Thunder's Place

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So I have pinpointed my erection problems

Okay so I have an update. The other day I did pretty well with keeping it up. We were dry fucking at it was pretty hard through most of it and lasted around 20-30 minutes or so, but then when we were going to have sex I guess it was to tired from the dry sex? Is that normal? Yeah even through masturbation it stays hard and then goes softer after awhile, its really annoying and I don’t get it. Its probably at that level where its just good enough to suffice, but no where near where I want it to be. If only I could just stay hard all the time! Whats worse is that I can definitely see myself losing my length gains because I haven’t been PEing at all :( .

Its not really like: after awhile my erections will start getting softer, but more like they will go away kind of, and then come back again, I really don’t get it.

FUCK. So after another failed attempt on sex today I caved in and went and talked to my mom about it. My dad and I are a lot alike and have almost everything in common, guess what else we have in common… It turns out that it took my dad 4 months just to have sex with my mom, but she says it went away some time after that. He wasn’t even a virgin when he was together with my mom (neither am I with my current gf) and that is why it pissed him (us) off so much. I still wanted to go to the doctor to possibly get some meds like viagra or something, but she said that they would never give me any because they dont prescribe that stuff to 18 yr olds, only old men, anyone know the facts behind that?

I seriously don’t know what to do, maybe buy a cockring arrrrgh. Crazy.

Go to the doctor even if he can’t get you viagra.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Definitely check the doctor. He was ready to prescribe Viagra for me (for something different altogether) although I refused it at the time. I was 18 at the time.

Okay I will, I feel like I just need to get over this bump and I’ll be okay. Thanks a lot adun and Johnnno. Man that really sucks though.

Viagra is prescribed to adults who have impotence issues. Being 18 qualifies you as a legal adult. I can see where a misconception could be made because the majority of impotent men are in their latter years. That’s not to say that you are the only 18 year old to have issues like this, it is just not as frequent. Good luck!

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Thanks Gut Scrambler. Yeah so of course my mom told my dad about it, and it wasn’t too bad of a talk, and I ended up going to down mexico today and brought back 30 pills of viagra, can’t wait to try these babies out. I think I am also going to see a urologist about it anyways. Thanks for your help everyone.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Thanks Gut Scrambler. Yeah so of course my mom told my dad about it, and it wasn’t too bad of a talk, and I ended up going to down mexico today and brought back 30 pills of viagra, can’t wait to try these babies out. I think I am also going to see a urologist about it anyways. Thanks for your help everyone.

I bet it made your folks feel like a million bucks for the fact that you trusted them enough to talk with them about this issue. Keep us informed about the Viagra. Remember though, if Viagra works, it is just masking a problem that still exists without it. If you don’t want to have to go through the possibility of using Viagra or other impotence drugs the rest of your life, you need to find the root of the problem. The harsh thing about drugs like Viagra is that you can also develop a psychological dependence. Your brain may think it’s impossible to get it up without taking a pill causing anxiety if you don’t use it.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
I bet it made your folks feel like a million bucks for the fact that you trusted them enough to talk with them about this issue. Keep us informed about the Viagra. Remember though, if Viagra works, it is just masking a problem that still exists without it. If you don’t want to have to go through the possibility of using Viagra or other impotence drugs the rest of your life, you need to find the root of the problem. The harsh thing about drugs like Viagra is that you can also develop a psychological dependence. Your brain may think it’s impossible to get it up without taking a pill causing anxiety if you don’t use it.

Yeah I’ll definitely keep this in mind, I just want to use it to get over this “bump” so to speak. I tried it last night and it worked pretty well, I was about to eat dinner (full stomach is supposed to work against it) so I let it disolve in water and then drank it. 30 minutes later I began to feel some pressure on my sinuses and felt a little weird with my vision, but when I started masturbating I was super rock hard, exciting! Had a bit of a headache today though lol. It was pretty good but every once and awhile I would go a little bit softer, but still a lot better. Would taking 1.5 pills be a stupid thing to do? At least for my first time getting back to it with my gf. My pills say 100 (mg) on one side and nothing on the other, wondering if it is as strong as prescription viagra?

