arts class to teach in an hour and a half so I’ve got to roll.

If you are interested in ki meditation, let me know and I will give you a brief post on it.

Also as I said before Iaijutsu is a good ki fix. It’s like moving meditation. Tai Chi Chuan and Tai Chi Jian are also like this.

Last edited by devilknight666 : 05-09-2007 at .

Devilknight, I understand most of the things that you say, but I disagree with one.

There is no fucking point in trying to learn martial arts by watching DVD’s. I am a practitioner of ninjutsu for some 5 years now, and just to say to all people who are interested in martial arts: go out, find a dojo, a fight system that you like, and start training.

Otherwise don’t expect to get some ability by following what a guy does on TV.

Why? Don’t you follow the teacher in the dojo, to learn? :) What’s the difference?
It’s the intent that makes you learn. There are no limits: you can learn from TV too, if you want.

What if there are no dojos avaible nearby? Or one that I want?

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by Nick666
As described by the Taoist books.

I was able to totally control my ejaculation, orgasms, I had orgasms that lasted up to a couple of minutes (without ejaculation of course) . I felt the orgasms mostly in my stomach area, I remember one time I felt in my forehead.

In that thread I said that I was able to do that while I was sleeping, but I wasn’t totally asleep, it was some sort of state of “in between being awake and being asleep” and it happened during mornings . I only managed to do this a couple of times, each time it lasted a month(almost every morning) -until I blew my load.

I read a taoist book, but there is no mention of “multi” orgasms in it. But the same author has a more recent book that’s called “the multi orgasmic man”. I suspect he chose that word to make the topic more appealing.

The type of orgasms you mention are indeed exceptional. I haven’t experienced those kind of things yet.

But one thing catches my attention: you were able to control your ejaculation- why are you not now? (I understand sex here?)

And PS: If you live these kind of great experiences when you withold ejaculation, what are you waiting for? You should do the same as soon as possible. I’ve read somewhere that sexual energy is essential for “astral travels”. Don’t know if you know the topic, or if you’re interested, but you mentioned dreams, and there’s a connection there: the possibility of dream control.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Last edited by kaan : 05-10-2007 at .


Wow, you’ve certainly put some great info here. Thanks for your effort- your posts are definitely inspiring.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by Chicken
Devilknight, I understand most of the things that you say, but I disagree with one.

There is no fucking point in trying to learn martial arts by watching DVD’s. I am a practitioner of ninjutsu for some 5 years now, and just to say to all people who are interested in martial arts: go out, find a dojo, a fight system that you like, and start training.

Otherwise don’t expect to get some ability by following what a guy does on TV.

Many people can not learn without a teacher, but as Musashi himself said, people who have desire, drive, dedication, and the urge for perfection in an art can learn without a teacher.

As Kaan said, you learn in a Dojo from watching the teacher. Yes he is there to correct your flaws. This means that if you wish to learn and have no teacher you must be more dedicated, more of a perfectionist, and do plenty of research. That’s why you read books on it and study as many sources as possible.

It can be done. I train a class in the Kunst Des Fechtens presently and I have taught Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu before. If I made you a video explaining the katana techniques(yes there would be a number of videos to take you from nothing to advanced) there is no reason you could not watch it over and over again, train and study obsessively with brutal self criticism, and learn it.

Of course to refine your art you would need to eventually work to “spar” and drill with others. But I will not allow a person to “spar” at all until they have drilled the techniques into the ground. Sparring too soon creates and enforces bad habits. And I would never recommend a shinai for anything other than kendo.

Remember, Musashi, perhaps Japan’s greatest swordsman, never had a teacher. He watched others and taught himself. If one man can do a thing so can another.

You have to remember that ninjutsu is not only a sword art. It involves grappling and other techniques that you have to at least have a partner to even drill, just like jujutsu. Very few kenjutsu techniques do much work in the bind, unlike the longsword techniques in the kunst des fechtens, and most of the techniques, especially basic ones, can be done in solo katas and wazas. Iaijutsu is especially this way. In fact, you can’t safely perform iai techniques with full intent at full speed with a partner.

It takes a few things to accomplish anything. It takes the belief that it can be done. It takes the belief that you can do it. It takes the desire to do it. If you have these things , you will have dedication . Then you can do anything.

