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Small lump on testicle

Small lump on testicle

I rub my pelotas a lot when I masturbate. Lately, I have felt this very small lump on my one testicle. It’s very small, probably no bigger than the size of a pimple. And that’s what it feels like. A pimple. I have checked the other testicle out and I can’t find something similar on it so I’m pretty sure this is confined to the one. It doesn’t hurt and I have absolutely NO pain or weird feelings coming from that region. Is this something that I should be rather concerned about? Hoping that someone has had something similar and can shed some light…Thanks!

This is internal, right? Not on the surface of the skin?

If so I’d let a doctor evaluate it. Definitely. Not trying to to freak you out or anything, just saying that when it comes to your pelotas, you need to be certain what’s going on.

I had a lump on one of testicles a while back and mine turned out to be an epididimal cyst (sp?). Mine was perfectly harmless but if I were you I would be sure to get it checked out because it could be something more serious

Originally Posted by UFGator
I rub my pelotas a lot when I masturbate. Lately, I have felt this very small lump on my one testicle. It’s very small, probably no bigger than the size of a pimple. And that’s what it feels like. A pimple. I have checked the other testicle out and I can’t find something similar on it so I’m pretty sure this is confined to the one. It doesn’t hurt and I have absolutely NO pain or weird feelings coming from that region. Is this something that I should be rather concerned about? Hoping that someone has had something similar and can shed some light…Thanks!

I have something that sounds like it’s the same thing. I saw a urologist and they did an ultrasound. It wasn’t anything major and he said to keep an eye on it and come back if it gets bigger or starts to hurt.

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Originally Posted by moha7
I had a lump on one of testicles a while back and mine turned out to be an epididimal cyst (sp?). Mine was perfectly harmless but if I were you I would be sure to get it checked out because it could be something more serious

I had the same thing, but it still freaked me out. Go see a doctor and get some peace of mind.

I’ve been checking it on a daily basis. It feels smaller the past few days but definitely still there. And like I said, no pain involved in it whatsoever. I think I am going to keep a watchful eye on it and attempt to get to the doctor sometime soon. I googled it a few days ago and multiple links lead me to discussions about testicular cancer. That’s somewhat scary…

The possibility of it being cancer is very scary but there are also many harmless things it could be. If you go to the doc they’ll do an ultrasound and a few other simple test to figure out what’s going on. It’s a scary thing to go thru but you’ll feel much better after seeing a doctor and knowing for sure what’s going on. See a doc as soon as possible and get it overwith that’s my advice

Originally Posted by moha7
The possibility of it being cancer is very scary but there are also many harmless things it could be. If you go to the doc they’ll do an ultrasound and a few other simple test to figure out what’s going on. It’s a scary thing to go thru but you’ll feel much better after seeing a doctor and knowing for sure what’s going on. See a doc as soon as possible and get it overwith that’s my advice

I second this. I read that testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in young men. I highly doubt it is anything serious, but you definitely need to go check pronto.

I went to a pretty good urologist in Miami and if you live in Florida or are interested, I can give you his name and number.

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