Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Testicle Massages.

Westla are you telling me that you think the power of the mind can cause the body to transform and shield off harm from smashing bricks with your hand, breaking iron bars over the head with speed etc?

Yes. Why is this any less believable than consciously being able to direct the flow of mystic energy?

Within 5 mins of me using Reiki my hands are very hot indeed and I won't have even tensed my arms or hands in any way what so ever.

Some people blush when embarrassed. They don’t do anything to make their face red, it occurs because their brain caused it to happen in response to a situation in which they felt uncomfortable. The brain can do many physical things. It might even be able to instruct pain sensors to shut off and tissues not to respond to injury. Obviously the martial arts masters believe they are directing energy to protect themselves, but isn’t it in the realm of possibilities that they have managed to control their brain instead?

Using chi on your penis for gains is probably not a good idea, as the results of doing so cannot be predetermined.

"Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them." from


>”Using chi on your penis for gains is probably not a good idea, as the results of doing so cannot be predetermined.”

“Because Reiki is guided by the God-consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them.” from<

Firstly, you have not understood my statement. I referred to chi, and you answer with a statement about Reiki. The two are completely different in their effects and aplications. Secondly, the statement you pasted from is not contradicting anything I have said about Reiki. I already stated that Reiki works for the best benefit, and the reason I choose not to use Reiki to aid PE is because it may well be true that I am somehow better off not growing a bigger dick and in which case, Reiki would stop it from growing. As I am insecure about my penis size, I would rather suffer with a big dick than have a small dick and have an easier time in other aspects of life. That is the irrational behavior of someone insecure about their dick.I am not able to see into the future to tell if having a bigger penis might effect my life for the worse. My destiny will change when I grow a bigger penis because my outlook on life will change and it could lead to anywhere. If I use Reiki it may well stop me growing bigger to stop any future suffering in life caused by my change in destiny from having a bigger penis than before. So I choose not to use Reiki for PE perposes. Unless I get a PE injury and then I will use it.

Westla your mind is set on not believing in anything that cannot be explained in scientific terms. If you lived in the time of 500AD you would have sniffed at the idea that the world was round, that we circled the Sun, that men could fly etc. Science would have proven you wrong. Today you believe only what science is capable of explaining in it’s severely limited understandings. Science doesn’t have all the answers. Infact it has the tiniest fraction of the answers. Give me a reason why I would want to continue talkingwith someone who won’t believe one word I speak? I don’t care if you believe or not. It makes no difference to me. You asked some questions, I gave you some answers. If you don’t want to listen to the answers then it is pointless you asking them.

Just so that you know, I don’t use Reiki for any other reason than it gets results. I am not someone who wants to believe anything. If it works and gets results I start to value it, if it doesn’t I have no value for it. But no, ofcourse it must all be in my head. Yes that’s it. I want it to be real so I make it real in my head. That is your theory. There are those who theorise and there are those who actually try it to see if it works. You will have to continue theorising and taking pot shots at what you guess to be the truth because you have no experience in the matter at hand. Basically your opinion lacks credit with no experience to make valid commentary. Good luck

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-20-2003 at .

I would like to give an example to the energy things. I have taken a tantra class 3 months ago. I believe that the human body and mind is so powerful to influence what may happen around in the world, and that is why I wanted to learn these things. I didn’t know about breathing techniques, awakening the chakras before….

In the class, everything was really very open minded. There was one guy who had difficulties from his ex-wife about intimacy, touching,etc… Apparently his marriage really killed off many senses in his life, and he was having problems to start new relationships. That is why he wanted to try tantra. For 3-4 weeks or so, he was so stiff in the class, and wasn’t participating in any of the exercises from his heart, and was making comments like “these things are joke, he doesn’t feel anything..”,etc…

After one month or so, some of the exercises we were doing in the class started opening him, and he said that for the first time in his life he felt something moving in him again, and he was participating from his heart…

At the end of the course, he thanked the instructor and all of us, and he said that he is much more open to hugging, loving, giving and receiving love(energy)…

One can reject these ideas and disregard that energy can be awakened in our body by believing in it and by doing certain exercises. But after a certain point, if you can be open minded, there is no boundary that stop us.

The important thing is to feel your presence of the body. In our daily life, we just don’t care what our body does, react, because everything is handled automatically. We breathe, but we don’t have to command our breathing, because it is controlled by the central nerve system(?, I hope this is true). The point of tantra and taoist studies is to realize the presence of ourselves.

This is really not a magic.

Yikes, we're getting in deep!

Again, if westla doesn’t want to hear about chi, there are many other threads, this was just interesting to some of us who have experienced it. There is a great book by a Chinese martial arts instructor named Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming that deals with chi circulation. The (long) title is
’ Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Chi Kung ‘. This is a pretty extensive and advanced explanation of exercises to develop chi and circulate it, but there is one section that describes exercises for the penis and testicles. These are meant to develop chi to circulate, but side benefits include increased sexual endurance, harder erections, and greater volume of ejaculate. One technique involves breathing in, then slowly exhaling while visualizing the chi from your breath descending down the front of your body and into your testicles. After doing this for a few minutes, you can feel a fullness and warmth in your testicles, and sometimes a buzzing or vibration there as well. Those who don’t want to believe in chi can experience it with a few simple exercises, but they wouldn’t give it a chance, so that would be their loss.

“The wise student hears of the Tao and practices it diligently.
The average student hears of the Tao and gives it thought now and again.
The foolish student hears of the Tao and laughs aloud.
If there were no laughter, the Tao would not be what it is.”

Tao te ching
by Lao Tsu

Re: Yikes, we're getting in deep!

Originally posted by Gottagrow
Firstly, you have not understood my statement. I referred to chi, and you answer with a statement about Reiki. The two are completely different in their effects and aplications.

