Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

11 Months with very small gains - advice needed


11 Months with very small gains - advice needed

Hi everyone,

I’ve been lurking here for about a year but only just registered. My problem is I have followed PE for 11 months more or less and have made only 0.25 up to 0.5” in length at best (bad initial measurements).

Here’s what I did
-First couple of months JP90 newbie routine from PE-GYM. Basically you,d,s,l,r 30s stretches with kegels + rotary stretches and helicopter shakes in between. 3 sets of <50 wet jelqs+ <30 v-jelqs in between (varied depending on EQ).

My EQ was great at beginning and I think I saw some gains especially girth. But then later it fell consistently and gains stopped. In particular girth gains did not stay :(

-I panicked and started doing the linear newbie routine from here from maybe october. I progressed to the point of doing more stretches in more directions but jelqs did not increase much. Up to 1 March I did not see any gains. Then suddenly a jump 0.25 in BPEL. Then tried increasing time a bit but since then nothing. My routine atm if that helps consists of basic stretches in d,dr,dl,s,sr,SL,you,ur,ul then BTC left and right then again d,dr,s,sr 30 s each then 3x (40 wet jelqs slow + 10 v-jelqs) and 2x30s erect bends for the past month(very carefully around 80-90% erect). Absolutely no gains since March. Maybe 1/16 on some really good EQ days. My EQ seems on and off depending on my mood whether I go to the gym etc but can’t pinpoint it to routine. The good part is the gains seem cemented at least.

I was consistent up until March then missing some days here and then but not much. The past month or so I feel really frustrated with my lack of progress so I have not been consistent.

My questions:
1)I’m about to take a 4-6 week break for various reasons. What should I do after?
2)Is it possible that neglecting kegels is at fault?
3)Is it better to increase stretching time on each individual stretch (like going to 40s instead of 30 e.g) or to just add more and more 30s ones?
4)When I started my flaccid was really spongy. 2 months in PE it gets harder and harder to get this. My flaccid does not seem to stretch much anymore MOST of the time. Some days if I’m exhausted it does. But generally it’s like there’s a thick cord inside preventing a good stretch. I know because at the beginning I was getting great stretch with really thing flaccid but now it stays thick almost no difference when stretching sometimes. What could this be? I have a bit of upward curve (around 30 degrees) which I wouldn’t mind reducing a bit btw.
5)My gains seem to not translate in standing or lying positions. Maybe only half of them but mostly it is when sitting. Any idea about this?

I’m starting to feel really depressed. Can someone offer some advice/encouragement? Thanks for this awesome place by the way!

I can only tell you my experience and hopefully it can help you out, ive been doing PE for 3 months in the beginning I was really skeptical and excited at the same time. I did light PE by following the newbie routine, and saw no change in the first month so i got discouraged but I stuck with it. I increased my time with my workout, to eventually only using a pump and doing manual stretches.

Right now my current routine consist of;
5 min warm up
5-7 min pump with warm/hot water in the cyclinder
5-7 min of 30 second hold of manual stretches
5 min pump with warm/hot water in the cyclinder
2 times a day

I went from my starting stats of 7” BPEL and 5.5” EG, now I’m current at 7.67” BPEL and 6” EG.

The best advice I can give you is stay dedicated and commited. Along with constantly using heat.

To all God Speed on your PE!

OMefs Progress Report

4) I found that doing just 5 minutes of bundled stretches primes your penis to the state you describe,
very palliable and stretchy. You might wanna try that out.

In general, I personally found that increasing intensity and or duration had negative effects on gains.
I stopped gaining for 1 month, took 2 weeks off and then switched from JP90 to big al’s jelq free routine which I followed perfectly.
It didn’t seem like I was working out my dick especially since I went from 50-60 min sessions to like 20 min sessions max.
I was like, damn, I was not gaining with 50m and now I am supposed to gain with 20m routine? On top of that,
I went from 2on1off to a mere 3 times a week (mon, weg, fri).
Well, a few cycles went by and I had gained again, considerably.
Either it was the new routine or it was the decon. Try them both out!
I guess you are just overtraining, like I did. Sometimes, adding time and/or intensity prematurely can only have negative effects.
Might be the case for you.

Nowadays, I think routines don’t really matter that much - all of them will give you gains as long as you do them properly (right intensity/volume).
What matters more are decon breaks, or rather, punctuated regimes. Read up on the punctuated theory.
It seems like everytime I come back from a break (+1 week) I seem to start gaining again.
While doing Big ALs jelq free routine, I was doing it in cycles of 6 weeks on, 1 week off.
Implement cycling in your current routine.
When starting a new cycle, start with the average volume [(startvolume+endvolume)/2].

