Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Testicle Massages.


Originally Posted by westla90069
Even though penis enlargement exercises have not undergone a university study, the principles of how PE works have. It’s not a matter of me believing in PE exercises. I know they work because I understand the physiology of micro-tears and repairs and added cellular growth under tension or pressure. Measurable things. Logical things.

More importantly perhaps, we know PE works becuase all of us in this forum have done the “experiments”. On another board, I linked to Thunders, and mentioned PE. I was informed that it was not scientifically possible. So I said, “but I’ve got a bigger dick!”. But it did not wash. People think that science is reading journals containing “experts” opinions. It is not. Science is based on experimental data. The people on the other board were not only ready to refute my data, they were also not willing to generate their own data, because they believe doctors when they say it’s impossible. So why try?

So I am going to get my wife to try these testicle exercises on me, just in case they’re just crazy enough to work.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

As a martial artist, I’m interested in chi whether it is actually real. I can’t say.
I do believe in god, so if he is real than other mystical phenomenon must exist as well.

I’m willing to try anything that can provide a positive benefit to myself.

Similar to marky777, I think it’s good to keep an open mind about things. In order to explore the boundaries, you have to be prepared to give it a try, especially if there is a good reward if it works. Like a bigger unit. For me I know PE works, I don’t know how, I don’t know if it really is the micro tears or not. I don’t think it’s important to intellectualise it, just recognise that it works and do it. But then, I’m not an overly scientific guy. I do prefer to watch a science doco, compared to a religious doco tho. Maybe I lie somewhere in the middle.

It can’t hurt to try these things. Writing things off because the data isn’t there yet to prove it could be a mistake. I’m definately glad I tried PE. If I were sick and Western medicine wasn’t helping me, I’d try the Eastern stuff in a heartbeat.

Originally Posted by man-of-10
To maximise testosterone you should only ejaculate once a week at the same time each week. In addition you should have lots of sex without ejaculating

Where did you get this information from?
I’m just curious.

Believe it and Achieve it.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069
My BS meter is pegged.

What’s a BS meter?

Edit: nevermind, I’ve just read it. It stands for Bullshit.

Originally Posted by WestLA-90069

I want to see the testosterone levels in a study where 25 men massaged and 25 men didn’t. Simple massage, 36 times in each direction, may slightly increase blood flow to the scrotal skin, but I very much doubt is has any effect on the testicles.

Have you read any study with 25 men doing jelq and other 25 not doing any PE at all?

I don’t think so.

And I think you jelq (or any other form of PE).

Western medicine says PE is all BS.

We here don’t.

Originally Posted by cheatah
I actually don’t know the validity of these testicle massages at all. That was another reason I posted it, to see whether I shall do some. Although I wouldn’t want my testicles to grow larger.

I just want to add that this book very naturally talks about stretching and jelqing. It also incorporates stciking out the tounge while jelqing.

Gottagrow is right about his comments. I also read in this book that the stimulation of the penis mostly near the head will create imbalance on the body, and recommends one to stimulate more evenly on the shaft and head.

There is one interesting subject that I haven’t heard before that is mentioned in this book. It is vaginal weight lifting and egg exercises(this egg is not a regular egg), and of course these are for woman.

I have to tell that what is mentioned in this book in some regards is very diverse, and I really don’t see any reason to say that they are bullshit, or hormone production or the studies on it should be only trusted from the Western practices.

I have searched for a long time on the websites and tried to find an answer whether penis enlargement was possible. All the medical doctors said was that it is only possible with surgery, because they want to earn money.

Let me just give the link mentioned in this book.

What book is that? I would like to read it.

Originally Posted by cheatah
It seems like there are very experienced people here that know about Taoist techniques.

I want to do some of these exercises to see whether it can have some effects. However the first exercise that says roll over the testicles 36 times… I have never known that testicles were disconnected from the skin and kind of float inside and we can roll over as much as we wish. Well I have seen porn movies that the girls take the testicles in their mouth and play with it,etc… I have also played with my balls….
However my concern is the testicles are connected finally to somewhere and the semens pass through that connection. Could it possible that we may endanger this connection by this roll over exercise?

If anybody know the anatomy of the testicles and how safe this might be, tell this board about their views, that would be very helpful. I would just like to diversify my hobby in paying attention to my manhood.
The other exercises sound like safer.

Yes, it is possible to damage the connection. I have seen a case and the dude had to take one ball off in surgery. But it is a very rare event that can happen doing daily things.


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