Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Testicle Massages.


Testicle Massages.

From the book “Sexual Reflexology” that I wanted to share with all of you.

Rolling testicle massage:
Rub your palms together till warm, then place the tips of all four fingers underneath the testicles, with thumbs on top, and massage the testicles firmly by rolling them around between fingertips and thumbs. Roll the testicles about 36 times in each direction. Perform a few PC muscle contractions, and finish with deep abdominal breathing.
This exercise increases the production of testosterone, sperm, and seminal fluids and elevates male sexual energy in a powerful yet balanced way.
The testicles are the most important part of the reproductive organs because they hold the key to developing testosterone and sperm. If you neglect them, then you will not be able to perform sexually as you desire. The increased production of testosterone that results from testicle massage in turn raises your drive for sex. These exercises also promote better blood circulation to your testicles, increasing sperm count and ejaculation volume.
The testicles are vital organs in the body, and without them we would be an extinct species. Keeping them in shape will not only give you harder erections, more sex drive, and greater amounts of semen but will also give your a healthier sperm count and a better chance for conception when you try to have children. The key to proper testicle function and health is better blood circulation to your testicles.

Testicle Circulation Massage:
Massage between your testicles with a pumping motion, using your thumb and fingers. Massage at the base, pulling it down and fingers. Do this for about three minutes. Take your hands with your fingers spread apart and grip your testicles at the root and lightly pull them down, bring them back up, then pull them down again, over and over for about three minutes. Lightly apply pressure to your testicles, massaging them while doing so. Massage all around them, working your way around both of the testicles. Continue to repeat all of these steps over and over again. This massaging routine should be done for at least 10 minutes a day, preferably in the morning or before bedtime.
Three times a week you should stretch out your testicle skin really well, feeling a good stretch as you pull the skin down. Grasp around the base of your testicles with your thumb and the forefinger and squeeze until your testicles are tight together on top of your thumb and forefinger. Take the other hand and apply a small amount of pressure on top of the testicles and massage them in a circular motion. While you are doing this, pull down lightly with the hand grasping the base of your testicles. Do this for about three to five minutes without stopping.
After these massaging exercises, your testicles should be stretched out and appear hanging lower than normal. They should also appear to be larger. This is due to the increased blood circulated into your testicles from performing these exercises. You should do these massaging and stretching techniques at least three to four times a week, but daily exercise can be performed for absolute optimal testicle health and fertility. The heat generated will increase the blood flow as well as allowing the essence to be absorbed back into your body more quickly.

Tapping the Dragon Pearls (for men):
By tapping on the testicle one can directly stimulate the kidney energy of the body. Remember, the kidneys govern the sexual energy. Tapping the testicles stimulates hormonal productions through the entire endocrine system.
Stand in a wide stance or sit on the edge of a chair. Rub your palms together until warm, then use on hand to grasp the penis and pull it upward. The fingertips of the other hand gently tap the testicles so that they bounce up and down. Do not tap so hard that it is painful, but hard enough to feel it all over the lower abdomen. Do about 36 taps with each hand. After tapping, contract and relax the PC muscles. Follow this with some deep breathing.

My BS meter is pegged.

I see no problem with the information given. It sounds completely plausable. Westla, maybe there was a time that you doubted the first time you heard that rubbing, squeezing and stretching your dick could increase the size of it vastly. Why be so quick to judge what has been stated in this thread? It isn’t much of a stretch in the imagination, when you are a member of a club dedicated to exercising the penis.

Massage increases blood flow and therfore health. Why would it be hard to believe that it makes the testicles healthier and therfore more productive? The kidneys are well documented in eastern medicine for being linked to sexual energy and vitality. Infact the penis is interconnected with the health of the whole torso. I was having heart palpitation, and bowel problems until I read an eastern study, showing that prolongued and exclusive stimulation of the head of the penis alone, could cause overstimulation of the heart and lack of balance in the lower abdomon due to lack of stimulation. It suggested stimulating the entire penis inorder to balance the health of the organs and create a harmony. So I stopped just stimulating the top third of my penis from then on and stimulated my whole shaft. Within 3-4 days, my heart and bowel problems had gone after months and months of problems. The penis is interconnected to the rest of the torso, perhaps entire body. I am not sure how, but it is probably through nerve cells. The testicles are likely to be connected to some area of the body through nerve connections or other such means aswel therfore.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Re: Testicle Massages.

Flip -

BS = bullshit, unbelievable statements.

Pegging the meter - the needle on the meter sensing bullshit is in its highest position on the dial.

Rolling testicle massage… This exercise increases the production of testosterone, sperm, and seminal fluids and elevates male sexual energy in a powerful yet balanced way.

I want to see the testosterone levels in a study where 25 men massaged and 25 men didn’t. Simple massage, 36 times in each direction, may slightly increase blood flow to the scrotal skin, but I very much doubt is has any effect on the testicles. Additionally, testosterone production is a hormone regulated event, not something you can change by rubbing your balls. If that were true, guys in tight pants would all be very horny (and bald according to EZ Rider - :) )

Tapping the Dragon Pearls (for men)… By tapping on the testicle one can directly stimulate the kidney energy of the body. Remember, the kidneys govern the sexual energy. Tapping the testicles stimulates hormonal productions through the entire endocrine system.

The kidneys filter the blood of impurities, produce urine and have a function in regulating blood pressure. Mystical connections with other body systems is part of eastern religious dogma, much like feng shui and the placement of furniture in a room or rooms in a house, it works well if you have faith. I’m afraid I’m deeply rooted in Western medicine and don’t give much credence to other philosophies.

