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Sexual Energy and Withholding Ejaculation


EDIT: This thread was created from posts removed from another thread.

I feel the need to add a few words ,here. The whole need to ejaculate varies from person to person.

If sexual energy is bottled up it becomes stagnant energy, which is not healthy. Just like any ki ,sexual energy must flow through you freely and naturally. Every one is different. Some people do not need sex but once a week. In my own case, if I do not get relief at least once a day I have very bad effects( often, on days when the lil woman and I have free time, I may come 6-7 times a day and I’m exceptionally healthy, full of energy, heal like a lizard, and I never get sick.). I get extremely aggressive, agitated, unable to keep my mind focused on what I’m doing, and my body starts putting out “musk” like it’s trying to attract every woman in the county. This would not be bad except that the musky sweat is …stronger chemically I guess you’d say, and it “burns” me.

I honestly could not go for more than two days without relief. For me it would be unhealthy to try to go without. For others, the needs may differ. You really can’t make blanket claims on libido issues.

Tantric methods of using ki are fine and dandy. I practice a similar thing during intercourse. It keeps me going and when I do release it’s un-fricking-believable. There does need to be balance , though. Ki must be encouraged/allowed to flow freely through you. Blocking it up is unhealthy.

Also ,if you wish to have a stronger ki, you must use your ki. It’s like building muscle. You push yourself, then the body adapts to give you more muscle. It works the same for ki. You don’t own ki, you may store a bit of it for a time, but you basically take it and give it back, constantly. We’re kind of like an electric appliance with a back up battery. What you store is there in case you should need a lot all of a sudden, like when punching through boards. The ki constantly flows through you, powering all the processes of living , and what you store should be “exchanged” often so it does not stagnate.

As far as nutritionally draining the body, if you get proper nutrition this is not a problem. What you get from food also passes in and out of you constantly if you are healthy.

I’ve found, that for me, being sexually active enough , which means everyday for me, only helps the body. It keeps me happy, healthy, and I’ve had good gains.

Cumming after PE has never given me a problem. It’s just over complicating the issue. PE wisely, have a good mindset, eat nutritionally- get your protein modern society tends to overlook that, strengthen your ki and let it flow naturally. Aim for over all health and your PE will go well. That’s the key to all of life.

Interesting. Your situation sounded very exceptional to me.
Actually you’re right about the need to flow. What I emphasize was if you ejaculate, it’s not a flow. It’s a drainage of the physical body.

The flow of sexual energy happens at a path called the “microcosbic orbit” (by the taoists). Which is: through balls, to the backbone, top of the head, (tongue touches the palate here), and the front side of the body, and back to testicles. The “ki” accumulates at the navel area, this way.

Making generalizations is of course dangerous, and I’m certainly no expert on these issues. So I can’t be sure. But what I know must be strongly true for nearly everybody: ejaculation has a draining effect.

Maybe you have the capability to use the microcosbic orbit somehow during sex with your partner, that way you can transfer energy to your body? I don’t know. But cuming 6-7 times definitely sounds dangerous to me, I must say.

You say ki should be used and strengthened. How exactly are you doing that?

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

First, ki enters the body through the chakra at the top of the head and through the breath, which is why breathing properly is so important. As a martial artist , I always breathe properly, not only when I meditate or train. Proper posture is also important. It enters the body, and while some of it is stored for a time, it exits the body. If you expend ki during ejaculation, you also should gain ki to replace it from the ki of the universe. Just as if you use food energy during activity , you replenish it by eating. It doesn’t go away forever.

Nature abhors a vacuum. If ki exits, and you have no blockages, new ki will flow in to replace it. It is in this way that “fresh” ki is constantly flowing through the body. If new ki does not enter as old ki leaves, then you have a blockage which you need to fix.

That ki which is stored is the “extra” ki. You are not using it just to maintain life. If you wish to strengthen your ki ,you must use more than the extra. You must expend a little of the unstored ki for “non-essential” purposes. If you have no blockages, new ki will replace it and your body will gradually become able to handle and store more ki. If you do not do this then your ki will not grow stronger. Great masters with a powerful ki were not born differently than anyone else . They trained and strengthened their body and ki.

