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Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection

I thought I had overtrained because all the sudden my until became tight and wasn’t getting it’s full erect length. I even took off a week and it it improved, but still the same issue as I started again but cut back the amount of jelqing and stretching. I’ve been having problems feeling like I have to go to the bathroom for a long time, and the doctor gave me an anti-biotic. I hope this clears up the infection. I know you guys aren’t doctors, but do you think this could be what was or is causing my overtraining symptoms?

Your doctor should have cultured your urine to make sure you have an infection, and whether the antibiotic given will work.

Since an infection can interfere with the signaling down there (for example, the need to pee when there isn’t too much there), it’s not out of the realm of possibility that it’s the infection. “a long time” isn’t good. Pay more attention on urological health than PE at the present time.

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