Considering that my dad had something like this happen to him, and after he had sex a few times again it went away, this sort of confirms what is going on with me. I figure as soon as I get it over with a few times, it will go away? I hope so anyways! Thanks Gut Scrambler.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Would taking 1.5 pills be a stupid thing to do?

More than stupid.

You don’t have organic ED, chances mostly are.

And, you don’t know the strength of the pills you picked up. If, suppose, they were real Pfizer Viagra. All the pharmaceutical literature advises, “no more than 100 mg in any 24 hour period.” Pay attention to that.



I would go to a doctor if I were you, you and your dad have or had a similar dilemma. Ed can affect anyone at any age. I would request a complete chem panel. And CBC (Complete blood count)

Have your thyroid, heart and blood sugar checked.

Ask yourself some questions:
Do I get out of breath easy?
Do your lips and finger nail beds turn blue?
If so you are hypoxic which is a symptom of anemia/
This also could be due to the other problem like allergies and the medications taken for them assuming you have allergies?
Do your hands and feet fall asleep to easy?
Are you excessively tired, are you getting enough sleep?
Are you eating enough to support you sports demand?
Are you hungry all the time and can not get full?
Are you constantly thirsty?
Numbness in hands,face,feet,arms,legs?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’ve been there man. Unfortuantly a urologist isn’t going to be very much help, atleast in my experience. They are very quick to dismiss erection issues in young dudes like us, saying it is psychological. And getting tested for a venous leak can be a very long process, and even painful. As long as your only issue is general erection quality, not something more specific, I would take a break from PE for ATLEAST 2 months. If you have the money, order some cialis over the internet and see if that helps. Then, if things still aren’t up to scratch see a urologist.

Thanks avocet, noted, just wondering if anyone had tried it and had success. I was also wondering if anyone knew if it wasn’t the generic stuff, because it only has a 100 inscribed lightly on one side, and the other is blank. I think I remember hearing that on the real stuff it says pfizer on one side and VGRA and the mg on the other side, is that true?

Thanks Kingpole I may just ask for those tests.
Ask yourself some questions:
Do I get out of breath easy? NO
Do your lips and finger nail beds turn blue? What am I scuba diving??!! NO
If so you are hypoxic which is a symptom of anemia/ ….
This also could be due to the other problem like allergies and the medications taken for them assuming you have allergies? NONE
Do your hands and feet fall asleep to easy? NEGATIVE
Are you excessively tired, are you getting enough sleep? As much as the average student does.
Are you eating enough to support you sports demand? Yeah I love eating
Are you hungry all the time and can not get full? NOPE
Are you constantly thirsty? NO I drink a lot of water
Numbness in hands,face,feet,arms,legs? NO. Thanks though KP. Are any of those symptoms common for ED?

Yataghan, thats bad news! I havn’t really done any PE for probably around 6 months, just the lazy stretches and occasional 100 jelqs in the shower, and wearing PE weights months ago. Its not PE related I know that.

Could the dry sex be part of the issue. If I was in your shoes I wouldn’t be having dry sex at all, I thought dry sex was just a shitty alternative if you can’t have sex. I’d be focusing on oral sex and other more sexually stimulating activities. Try to get into it mentally as much as possible and not worry about your ED.

I read recently on the forums, can’t remember the name, of guys having ED from masturbating by humping their mattresses. It seems like humping a girls pelvic bone repeatedly with the length of your penis would be worse than this.

Yeah I was thinking of that too, I wasn’t doing it for me, but for her because I guess she can really get off on it, and it gets her ready. Last time I was with her I asked her if we could skip it though because I thought it was contributing to the problem. Sucks about the guy with the matress though.


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