Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

14 months and no gains


I follow Avocet8’s pumping for ED twice a day, 3 days a week. I pump for at least 30 minutes at under 5hg twice a week, Last night I pumped for over an hour and my pumped girth increased to 6” instead of my normal EG of 4.75”; however I did have a small doughnut. As I mentioned, I haven’t taken any unpumped measurements, but I haven’t seen any significant unpumped gains. Flaccid girth and and length appear to be a bit bigger and my unpumped EG feels bigger.

I primarily use an LA elongated (wide mouth) 1.5” cylinder attached to a Harbor Freight pump. I also water pump in the shower with a cheap rubber ball pump. Since I completely packed the cylinder last night for the first time, I will have to order a 1.75” cylinder.

Originally Posted by jaylough
i avoid porn b/c i’ve always thought it was addictive, but perhaps i should start watching a little porn when i jelq instead of football and golf hahaha

Yeah, porn is brutal….but it is a necessary evil IMO to get a fat cock. I look forward to a porn detox one day….hell, I need to detoxify the whole lot of my life, not just porn. I don’t smoke or drink though, which has been key to my gains sort of….I do take two prescription meds though (bupropion and buprenorphine/nalaxone)…but fortunately I never had any problems with erections with the buprenorphine, which is actually known to not lower your testosterone levels…but only at really low doses considering the chronic use IMO; been on it since july of 07.

Bupropion…or better known by its brand name of Wellbutrin raises your sex drive quite dramatically from all the extra dopamine, which effects arousal…sorry my bad…I know no one cares about my meds…im just a little obsessed with it cause I really want to stop the buprenorphine or at least lower the dose to 1mg so I can be happy again and clear headed. That med at high doses sort of makes me nuts by numbing me out badly; can’t even enjoy music for example if the dose is too high….a lot of my crazier posts where inspired by that medication btw.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Hey Clubber, I take bupropion as well for my past depression. My doctor didn’t tell me anything about an increase in sex drive though. In fact, I feel like my libido is on the lower side of average right now. Can you give me more info? thanks Club.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I follow Avocet8’s pumping for ED twice a day, 3 days a week. I pump for at least 30 minutes at under 5hg twice a week, Last night I pumped for over an hour and my pumped girth increased to 6” instead of my normal EG of 4.75”; however I did have a small doughnut. As I mentioned, I haven’t taken any unpumped measurements, but I haven’t seen any significant unpumped gains. Flaccid girth and and length appear to be a bit bigger and my unpumped EG feels bigger.

I primarily use an LA elongated (wide mouth) 1.5” cylinder attached to a Harbor Freight pump. I also water pump in the shower with a cheap rubber ball pump. Since I completely packed the cylinder last night for the first time, I will have to order a 1.75” cylinder.

If you don’t do already, I suggest jelqing between sets of pumping; it can make some difference in gains and EQ.

Like mentioned above, not everything works for everyone. No matter what you do to your body always remember that everyone is different and every body is different. Just like everyone heals at a different rate and when going to the gym, some people muscle up faster than others. You just have to try all the different, but safe, techniques and devices until you find which works best for your body.or just love what you have! I don’t specifically PE to gain size, I do it specifically because it feels good!


Originally Posted by Chunk
eventually the truth comes out that they ‘mostly’ stuck with their routine, but yeah, they missed ‘some’ workouts, or yeah, they were a ‘little’ inconsistent, or yeah, they were doing their jelqs, but doing them while they watch Celebrity Apprentice or whatever…

In December you were doing 30 mins of jelqs per session, and now you are on 20? Is that your winning progression?


Originally Posted by jaylough
So I’ve been jelqing, doing manual stretches, and kegels 4 times per week for 14 months

In February of this year you wrote:

Originally Posted by jaylough
Pretty much the past few months I have been doing 4 days on , 3 days off consistently

not exactly the same thing, is it? I am not attempting to ball bust sir. I just wish to point out that you may well have been misleading yourself.

Chunk has it nailed, jaylough.

Originally Posted by Chunk
… go one of two routes.

A. take at least a full month off, maybe two, then do, the Newbie Routine verbatim, and program in a load progression and stick with the plan.


B.Get yourself a quality hanger…

Hey iwish6, the sex drive thing is very well documented. Pretty much any article on Bupropion will reference it. Bupropion - Wikipedia Or simply do a Google for "Wellbutrin sex drive"

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