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So I have pinpointed my erection problems


Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Thanks avocet, noted, just wondering if anyone had tried it and had success. I was also wondering if anyone knew if it wasn’t the generic stuff, because it only has a 100 inscribed lightly on one side, and the other is blank. I think I remember hearing that on the real stuff it says pfizer on one side and VGRA and the mg on the other side, is that true?

Thanks Kingpole I may just ask for those tests.
Ask yourself some questions:
Do I get out of breath easy? NO
Do your lips and finger nail beds turn blue? What am I scuba diving?! NO
If so you are hypoxic which is a symptom of anemia/ ..
This also could be due to the other problem like allergies and the medications taken for them assuming you have allergies? NONE
Do your hands and feet fall asleep to easy? NEGATIVE
Are you excessively tired, are you getting enough sleep? As much as the average student does.
Are you eating enough to support you sports demand? Yeah I love eating
Are you hungry all the time and can not get full? NOPE
Are you constantly thirsty? NO I drink a lot of water
Numbness in hands,face,feet,arms,legs? NO. Thanks though KP. Are any of those symptoms common for ED?

Yataghan, thats bad news! I havn’t really done any PE for probably around 6 months, just the lazy stretches and occasional 100 jelqs in the shower, and wearing PE weights months ago. It’s not PE related I know that.

Symptoms of the above list would cover diabetes,anemia,hypothyroid disease.

Perhaps your penis is to big for this girl.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Perhaps your penis is to big for this girl.

Lol who would know that! Havn’t even gotten it in her. I’m hoping that its just a mix of overthinking everything with maybe getting ridden too hard from dry sex that is giving me my problems. I think that after using some viagra for a bit to get over this bump I should be okay. Masturbating today I did pretty well, the only thing was that as soon as my mind would wander in the slightest, I would go down pretty quickly, but I guess thats pretty normal. I feel a lot better about everything and I hope that my problem will go away pretty quickly like it did with my dad.

Just wanted everybody to know that I got over the bump after all and last time I didn’t even take the V. and I was fine. Thanks for all of your help guys, now I just need to work on lasting longer, I’m out of practice and the last few times were really embarassing!

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Just wanted everybody to know that I got over the bump after all and last time I didn’t even take the V. and I was fine. Thanks for all of your help guys, now I just need to work on lasting longer, I’m out of practice and the last few times were really embarassing!

Good going bro:) . And don’t worry about the lasting longer that will come when I was your age I used to cum fast but than I could last a long time the 2nd time.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Good going bro:) . And don’t worry about the lasting longer that will come when I was your age I used to cum fast but than I could last a long time the 2nd time.

And the 3rd, and the ..

Ah youth.-(

Well yeah but I used to last a lot longer, long story, now its pitifully short, so I’ll have to fix that!

Hey everyone I have a similar problem. I am 19 and healthy, nothing wrong with me no medications etc. And I have trouble maintaining an erection!! I can definately get one but keeping it up is so hard for me, even if the girl is incredibly hot I still have trouble. I don’t think it’s psychological because when I am getting hard I’m not really thinking anything in my head so I don’t know what the deal is. It also happens when I am masturbating too. It’s been going on for as long as I can remember. This is really frustrating!! Does anyone have some tips.preferably avoiding the doctor’s visit would be best but if it comes down to that so be it.

Anyone have any tips? Would supplements do the trick?


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