The human body is much like an electric motor. Energy flows through it , in then back out, and powers the motor/ body. A motor is limited as to how much energy it can handle because it cannot become more than it is. The body can. A motor burns out because , after a while, it has handled as much as it can handle and a part fails. Death for humans is like this. The weakest part goes.By strengthening your ki you can even postpone the time when your body “burns out” because you make it more able to handle ki.

How do you do this? Take off a layer of clothes. The body uses ki to keep itself warm. I walk barefoot in the snow wearing only my jeans. I never keep it as warm in my house as everyone else and I wear just a jean vest with no shirt in 35 and 40 degree weather. I ride my motorcycle in weather so cold the breath freezes in my mustache. This forces my body to handle more ki.

Lift more than you physically can. If you learn to focus and use your ki, you can use the ki to take the body beyond it’s limits. This will strengthen your ki, but you must learn to focus and use your ki.If you just depend on the physical body, not only will it take you twice as long to gain ki this way but, you may hurt yourself.

Also, there are exercises. Check out the book:”Ki in everyday life”. I believe that’s what it’s called.

I’m a big guy, but I still freak people out because I am far stronger than I look. This is because I use ki instead of straining muscles. When I arm wrestle, I don’t strain and quiver, I relax totally and use focused ki to defeat my opponent’s muscle. When I perform tamashagiri (test cutting) with my katana, I don’t use brute muscle, I am totally relaxed and use ki to power the cut. Ki is more powerful than muscle.

I have to be honest, back in my teens, before I had steady pussy, I used to jack off 4-5 times a day. At night I’d often ejaculate, and then jack off again right after -2 and three times a setting. I’m a little shy about that subject but I’ve always been horny as hell. I’ve also always been healthy as hell. Most people think I’m 5-10 years younger than I am and, at 37, I work so hard and with such speed at work that the 20 year olds tease me about being on coke (which I never would ) and I can do it all day, day after day. I can go days without sleep.

My gf thinks I have an unlimited supply of energy. I never get tired out. My muscles may hurt, I may get sleepy, but I’ve always got energy to keep going. There is a limitless supply of ki to use. You just have to tap into it and let it flow through you.

Ki, if you get it flowing, is like the magic drink of life. I’ve practiced kenjutsu and iaijutsu for 15 years now. Both of these arts, especially iaijutsu, are heavily dependent on ki. Musashi said you do not kill your opponent with your sword you do it with your ki.

If you are interested I could give you a number of sources to check. If you wish to work on ki with a martial art I’d recommend iaijutsu (with a blunt sword - called an iaito- unless you are a serious martial artist). Iai is all ki. The physical aspect of it is simple. In order to properly do it correctly you must develop and use ki.

My brain hurts.

Thanks for the long answer devilknight.
Yes, I have an interest in martial arts already. And really I like swords :)

I’d like to check those sources, yes.
What you’re saying is that if you challenge the limits of your body, and try to use the “ki”, your reserve will improve, provided that there are no blockages. And you emphasize the importance of breath.

All those make sense to me. Nowadays I was already thinking to begin something: body building, or karate, maybe kendo ? I have more energy than I used to, I can sit my ass on the chair for 24 hours in front of the screen. I’m getting really bored, I want to do something.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Well, I’ll tell you what, tonight I will compile a list of helpful materials and I’ll post them here tomorrow. By the way, just so you know:

A lot of folks get kendo and kenjutsu confused. Kendo is Japanese sport fencing and , although more like real swordsmanship than European sport fencing, is not a true martial art nor will it teach you how to really use a sword ( shinai create bad habits) or really develop ki.

Kenjutsu is the real sword art. In Japanese martial arts “jutsu” indicates a combat art while “do” indicates a sporting or health development art.

thus the Samurai practiced kenJUTSU and iaiJUTSU. People practice kenDO for fun and fitness and they practice iaiDO for fitness and ki development.