Westla penis enlargment exercises are not studied and documented by western medical practises. Yet you believe in them? So you give credence to a philoshy which contradicts many scientific western understandings. You stand in contradiction to yourself. I don’t want to cause an argument, but I think it is unfair to label this stuff BS and expect studies to prove it, when you decided exercising your dick with no scientificly recognised studies to back it up, was a good idea.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Point taken.

This is why it’s called a forum. Everyone can have their opinions and express them.

Since I have a professional interest in human anatomy and physiology I tend to point out ideas or theories that fly in the face of what is known and well documented (such as the hormonal control of testosterone). If someone wants to believe otherwise, he’s welcome to do so as long as he doesn’t advocate that others do something that might be harmful.

That said, nothing in the testicle massage post would qualify as harmful. But in my opinion, based on known physiologic principles, those exercises do not do what they claim.

I actually don’t know the validity of these testicle massages at all. That was another reason I posted it, to see whether I shall do some. Although I wouldn’t want my testicles to grow larger.

I just want to add that this book very naturally talks about stretching and jelqing. It also incorporates stciking out the tounge while jelqing.

Gottagrow is right about his comments. I also read in this book that the stimulation of the penis mostly near the head will create imbalance on the body, and recommends one to stimulate more evenly on the shaft and head.

There is one interesting subject that I haven’t heard before that is mentioned in this book. It is vaginal weight lifting and egg exercises(this egg is not a regular egg), and of course these are for woman.

I have to tell that what is mentioned in this book in some regards is very diverse, and I really don’t see any reason to say that they are bullshit, or hormone production or the studies on it should be only trusted from the Western practices.

I have searched for a long time on the websites and tried to find an answer whether penis enlargement was possible. All the medical doctors said was that it is only possible with surgery, because they want to earn money.

Let me just give the link mentioned in this book.

In the spirit of the season, sung to Deck The Halls:

Grab your balls and get your jollies,

Fa la la la la, la la la la

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Remember Tom Green and that song he wrote that went soemthing like this : “Rub your balls, tickle your balls…cause you might get cancer!”

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Originally posted by Gottagrow
…penis enlargment exercises are not studied and documented by western medical practises. Yet you believe in them? So you give credence to a philoshy which contradicts many scientific western understandings. You stand in contradiction to yourself. I don't want to cause an argument, but I think it is unfair to label this stuff BS and expect studies to prove it, when you decided exercising your dick with no scientificly recognised studies to back it up, was a good idea.

I had a chance to think about this over lunch and decided to make another comment..

Even though penis enlargement exercises have not undergone a university study, the principles of how PE works have. It’s not a matter of me believing in PE exercises. I know they work because I understand the physiology of micro-tears and repairs and added cellular growth under tension or pressure. Measurable things. Logical things.

The same cannot be said for sexual reflexology. Tapping the testicles, which in turn “stimulate[s] the kidney energy”, which “stimulates hormonal productions through the entire endocrine system” makes no sense whatsoever when one understands human anatomy and physiology. This is a system of beliefs that requires faith rather than measurable proof that it works. I just can’t buy into that.

The analogy for PE is this…

Measurable: Your dick will grow if you put enough traction on the ligaments to stretch them or if you put enough pressure on the tunica to cause new cells to grow to accommodate the increased pressure.

Reflexology: Your sperm count, ejaculate volume and desire for sex will all increase if you tap on your balls 36 times because doing so promotes hormonal production through the entire endocrine system and stimulates your kidneys which control sexual energy.

It’s not hard to believe that increasing circulation in your testicles (which is what these exercises do) will improve the function of your testicles. Decreased circulation or below normal circulation will lead to decreased function. Conversely, an increase in circulation will lead to an increase in function.

Not that hard of a concept to grasp here….

The “kidney energy” and the like may be suspect, but aside from that these do work.


I don’t know if you were a member of the old PE and the ones at the EZboards, but countless guys did these and reported bigger ejaculation volume, number of spurts, etc.

Jelqing isn’t backed by scientific research but it works too…

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Kidney stimulation

Kidney stimulation……yeah. Now when people look at me grabbing my nuts, I can just say I’m stimulating my kidneys. I LIKE THAT IDEA! Now if I could just get everyone to stimulate my kidneys, the world would be a happier place……

Westla, accupuncture has been proven to work and that is why it is offered to many patients on the national health service in britain and other countries. Accupuncture specialists specifically state that the health of parts of the body can be controlled and enhanced by stimulating accupuncture points in the body, which follow path ways and pass through meridians, interlinking places in the body with other locations, in an extensive network. To treat most parts of the body, the stimulation must be applied in places which are often far away from the place being treated, as the pathways and meridians linked to certain body parts’ health and energy are very often far away but none the less, very connected. This would explain the relation between the kidneys and the testicles. Accupuncture has been scientifcally proven to work, yet it has not been scientifically explained, as it deals with things that the western scientific world are ignorant in.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

blood circulation=chi circulation

Not to argue about it, but testicular massage does provide benefits, and where blood flow increases, the chi follows. I’m not going to get into a deep dialog about chi, most of you probably haven’t heard of it or don’t believe in it, doesn’t matter. In Chinese chi kung, chi is circulated using muscular tension, massage, breathing techniques, and visualization. Yes, it certainly helps to believe in it, in fact you have to believe it when starting before seeing any results. Chi is real, learning to recognize and circulate it has benefits for the local area being stimulated and the body in general. Does a martial artist break bricks or boards without a strong belief in the power gathered in the hand that does it? No amount of toughening, hitting bags or iron palm training will enable someone to break a brick without breaking the hand, unless chi is trained and concentrated in the hand.

Think what you want, but pressing the bullshit button because of non-belief in Eastern medical theory, or just an inflexible mindset, is closed minded and somewhat rude, when the poster was just relaying information he felt could be useful to those willing to try it.

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