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Turkey Neck or Penoscrotal Webbing

Turkey Neck or Penoscrotal Webbing

I see posts from time to time talking about problems with Turkey Neck. For those who are afflicted there isn’t much you can do about it other than cosmetic surgery. Some have suggested that you can stretch the skin through various methods on the underside of the penis. However I am not sure that would be an option for people with severe webbing like I have. My "Turkey Neck" goes all the way up the bottom of my shaft almost to the circumcision scar.

Some things I have read suggest that this condition is either congenital (your parents fault) or as the result of circumcision (probably your parents fault).

Either way those who have it almost always universally hate it.

Here is the wiki link about it. … ki/Webbed_penis

While I would love to gain 4 inches in length from my PE endeavor, I don’t believe stretching it is the right approach. It seems that would only make it look worse.

Instead once I have reached my PE goals, I am going to treat myself to the best cosmetic sergeon I can find that does this procedure and get it taken care of.

Doing PE with it is sometimes a pain (literally) but I have adapted and even invented new things to make it bearable.

If anyone knows more about Penoscrotal Webbing or has any resources on this subject please feel free to share.


Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL

Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG

Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)

I have it too and yeah, I would love to get rid of it but I’m not going to let a plastic surgeon touch my manhood just yet.

Even if you find a procedure with extremely high success rate there is always a risk that something goes wrong, and if I lost my dick I’d probably kill myself.

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by HardHarry
I see posts from time to time talking about problems with Turkey Neck. For those who are afflicted there isn’t much you can do about it other than cosmetic surgery. Some have suggested that you can stretch the skin through various methods on the underside of the penis. However I am not sure that would be an option for people with severe webbing like I have. My "Turkey Neck" goes all the way up the bottom of my shaft almost to the circumcision scar.
Here is the wiki link about it. … ki/Webbed_penis

Keep us posted on a timeline when you plan on doing this. I would also like to eliminate the turkey neck but how this would effect current stats or future PE gains is my biggest resistance to moving further with actually getting it done. I’ve seen enough surgery pictures with the positive effects but that’s as far as the idea goes with me.

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