If you practice a “jutsu” you get practical ability and you develop the side (yet necessary) benefits of fitness, mental/spiritual development, and stronger ki faster. Practicing with true intent is important for results.

If you are dedicated you can learn these (Japanese sword) arts predominately from books and videos ( through kata and waza) before you ever train with another person. The kunst des fechtens (medieval German martial arts) aren’t that easy to develop to a high point without another person, in fact it’s quite impossible.

There are sources that are just for ki development and mental/spiritual training, which i will give first in the list tomorrow. There are sources more on the martial skills which I will list for you second.

I hope that it helps you on your path. If you can help just one person to be more fulfilled your life has not been wasted.

I’m early. Here’s a good list to get you started:

Ki , mental/spiritual development:

Ki in Daily Life—-by Koichi Tohei—-book

the Ki Process: Korean Secrets for cultivating Dynamic Energy——by Scott Shaw——book

the Unfettered Mind: Writings From a Zen Master to a Master Swordsman—-by Takuan Soho & William Scott Wilson —-book

the Martial Artist’s Book of Five Rings—-by Miyamoto Musashi & interpreted by Steve Kaufman —-book

Specifically kenjutsu and iaijutsu:

Iai: The Art of Drawing the Sword—-by Darrell Craig—-book

Flashing Steel: Mastering Eishin Ryu Swordsmanship—-by Shihan Shinabukuro & Leonard Pellman—-book

The following are DVD’s. I feel it is important to see the techniques performed to get proper form. Without proper form there can be no proper technique:

Kenjitsu volumes 1-4 —-from Bugei Trading Co.

Nami Ryu Iaijutsu——from Bugei Trading Co.

Nami Ryu Kenjutsu—-from Bugei Trading Co——-Their website has a lot of source material.

Samurai Sword Combat Techniques——by Grandmaster Shoto Tanamura —from Panther Products—-A real good beginner DVD

Read the first Darrell Craig’s book before you actually buy a sword (Paul Chen swords are pretty good for the money) . Besides you need a bokken first. And be careful. Follow the instruction. Most people hurt themselves during noto ( putting the sword away) because they slam it home. I never have so learn from the sources and you won’t get hurt. Leave your macho ego at the door and enter with a pure spirit and intent.

If I can be of service on this don’t hesitate to PM me. I’m always glad to help. This goes for anyone else interested in this.

Thanks again for the answers devilknight. I was busy making myself a punchbag -actually, a puch carpet :) (rolled)-

I appreciate your help. I’ll look for whatever I can find in the internet for the references you give. I’m sure there are pdfs somewhere.

Having swords is a bit of a problem here. Because they are not sold, and if you order from internet, they just won’t let it at the customs. But no worries, I’m sure I’ll find a sword in the future, if need be. I have a long metal stick (inside empty). I think it’ll do for starters.

I’ll PM you if I have something to ask, thanks.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

My sperm has weird powers

Haha, what a thread title I wrote.

I actually was multi-orgasmic at those times… damn I miss it.

Hey Nick, can you define what being “multi orgasmic” means? I really don’t have much idea about that.

I read your thread again, couldn’t get much clues.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

As described by the Taoist books.

I was able to totally control my ejaculation, orgasms, I had orgasms that lasted up to a couple of minutes (without ejaculation of course) . I felt the orgasms mostly in my stomach area, I remember one time I felt in my forehead.

In that thread I said that I was able to do that while I was sleeping, but I wasn’t totally asleep, it was some sort of state of “in between being awake and being asleep” and it happened during mornings . I only managed to do this a couple of times, each time it lasted a month(almost every morning) -until I blew my load.

Exceptional thread.

That’s funny, That keeps happening to threads I post on. Oh no! What’s wrong with me? Must be that radioactive spider bite!

I’m glad to be classified along with the exceptional, though. Hmmmm…they also call mentally disadvantaged kids exceptional. Maybe I’m not so glad, after all .