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

what are your goals? sorry if that is repetitive … how are your workouts? are they getting better or worse? are you warming up? Get a heat pad. Make sure you are hydrated. possibly try hanging or an ads?

Orange bends and bundled stretches make the penis more pilable, you can then stretch as crazy. IMO.

Take the month off and start again with the newbie routine.

Try using heat through the whole routine, the expansion you will get is crazy. Don’t heat your balls too much.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Thanks everyone for the replies.

My main goal is length at the moment.. I wouldn’t mind some extra girth (width in particular) but I want to focus there after I gain 1 inch in EL.

Since everyone mentions it.. I am warming up for at least 20 minutes using a flax seed-filled sock. I also started using it during stretches about 6 months ago. However I have noticed that after the first 3-4 months my warm-ups are not effective. Meaning it’s like they don’t really make my penis pliable anymore. Also my BPFSL is at least 0.5 cm less than several months ago what’s up with that? That measurement is only after tons of heat, if I try to take without heat, it seems I almost cannot stretch at all! My flaccid does not seem too pliable most of the time.

I am really frustrated. I wouldn’t mind doing PE for 6 hours per day if that would help but I feel I am banging my head against a wall.. Especially since most people seem to experience less and less gains as time passes by.

Constant heating. I insist on that.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Sorry I don’t know how to include it in this post, but check out a post from a few years back by a member named Cervix Hunter. The routine is geared towards length and increasing your flaccid stretched length. If you’re like me and many others here, erect length increases will shortly follow.

I started this routine about three months ago and I’ve gained about a quarter inch in length. Give it a try.

Welcome to the forum man.

Originally Posted by the_avenger
My questions:
1)I’m about to take a 4-6 week break for various reasons. What should I do after?

You will get deconditioned. Since this will force you to stay away from PE, you should take the advantage from it: start from square zero with Linear Newbie Routine.

Originally Posted by the_avenger
3)Is it better to increase stretching time on each individual stretch (like going to 40s instead of 30 e.g) or to just add more and more 30s ones?

Several sets would be my guess. But try them out and no more than 1 minute per stretch.

Originally Posted by the_avenger
4)When I started my flaccid was really spongy. 2 months in PE it gets harder and harder to get this. My flaccid does not seem to stretch much anymore MOST of the time. What could this be?

Overwork. If you keep nailing at this pace you will develop the “steel penis”, in other words, unable to promote new gains. PE increase the vascularity but this should not lead to an erection or a rigid flaccid. Flaccid is flaccid, soft entirely (including veins).

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by bill10
Constant heating. I insist on that.

I tried infrared lamp in a couple of sessions some months ago but it made my flaccid even more retracted if that is possible. It was 250W I don’t know if that plays a role. So since then I use a heated sock filled with flax seed (seems to keep heat better than rice) throughout the whole stretching. BTW bill I’m also Greek.

So the 1 month break should be enough? I really feel Linear routine is a waste of time since when I tried it it wasn’t until 6 months in or so I saw that 0.25 inch gain.

I really feel that this is what hinders my gains. It’s gotten to a point I feel totally demotivated to do PE because it’s frustrating to see my flaccid like this even after 20 mins of warmup. It’s like it doesn’t get 0% flaccid when I try to stretch but is more like 10-15% erect.

Originally Posted by the_avenger
So the 1 month break should be enough?

Could take less time, only doing it to know. When your flaccid back up to what it used to be, morning woods everyday and hard erections … give another week just to be sure everything got “reseted” to “stock”.

Fresh start is always a good option.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

You know I had the same thing with constant heating for a couple of routines, but then I realized that I was overheating.

When I fixed that, routine was awesome. Crazy expansion, nice all day flaccid hang.

And keep in mind I was only maintaining gains back then. Twice a week routine.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

you will need heat- try a heat pad- also take it easy on the stretches. focus on them but dont go to hard. As one member put it coax the length out.

I spent 3 months stretching like crazy several times…I realized that I was stretching too hard and causing the exact opposite reaction than I wanted. ( I am very strong) I was basically strething too hard. go easy and go for time. increase the tension slowly after a good warm up.

Originally Posted by bill10

You know I had the same thing with constant heating for a couple of routines, but then I realized that I was overheating.

There is such thing as overheating? I thought as long as you don’t burn skin it’s cool .

Well, for me, it was something between burning the skin and feeling just warm. To make my point I was heating watching not to get burned. It was pretty hot.

Then I moved the space heater a bit more away from me and realized that this was just fine. Not too hot, not cold either. You know ….good heating.

I can’t explain it better. For me as hot as it can get without burning didn’t work. I just needed plain hot. Get it?

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

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