I am just absolutely flabbergasted at how many people say they went months and years with their routine, and they didn’t get any gains, and ‘woe is me’. Then eventually the truth comes out that they ‘mostly’ stuck with their routine, but yeah, they missed ‘some’ workouts, or yeah, they were a ‘little’ inconsistent, or yeah, they were doing their jelqs, but doing them while they watch Celebrity Apprentice or whatever.What in the hell would make you keep doing the same routine day after day for over a year if you were seeing NO CHANGE?
Do you really think 20 minutes of half-assed jelqing 4 days a week is going to FORCE your dick to adapt and GROW?
I shake my head in disbelief because if this shit was really THAT important to you, you would have listened to the vets, done your research, read the threads of the big gainers, and put in your time. You just wasted 14 months of your life and PE career that you will never get back, and I will tell you flat out it is because of sheer lack of real, directed, effort.
In December you were doing 30 mins of jelqs per session, and now you are on 20? Is that your winning progression?
Honestly, I have no patience for people with no commitment. And therefore I really don’t care if you gain or not. But if YOU care about gaining, here is a wake up call for you:
PE is your full time fucking job now. You arrange your social life and whatever it is you do outside of work, around PE. You don’t miss workouts. You don’t drop reps because the footie’s coming on and you want to finish up quick.
You devote full and complete concentration to what you are doing at all times and make every repetition count. No distractions.
You get off the routine you are on find a routine that has been proven to work by a gaining member. Read everything ever written by guys like Memento, Remek and others, the list is long, who are taking PE theory to a whole amazing level of understanding, and DOING ALL THE FUCKING MENTAL WORK FOR YOU!
You commit 100%. You concentrate on what you are doing.You watch your PIs. You push the envelope, the gains are on the fine line between Overwork/injury and Nothing. You think about what you are doing. You plan your work, and then work your plan.
Do you think that if this was easy and attainable at a time cost of an hour and a half a week of effort, the human worldwide average penis length would be in the 5s?
You do all this, and I challenge you come back on this thread in another 4 months and tell us nothing changed.
Good luck.