The thing about the Taoist ki “tricks” is that that kind of thing is an advanced usage. There are times when a little knowledge can be a bad thing. Before you try to focus ki or divert it or temporary block it to gain a result, you must have a healthy flow of ki.

The reason orgasm after restraint from orgasm left you weak is that your over all ki health was poor.

It’s like this: ki is like water. The water of life. Our bodies are like river beds. Ki, the water, flows through them like a river. The path this river takes after being drawn in is through the chakras. The top of the head chakra, to the third eye chakra, to the throat chakra, to the solar plexus chakra, to the one spot ( the chakra about 2” below your navel) ,to the genitals chakra ,to the chakra that is between your feet (if you stand at attention) , then back to the top of the head chakra.

This could be viewed as the river of ki. A river often supplies streams. In the human body these streams of ki are called meridians ( in the earth they are called ley lines, yes ki flows through the earth as well, it flows through all things). These meridians flow through all parts of the body sending ki to all parts.

If this ki flows powerfully and freely through the “river” and the “streams” you will be healthy and strong.

The one spot acts as a battery for ki. It stores the “extra” ki that you do not need simply to exist. After you have a healthy ki , you can strengthen the one point and store more ki for your use.

If there is a blockage in ki, say along a meridian, you will be unhealthy or weak in the area controlled by that meridian. Acupuncture and acupressure are used to restore the flow in blocked meridians. Power point strikes, some of which are called Dim Mak (death strikes), are used in martial arts to disrupt the flow of ki in the meridians causing disability or death.

Before you attempt to use ki you must work to make it flow through the body in an healthy manner. Temporary benefits of ki usage techniques gain you little and may even cause you problems if ki is not working properly in the body initially.

During foreplay I clamp my BC. As regards to ki, this dams up the river. I keep it this way during sex, then when I’m ready to cum , I release it. If I wish to continue to have sex ( thus maintain an erection) I clamp up again and block ki again til I am finished.

If we look at ki as a river, we see that water flows into a river from the source. If you dam the river, water pools up at the dam. It builds into a lake because it can not exit but it is still entering. Now if you remove the dam the pent up water releases in a powerful flood. Is the river depleted after the release? No, it returns to normal. This is because water is still flowing in. If the water flowing in was restricted during the dammed up period, however, the river would end up as a trickle after it was released from the dam. Ki works like this.

What I am doing during sex is like a clamping for ki. When you clamp you block the exiting blood flow from the penis while blood still flows in. Once released the blood returns to normal but the penis is able to ,gradually over time,increase the amount of blood it can contain.

See what I’m getting at? After sex, (and we have sex for hours) my muscles often feel sore as after a hard work out but I feel ALIVE! I’m full of energy. When we have sex during the day , I don’t lay there comatose and take a nap. We get up and do stuff. When we have sex at night, she goes to sleep and I’ll get up and read, watch TV, or work on something for a bit before I go to sleep. Each time I have sex I am stronger than the last.

I am stronger, more agile, faster,and have greater endurance now, at 37, than when I was 18. So far, it’s gotten better each year.

This is because my ki is flowing freely and I have worked to make it stronger.

I think the Taoist and Tantric methods of using sexual ki are great, but I am also positive that in order to benefit from them you must first have a healthy ki. There’s a saying in the chopper world: ” you can’t polish a turd”. This means that if you want to build a trick chopper, you have to have quality parts. Thus, if you want to learn advanced ki techniques you have to have a healthy ki to begin with.

It’s definately worth the effort. It’s worth the time. And it’s not just a benefit for PE, it’s a benefit for life.

I completely agree. Its an internal struggle for me to even go 1 day without ejaculation. If I don’t ejaculate one day, that next morning I am so horny, sometimes I just have to masturbate before I start the day. If I don’t I feel different but not in a good way. I guess its sexual frustration. I don’t really see how people go so long without ejaculating. I can get a full hard-on in less than 10 minutes after ejaculation. Maybe I just have a really high sex drive.


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