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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who doesn't want to be cut?

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I don’t understand how that leads to a loss of sensitivity. My fingers are in contact with everything in my life yet I still have great sense of touch with them.

The nerves in the glans aren’t affected in circumcision so why should they be worsened?

Obviously the nerves that were in the foreskin itself would be lost when they are removed from the body, so that would be the greatest “loss” in sensitivity, and one that could not be restored in my opinion.

I am cut, and have been since birth, so I have no way to compare accurately but I too am skeptical that so much sensitivity is really lost through the unprotected glans. Mine are pretty damn sensitive.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I only wished that I would have been knowledgeable concerning foreskin restoration at an earlier age. When younger I had great staying power. Rarely was it possible for me to experience a “quickie. ” Often I would last over an hour. Another disadvantage, which was also connected to my large size, was the necessity to always use lubrication.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Compare Apples to Apples

One would have to grow up uncircumcised, then go through puberty, excessive masturbation etc. remember exactly how it felt, then have a circumcision performed… wait years for desensitization to supposedly “set in”, experience sex and masturbation again, somehow remember/compare accurately, then go through a restoration process, for long enough to supposedly restore lost sensitivity, then again experience/remember it accurately to compare fairly.

I doubt many have done all that, yet many make claims that one feels better or worse than the other.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Last edited by cantlook : 12-15-2013 at .

We have a member here named TLC that sells a device for restoring foreskin. Before I started PEing, I was restoring my foreskin.

I got it to go half way up my glands. I then started PEing. Although I no longer have my foreskin going halfway up my glands, but

it was all a plan. I attribute the restoration to my quick gains since I already had skin gains, I just needed lig gains. i must say, I

wish I would have never been circumsized.

Originally Posted by cantlook

I am cut, and have been since birth, so I have no way to compare accurately but I too am skeptical that so much sensitivity is really lost through the unprotected glans. Mine are pretty damn sensitive.

People have this idea that keratinization builds up over time. It doesn’t, unless there is a medical condition behind it. Much as fingertips will callous if you start playing guitar, then lose the callouses if you stop. The glans will only appreciably build up a keratin layer if you continuously handle it roughly; I went though a period of PE where I was gripping my glans and the grip was slipping a little, resulting in considerable friction on the glans - it built up quite a thick layer of keratin over time, which it sloughed off like a snake shedding its skin a week or so after stopping PE.

When I was first circumcised, underwear rubbing against my glans was very uncomfortable for 3 days, then it was not a problem. That was not enough time for much thickening to take place, and my glans has never changed in appearance much; I think most of the desensitization to underwear is mostly the nervous system adapting to the specific type of friction.

I actually noticed more sensation while having intercourse after being circumcised, and so did my girlfriend at the time. Before, the vagina would to some extent grip the skin of my penis, and much of the sensation was the foreskin moving over the glans, the same as it did masturbating. After being circumcised, the sensation was the glans and whole shaft moving against the vaginal walls, which was nicer for me and for her.

If I fancy a quickie wank, I can still go from flaccid to erect to ejaculation in under 3 minutes, and I’m passed my mid 40’s. That has more to do with mental excitement and fresh fantasy (mind) than it has to do with physical sensitivity.

I think many guys past 40 start to notice a sexual drop-off from their peak. Is it a decrease in sensitivity of the penis? For most, I doubt it. For many it’s a time of life when the body ain’t what it used to be and work/family stress is often at its peak.

And sex just isn’t as ‘new’ as it used to be, however good it is. For those guys, foreskin restoration may give back a sense of ‘newness’ again. I think PE can do the same; give a sense of having sex with a ‘different’, larger penis, to the one you have used most of your life. Which brings some of the excitement back. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Last edited by firegoat : 12-15-2013 at .

Originally Posted by cantlook

One would have to grow up uncircumcised, then go through puberty, excessive masturbation etc. remember exactly how it felt, then have a circumcision performed… wait years for desensitization to supposedly “set in”, experience sex and masturbation again, somehow remember/compare accurately, then go through a restoration process, for long enough to supposedly restore lost sensitivity, then again experience/remember it accurately to compare fairly.

I doubt many have done all that, yet many make claims that one feels better or worse than the other.

I have done all that, except for restore my foreskin, as I feel no need or desire to do so. Although I do have a bit of ‘foreskin’ now which I did not have a few years ago, just from doing PE. It hasn’t made any difference to sensitivity that I can notice.

And I can honestly say I don’t think one really feels ‘better’ or ‘worse’. I liked having a foreskin, but I slightly prefer not having one.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Yes, thanks FG. I am a little more enlightened now

Originally Posted by firegoat
It hasn’t made any difference to sensitivity that I can notice.