Once upon a time men said it was impossible to fly, just as you say it is impossible to learn these swords arts without a sensei. Orval and Wilbur Wright believed it could be done. They believed that they could do it. They really wanted to fly. Today, because they didn’t listen to the nay sayers, we can fly all over the world and even leave the planet.

You say he can not learn this without a teacher. I say to you: Musashi did . I say if one man did it another can, if he truly desires it. It’s not always easy to find a sword teacher. And I, for one, have seen accredited Aikido teachers teaching the sword incorrectly. I’ve seen these teachers, just for instance blocking with the edge- that’s a no-no big time. And ,if Kaan does the research I recommend he would learn that himself. Then he would know better than an accredited teacher.

It is well known that a lot of bogus martial arts instruction is going on. Is it not possible that you could disuade Kaan from learning on his own and he were to be lucky enough to find a sensei that claimed to be knowledgeable…but was a quack. But because he was an official teacher, Kaan would swallow his wrong teachings hook line and sinker. In such a case would he not be better off with his own search if he had dedication and a pure heart?

I tell you one thing, if a man tells me I can not do a thing I will do everything I can to do it. It’s a good thing Musashi never spoke to you when he was young, he’d have never written the five rings.

Last edited by devilknight666 : 05-10-2007 at .

One application of “ki breathing” specifically usable for PE would be to control your breathing during jelqing. If you exhale as you jelq out towards the tip, inhale, exhale as you jelq outward, and so on this aims your ki to help you.

When you breathe in you bring ki inward from outside to your center. When you exhale you push ki outwards. This is the reason for the kiai. In martial arts, when you strike , you breathe out as you strike for this reason. The kiai sends a forceful “blast” of ki out from your center and ,if you train properly, into your cut/strike/kick.

Same thing if you do it during a jelq.

By the way, Chicken, did you know that if you apprentice to a traditional craftsman in Japan he will not teach you. You do the labour and he actually tries to keep his craft secret from you. He tries to keep you from seeing his secrets.He makes you figure it out for yourself. I found that out from an article in “wooden boat” magazine. It was an article on the traditional “barrel” boats they make there.

Traditional crafts in Japan have survived so I guess it is do-able. You just have to want it bad enough.

Very good read devilknight666 I’m quite interested in chakra, ki all that I have done ninjutsu for a while
But I found it was mostly meditation and I am a bit impatient when it comes to stuff like that

Just a question is it possible to push someone with your ki? Without actually physically touching them? I saw this documentary on no touch ki attacks and knockouts but it seemed very sus so I’m not sure if it was
Just totally fake and most of the people participating got knocked out because they believed
In the masters power so much it caused themselves to fall unconscious

I also found an interesting book on qi gong , and it explains all about chakra points and some weird exercises in that one:) , this threads made me motivated to try some of them out, thanks

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Waiting in the queue for the 8 Inch Club

Originally Posted by kaan
I read a taoist book, but there is no mention of “multi” orgasms in it. But the same author has a more recent book that’s called “the multi orgasmic man”. I suspect he chose that word to make the topic more appealing.

The type of orgasms you mention are indeed exceptional. I haven’t experienced those kind of things yet.

But one thing catches my attention: you were able to control your ejaculation- why are you not now? (I understand sex here?)

And PS: If you live these kind of great experiences when you withold ejaculation, what are you waiting for? You should do the same as soon as possible. I’ve read somewhere that sexual energy is essential for “astral travels”. Don’t know if you know the topic, or if you’re interested, but you mentioned dreams, and there’s a connection there: the possibility of dream control.

Well… you see… it wasn’t exactly dreams…or maybe it was controlled dreaming as you say, but as I said I wasn’t 100% asleep, let`s say that I was 50% asleep, I remember that if I wanted to, I could wake up at will power, so I`m assuming I wasn’t 100% asleep. I compare this 50% asleep state with some sort of trance like meditative state.

The only time I experienced multi-orgasming while awake so to say, was about 4 years ago, during a jerk off session. I remember very well I felt orgasms that lasted minutes, in my stomach area and in my forehead. Back then I didn’t knew what the hell happened, only after reading some books I found out that I experienced multi-orgasms or how you wanna call it.

One time I tried to enter in that trance like state on my own, with the help of a hypnosis audio tape… the best thing I managed to do was to have an erection and that’s it… I got bored… I haven’t really ever tried to be multi-orgasmic while awake.

