I had a kidney stone broken up with the water thing
But they had put some small balls right the way up the urethra etc to the kidney to stop the bits coming out. But didn’t worry too much about them after the stone was shattered.
When they came out - I had to force them out. It was the worst thing I ever experienced. .
After, I found a way of getting rid of them more easily.
Drink a large quantity of water.
Then start shaking your self about like jiving.
I found that out quite by accident. whan I had a stone and it was hurting like hell. I had drunk some water, and then stood on a chair to try and find some painkillers in a cupboard. As I reached up the pain sarted to ease off . It was quite a wonderful thing as normally pain gradually disappears when treated.Tthis went from excrutiating to nothing in about a minute.
Next day out came the stone when I peed.
So it all gave birth to the stone and the remedy.
The principle is quite simple. The water lubricates the tubed where the stone is sitting and the jiving jiggles the stone so water creeps by , lubricates the tube and away it goes.
I only got stones in hard water areas.
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