I was cut at birth so I can’t know what natural foreskin authentically feels like. But I can tell you what’s better about being restored, and it only slightly has to do with “sensitivity.” Restoring gives radically different feelings. Among them:

- the shaft can now be frictionlessly kneaded by the slinking of the skin, to prod some sense sites deep within the shaft near the glans and elsewhere. I never knew this was possible before I restored. I suppose with enough lube I might have discovered the same thing earlier before I had slack skin.

- the mucosal skin just below the glans down to the scar has a sort of ticklish “itch” that just sparkles during intercourse or oral stimulation. The area was dry and basically numb before.

- the corona and frenular area are just a lot more sensitive/ticklish now that they are covered all the time. Some have said it’s due to “dekeratinization” and others have said there’s no such thing. All I know is I feel A LOT more now. It’s like the nerve endings are closer to the surface, and the surface is more supple and delicate so it tracks better with the fine detail of whatever it’s touching. It’s like going from wearing 3 thick condoms to a single ultra-shear one. Anybody can experience the same change by wearing a band-aid continuously for several days on any part of their body. When you take it off, the part that had been covered is very sensitive and ticklish.

- the skin at the pucker of the prepuce is very ticklish to tongue flicking when it is bunched up. Since I didn’t have enough to bunch up before, I never felt this sensation.

- the inner foreskin is delightfully aware of a tongue plunged in between the glans and foreskin and swirled around (with skin drawn forward over the glans). Since I didn’t have enough slack before for this to happen, I never felt this sensation until I had slack.

- the shaft skin that has spent its whole day puckered in front of the glans gives off a wild sensation upon the onset of an erection. It’s like the skin crackles inside as it is forced to stretch wide enough to clear the glans and retract past it, while it also has to overcome the grip of the tacky clinging adhesion to the glans. It’s like both glans and skin are kissing each other. This is brief and I really only notice it for the first couple minutes of an erotic encounter, but that’s OK. If it kept up I’d probably climax too fast. I imagine this might be akin to what it feels like to have a vagina stretched out. I can only guess about that of course.

- the shaft skin that rolls up and down the shaft gives off a new feeling as it rolls over on itself from inner to outer and back. Since I never had enough slack before to feel the skin tightly rolling like this during arousal I never felt this sensation before.

- with the slack skin sufficient to easily cover my glans during arousal, my wife can rub my glans through the skin before intercourse while I’m licking her, and there is ZERO risk of her rubbing me to the point of numbness, no matter how long we keep at that activity. Before dry friction directly on my glans would really have a negative impact on the intercourse that followed.

- after my wife climaxes once during intercourse her vaginal chemistry seems to change to where there is suddenly more friction. Not a LOT more; just like the difference between lube that’s water-based and lube that’s oil-based. At that time, I often feel my penis move inside my sheath of skin only, with ZERO friction between me and her vaginal walls. She LOVES this, because she says at that moment she would be too sensitive for any friction. Because I never had slack before, she was never able to enjoy this plush filled-up frictionless massage feeling between orgasms before. Of course when we’re finally done, this same action causes her vagina to pull my skin so my glans is actually covered as I withdraw, which is a trip.

Sex wasn’t torture before. At age 38 my wife and I would make love for like 45 minutes or an hour. She would climax about 5 times and if I wanted to finish I needed to REALLY concentrate and she needed to break out the dirty talk and the stars needed to align. But she would be utterly rubbed raw and then want to take several days off from intimacy.

She never did succeed in finishing me orally before I restored.

Now whenever she’s had enough of intercourse I just let go and finish as she climaxes again with me. But the whole ride is so fulfilling, I’m in no rush to get to a big finish. We really connect, and have intercourse more often than ever.

Sex is very much better since restoration, for physical reasons. We’re both having the best sex of our lives after 23 years of marriage.



A definite YES to your comments just previously.

One thing which I might add is the pre-restoration dryness of the glans. When one is circumcised a structure which is an internal mucous structure is now forced into a very drying environment. This, to me, lead to a greatly decreased level of sensitivity. It also resulted in the need to constantly use lubrication. There were many times pre-restored that I wondered why it was necessary to use so much lube. I later discovered it was a combination of circumstances: (1) the amount of foreplay did not result in either my wife or me producing sufficient natural lube, and (2) my urologist telling me that it was also in part because of my above average size.

Neither of these were a problem in my second marriage after being widowed. You see, the second woman would produce lots of natural lube. This was also the case in subsequent women I have been with. It was only with the first one that there was any problem of this nature.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

TLC do you have a thread about restoring your foreskin? Thanks for adding your input. This thread is quickly becoming a delight to read.


There’s a lot lost in a circumcision. Ron did a great job of explaining up above - TLC tugger is the creator of the TLC tugger device used in restoration.