So now you`re gonna ask, why am I not able to do this thing every time I go to sleep or during every morning? Well… it seems that I am able to these things only after a period of abstinence. I tried several times in the last year to be abstinent but I started to have prostatitis symptoms, so I gave up…

And why can I do these things only after a long period of abstinence? I don’t really know… maybe because I am helped by my own body to do them, I mean, after a long period of abstinence my body wants to blow the load by having wet dreams, but somehow I tap into them and I control the wet dream. And probably a higher level of testosterone helps me.

I wonder if I haven’t done some damage to my stomach area with those orgasms, last-summer I had some nausea symptoms and my doc did an ultra-sound ecography and he found out that I have a twisted gall-bladder…

Kaan, if you tried to be multi-orgasmic and haven’t succeeded, you should try my method. Just be abstinent, wait for the wet dreams to come, probably the first times you will blow your load during these dreams, but maybe after a couple of times, by conscious control, you will control them. :)

Being successful about being multi orgasmic has different meanings for you and me. but not because we understand it different, but because we have different ,, tendancies.

I think you must have a tendancy for dreaming. I suggest you research astral travelling. There are many people doing it, there are many sites and forums everywhere (and books). You will find it satisfactory, if you’re a dreaming guy as I guessed. And as I’ve said, like normal sex, dreams also depend on sexual energy as far as I know: I’m talking unordinary dreams here. A vast area.

And you’re right:although I’m not ejaculating, I’m not exactly abstaining either. The “clamp the PC muscle” thing I’m doing has an effect. Sometimes I do more than 3 times a day.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Kaan, I suspect you never experienced an orgasm like that ? I`m just saying that IF you are on a quest of experiencing such orgasms, maybe you should try my way.

Originally Posted by mrmarshmallow
Very good read devilknight666 I’m quite interested in chakra, ki all that I have done ninjutsu for a while
But I found it was mostly meditation and I am a bit impatient when it comes to stuff like that

Just a question is it possible to push someone with your ki? Without actually physically touching them? I saw this documentary on no touch ki attacks and knockouts but it seemed very sus so I’m not sure if it was
Just totally fake and most of the people participating got knocked out because they believed
In the masters power so much it caused themselves to fall unconscious

I also found an interesting book on qi gong , and it explains all about chakra points and some weird exercises in that one:) , this threads made me motivated to try some of them out, thanks

I’d be leary of that, without seeing it first hand.

It is possible to project your ki and move small items. To learn to focus ki , I concentrated on moving a small pendulum. I can make it swing back and forth, side to side, in a spiral both ways, stop, and start again.

It has been said that there were masters with such a strong ki that they could knock birds out of the air with their kiai ( kiai is the ki shout, the masters thus mentioned supposedly made the birds “skip a beat” with their shout and fall). I truly believe this is possible. We only use 7 or 11%, I can’t remember which, of the brain. The rest has to have some use!

Learning to focus ki, even as much as I can , takes a long time and absolute dedication. Even with moderate training you can do some amazing things. The book ” Ki in Daily Life” has exercises you can do using ki to see it’s effects for yourself. I have tried most of them. They work and they will astound you. If you remember in an earlier post, I had said I use my ki, instead of straining muscle , when I arm wrestle.

Ki is used in physical strikes. I really see no reason why it could not be used by itself. Anyone who has done ki training for martial arts or has done rune work knows that energy flows where thought goes. What are the limitations? Who really knows?

The thing about ki training , actually any kind of learning and development, is that you should continue to develop , train, and become until you die.

There are yoga masters that have done some amazing , documented, things with their ki, although they call it by a different name.

Sitting meditation is not the only way to develop ki. Iaijutsu is a perfect moving meditation, however, you must learn mushin (mind-no-mind). You can not abide meditation because you fail to develop a still mind. Meditation is far more than sitting quietly. You need to reach further. Study zen. If you study the Japanese sword you will really benefit from a study of zen.Read ” the unfettered mind”. Even though iaijutsu is not sitting still, you must develop mushin if you wish to progress far.

How can you learn to focus ki if your mind is not still and free?

Learn mushin and you will gain the key to controlling your mind, body, and ki.

Have dedication and learn patience.


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