My apologies. I understood Reiki to be the healing application of Chi. In my quick reading on the subject today I must have gotten confused.

I already stated that Reiki works for the best benefit, and the reason I choose not to use Reiki to aid PE is because it may well be true that I am somehow better off not growing a bigger dick and in which case, Reiki would stop it from growing.

This indicates a belief that you do not control your own destiny, i.e. karma. I believe in one life, good or bad, made that way by one’s own actions.

My destiny will change when I grow a bigger penis because my outlook on life will change and it could lead to anywhere.

Doesn’t this contradict your previous statement? If Reiki knows what’s good for you, why not let if do what’s best by applying it to your PE efforts?

Westla your mind is set on not believing in anything that cannot be explained in scientific terms.

True. I am not a “spiritual” person.

Give me a reason why I would want to continue talking with someone who won't believe one word I speak?

I cannot. Therefore I guess our discussion is finished.

If it works and gets results I start to value it, if it doesn't I have no value for it. But no, of course it must all be in my head. Yes that's it. I want it to be real so I make it real in my head. That is your theory.

No. I’m offering another explanation. I’m not saying that you delude yourself into believing something that is not real. I’m offering an explanation that is an alternative to the guiding of energy via breathing and hand movements. I’m asking if the things you experience couldn’t be caused by the unconscious brain rather than a pool of mystic energy.

…you have no experience in the matter at hand.


Basically your opinion lacks credit with no experience to make valid commentary.

Why? Why can’t I have and express an opinion based on my own life experiences and knowledge of how the body works? I might have different opinions if I had experience with Chi/Reiki, but not having any doesn’t make my opinions any less valid.

Originally posted by cheatah
There was one guy who had difficulties from his ex-wife about intimacy, touching,etc… Apparently his marriage really killed off many senses in his life, and he was having problems to start new relationships…. After one month or so, some of the exercises we were doing in the class started opening him, and he said that for the first time in his life he felt something moving in him again, and he was participating from his heart… At the end of the course, he thanked the instructor and all of us, and he said that he is much more open to hugging, loving, giving and receiving love(energy)

Could these classes and the group’s acceptance of the man and their desire to help him not be viewed as a form of psychotherapy that helped him overcome a difficult time in his life? Must it be attributed to the flow of mystic energy within him for it to have been beneficial?

Originally posted by dk75
Again, if westla doesn't want to hear about chi, there are many other threads, this was just interesting to some of us who have experienced it.

If some of the members here want to believe in tantric methods and want to apply them in their PE routines, it’s none of my business. I originally responded to the massage techniques quoted from the book based on my studies of human physiology. Gottagrow has dismissed me now, so I guess you can continue the thread as a discussion of the various massages as it was intended by cheatah and I’ll watch from the sidelines.

I am truly impressed by the in-depth discussions above and the moderate tone which has left me with a feeling of calm and a bit of understanding.

It is a subject I know little about, but just reading the text is almost soothing.

The process of PE while being a physical exercise is also enhanced by mind over matter. The power of the mind in these situations, is only limited by the one who is enduring the effort.

Think big, you will be rewarded.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Okay, but only one more

quoth westla, “If some of the members here want to believe in tantric methods and want to apply them in their PE routines, it’s none of my business.”

It’s not a question of ‘believing’ in tantric methods, they are proven to work by scientific method and simple observation. If the sources of information on the subject aren’t in the mainstream of western thought, there are some who will deny any possibility of the methods being valid. If someone isn’t even willing to try a simple exercise to prove or disprove chi to himself, perhaps their superior intellect would be better utilized in a ‘blind faith’ direction, such as religion. That stuff’s gotta work, because everybody believes it and it can’t be proved until you die. I prefer to deal with facts. I didn’t believe in chi kung or pe, but I’ve tried both and they both work. I just think that any exercise that leads chi and blood to the penis and testicles has to be beneficial in many ways.

Okay, let’s get back to making our dicks huge!!

Hate to bring up an old thread but..


I thought I would revive this thread, and try it out see what happens.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Interesting thread kp. I am willing to try, since it is supposed to increase ejac. volume; plus some extra testo could help.

Bump! I’ll ask, has anyone increased their testicle size with regular testicle massage? Personally I have been doing it for the last week and mine are already bigger. I do guess that this could merely be minor swelling; who knows?


Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Bollocks massaging sounds so strange to me, I’ll read this thread over again later but. The idea of having bigger balls hanging lower doesn’t really appeal to me, it would just make a flaccid dick hanging look smaller in comparison and how does it boost testosterone levels? And does masturbating/sex basically ejaculating more often produce more testosterone compared to if you orgasm not very often.

To maximise testosterone you should only ejaculate once a week at the same time each week. In addition you should have lots of sex without ejaculating. Increase their size will increase testosterone production for sure. More blood in the testicles means better function leidig cells, which causes greater testosterone production. Also I am sure getting more blood in the testicles will promote actually cell division within the testicles.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by man-of-10
To maximise testosterone you should only ejaculate once a week at the same time each week. In addition you should have lots of sex without ejaculating. Increase their size will increase testosterone production for sure. More blood in the testicles means better function leidig cells, which causes greater testosterone production. Also I am sure getting more blood in the testicles will promote actually cell division within the testicles.

More testosterone will help PE a bigger dick? I know it would if you’re still young but I’m 20 now so I’m guessing not.

Originally Posted by Audacia

More testosterone will help PE a bigger dick? I know it would if you’re still young but I’m 20 now so I’m guessing not.

More testosterone= accelerated recovery and more frequent erections throughout the day. It means a greater chance of frequent nocturnal wood. It’s definitely a very good thing.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".


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