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So I have pinpointed my erection problems


So I have pinpointed my erection problems

Alright so after taking a bunch of time off and taking a little tribulus terrestris, my erections have gotten better. I can get about a 100% erection without too much difficulty but the thing is, is that it wont last. Even when masturbating, after I get that 100% erection, it will die down within seconds and i’ll have to pull up and down on my glans (I dunno it just works) to get back to being hard. So I can get the erections, but what can I do to make them stay? When I am with my gf what happens is she will make me hard from something like dry fucking and then its like my dick will get bored and shrink back up! 2-3 months ago I stayed rockhard as long as she was straddling me and it was the same girl, what happened! I remember some of our dry fucking sessions would be a little painful for me in the end, but it wasn’t a big deal, I don’t think that is what caused it. I will even have to try extremely hard to keep a good-medium erection during blowjobs even, ahh!

I remember my erections being hard as ever when I started clamping, maybe I might think about doing very low intensity/longetivity clamping, but that might help with actually staying hard. Anyone have any ideas that might help me? Since it happens during masturbation, it definitely isn’t “all in my head”. My erection problems aren’t PE related, I have no been doing anywhere near serious PE for at least 4 months. Thanks guys.

I still think it’s related to PE you might have some venous leakage

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If I do have venous leakage its due to vigorous dry fucking, how would I check that, go to the doctor? 2-3 months ago I was still doing no real PE at all and I had pretty great erections. I really don’t do PE that often, just some PE weights and the occasional 100 jelqs in the shower. I’ve been trying not to gain anything because my current gf is a virgin and the less it hurts her the better, so I’m planning on starting up PE after that.

Also I’m a senior in highschool and asking my mom to set up a doctors appointment because I might have venous leakage, might be a little embarassing. If you think I should do it, I will, but I think I may want to hear alternatives as well. So I am 100% sure it wasn’t from PE because I never did anything. For masturbation I can keep getting hard, but it just doesn’t like to stay that hard, it really is a chore, I’m sure its a chore for my gf too:( ! Its like she will do something that will turn me on, I will get hard, and then it will go away. Then to get hard again she will need to do like something different, its killing me! Thanks again, and thanks for the reply Dino.

I’d say it’s worth a little embarrassment to see a doc about the problem if indeed you think it might require medical attention. It’s your cock, man. Don’t mess.

"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman."

I hope it’s nothing bro if I was in your shoes I would just give it some more time without PE and see if it starts to improve.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Doctor. Go.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

:( alright, I’ll see how it goes this weekend, if it isn’t satisfactory then, I’ll head to the doctors. Its been over half a year since I have been doing any “non newbie exercises”. Just wearing Monty’s ads weights and the occasional jelqing is all that I was doing. I just wish I knew what did this to me because its not PE, 6 months of really no PE and a couple months ago I was doing fine.

I masturbated today again also. In the beginning it would go from soft to hard when I did my glans pulling up and down trick. Eventually it got a little better where I could stay decently hard without messing with it too much, but still nothing great. Maybe I’ll keep impoving? Thanks for all the replies.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant

I remember my erections being hard as ever when I started clamping, maybe I might think about doing very low intensity/longetivity clamping, but that might help with actually staying hard. Anyone have any ideas that might help me? Since it happens during masturbation, it definitely isn’t “all in my head”. My erection problems aren’t PE related, I have no been doing anywhere near serious PE for at least 4 months. Thanks guys.

Clamping is hardcore you might have damaged something then.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yup, go to the doctor. Are you 17 or 18? If you are 18, you shouldn’t have to go through your mom. If you are 17, aren’t there any doctors that will see you without parent approval?

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I havn’t clamped in probably a little less than a year, and as I have said my erections have been fine since a few months ago, it really doesn’t make sense that it would be from PE. Also I am just suggesting doing very light clamping, because I remember having pretty hard erections when I used to clamp.

I am 18, but I am just not familiar with what I have to do or how much I would have to pay to set it all up (don’t want to break the bank when my mom wouldn’t mind paying). I dunno, it shouldn’t be to bad talking to her about it.

Hey Bro

How is your physical health other wise? Are you taking any medication? How is your diet?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah, something is definitely going on. In your teens and early 20’s maintaining an erection should be cake. If going to a doctor is a problem, you need to sit down and brainstorm all the things that have changed in your life. If you can’t find anything different, you really need to see a doctor even if you have to talk to your folks. Don’t miss out on good sex during the years that your unit performs at it’s peak.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

My physical heath is great, I’m 6 foot 175-180 pounds depending on water weight, run a 5:35 mile. I exercise 5-6 times a week for 2.5 hours (lacrosse), and go to the gym to lift occasionally when I find the time. No medication whatsoever except recently the tribulus terrestris. My diet is great except for the occasional candy splurge haha, but I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. Can’t think of anything that has really “changed”.

Yeah its crazy how fast it happened to me. It used to be only when I got drunk that I couldn’t get it up as well (I havn’t gotten drunk in awhile now) and now its happening all the time. It really wasn’t all that long ago when I would stay hard just fine, and now I’m having trouble staying hard during head, haha never thought I would see the day. Kegeling helps get the blood moving a little better, but doesn’t solve the problem, and it also makes me come faster. Just hope I can fix this soon because I really am missing out.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant

No medication whatsoever except recently the tribulus terrestris.

Well…I guess this might have something to do with your condition. When did you start taking it and for how long?

Haha I started taking it after it started happening. It is supposed to help with ED and makes you horny all the time. I think it has helped a little, but as you can see I’m still having some trouble. I started taking it on Borat’s advice (a member haha) so yeah, thats not it.

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