I’m half-way through restoring and I already see a huge difference. There is a lot of sensitivity lost. 20,000 nerve endings are lost immediately, then the glans keritinize developing layers of skin over your glans which dull the sensation over time. Then there’s the gliding motion Ron articulated and so much more. I don’t have time for a lengthy description at the moment. But real quick, like ron, my wife could never finish me orally or with a hand job. She’d bang away till her arms got tired and eventually give up feeling like she let me down or let me finish myself.

Since I’ve regained some of the sensitivity already, she can finish me off like a champ now. I don’t need lube to masturbate anymore. I’m starting to feel the gliding action which decreases friction of the woman. I don’t have to mindlessly pound away on her like a jackhammer anymore to reach orgasm. What feels good now is slower, more sensual love making and after she comes, I’m not far behind. Shower sex is easier because of the gliding motion, I’m not pulling all the natural lubes out when retracting, I retract inside my skin tube (gliding) then thrust back into her again.
Too many benefits to list. For those who say they were cut at 19 and haven’t noticed a difference. I’d want to know how long ago the procedure was done. You penis gets more and more keritinized as more and more layers of skin are added to protect against rubbing of your head against boxers/jeans. Since I’ve re-gained much sensitivity, if my penis head is exposed when I walk around, I get instant woodies from the stimulation. I suspect this is one reason why many in highschool get those random boners walking around. Happened to me all the time as at 14-15, I wasn’t as desensitized as I was at 30.

A quick search of TLC brought up threads (here) and links to his website, Thanks!

Originally Posted by Becomingwhole

For those who say they were cut at 19 and haven’t noticed a difference. I’d want to know how long ago the procedure was done.

28 years ago.

As I’ve said, I liked having a foreskin, and I slightly prefer not having one.

As TLCTugger says “- after my wife climaxes once during intercourse her vaginal chemistry seems to change to where there is suddenly more friction. Not a LOT more; just like the difference between lube that’s water-based and lube that’s oil-based. At that time, I often feel my penis move inside my sheath of skin only, with ZERO friction between me and her vaginal walls

That to me, and my girl at the time, was always a problem; I too felt like my penis was moving within my sheath of skin only, with zero friction between me and her vaginal walls. Basically it was just the same as masturbating for me - it had none of the qualities of friction between my penis and her vaginal walls that gave the difference between wanking and having intercourse.

I don’t have any axe to grind here. I’m sure I would have been just as happy if I had never been circumcised. I got circumcised for reasons slightly against my choice - the ‘organisation’ I was working within meant I was flicking between the Jewish and Muslim communities and had to integrate with both. And my foreskin was slightly tight (nothing that I couldn’t have stretched out with very little application) but it was strongly suggested to me that for operational reasons I should be circumcised, and I didn’t argue. I’ve never regretted it.

A thread like this can potentially make circumcised guys think they are majorly missing out on something.

For the guys who have strongly commented in favour of foreskin restoration, there is a considerable perceived benefit, and for them it is undoubtedly very real.

Looking at their names here - ‘TLCTugger’, whose ‘raison d’etre’ is foreskin restoration, ‘Becomingwhole’ whose name suggests a focus on restoration, and ‘restored91’ who has invested a lot of time and effort in successfully restoring - the names give an indication of the personal importance restoring has had for them.

I can’t take away from that importance for them. They speak with passion about the benefits of restoration. But speaking from my own perspective, none of them had a foreskin and lost it; they all felt denied something they wished they had from birth. I had one (an original one with all the nerve endings that exist within it) and wasn’t terribly happy about losing it 28 years ago, at the age of 19. It may be something of great importance to them, but to me it is of insignificant importance. Wearing an ‘ultra thin’ condom on my uncircumcised penis, took away many times the sensitivity of being circumcised for me. And feeling the friction between a woman’s vaginal walls and my shaft and glans is so much better - for me and, I’m sure, every woman I’ve been with.

It makes no difference to me where any one stands on this issue. If you want to restore, go ahead and do it. If you feel you have always been denied a foreskin, it will at the very least give you psychological satisfaction, and you will probably find a fair few physical sensations from a slightly more sensitive glans that you didn’t have before. But if it isn’t a major hang-up for you, my honest, genuine opinion would be don’t bother; my orgasms are as intense now as they ever were, I enjoy oral sex as much as I ever have, and intercourse is better than it was when I was uncircumcised.

If I was magically offered my foreskin back tomorrow, I’d say ‘thanks for the offer, but no thanks’. If it just magically reappeared, I’d shrug my shoulders and say ‘OK, that’s fine’ and I’d keep it - I probably wouldn’t bother to get it removed again. I’d think about getting it removed again, but probably wouldn’t. Having had it both ways, it really is that close to irrelevant to me.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by TLCTugger
I was cut at birth so I can’t know what natural foreskin authentically feels like. But I can tell you what’s better about being restored, and it only slightly has to do with “sensitivity.” Restoring gives radically different feelings. Among them …

Thanks for responding, I have told many about you and and the device you make and sell. I came up on this thread as well, Ask what ever you want


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