Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 month in PE

1 month in PE

Hello all

Today is my first month into PE. I measured in the morning and realized that I have gained……………………..NOTHING. I was disappointed not because i felt that i spent much time with no results but because I was thinking that maybe its not meant to be!! Anyway I will continue. Planning to use an ADS. Let me tell you. During this month i had no injuries and never felt anything bad. Maybe I will increase my efforts and go from 200 jelqs to 300.

Wish me luck for my second month

Even though you haven’t gained anything, have you noticed any improvements with erection quality or felt something different about your penis?

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Yes, the overall quality of my penis is better.

A rock hard erection will get a woman off far more than the same penis which can’t get totally to that quality. So PE has succeeded in one of its major goals… a healthier more useful penis. I believe that once the penis gets to a very healthy level, then things can start to grow. That is my own observation on myself.

Give it another 2 months before you get off the newbie routine. I am only about 5 months in, and I still use only the newbie routine (longer stretching and more jelqs) with a couple of O bends. I am a big fan of adding slowly. Maybe ADS is the way to go, but … eventually.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by willing19762
Yes, the overall quality of my penis is better.

Don’t be too disappinted Willing, Sometimes gains take a while to materialize. Give it another month. and then if still no gains consider a different routine .

It would help us if you give details of your routine, so that we can offer a more practical solution for you.

Good Luck!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

of course NOT disappointed yet. I just sometimes thinking that all this maybe its a dream or something which works for fewer people and i am not one of them.

Hey man, the first time I tried PE I had the same problem, so I quit all together. I’m on my third week starting up again, and I definitely notice gains already. The difference this time is that I really read all the pseudo-science the vets put together about why we do the different parts of our routines and how they affect our members at the cellular level. It’s really helped me visualize exactly what I’m doing to myself in my routine, and the difference is immeasurable; I know when I should push myself to the next level in a workout or when I should hold back. So, if you haven’t already, definitely consider reading around about why pulling your penis makes it bigger.

OH, and reading this is absolutely essential. I can’t believe they don’t include it for required reading for newbs. If more of us could track our member’s reaction to our workouts early on, we would definitely up efficiency across the board (in my opinion :) ). Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Keep at it! Mad props to your positive mindset, and here’s to better erections!

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