Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

4 inchers

I am 5’10” tall but my penis is only 5” can it possibly get bigger to 6” in a couple of months??

I’m shy having sex because of my penis size can you help me?

Originally Posted by PEnewbi
I am 5’10” tall but my penis is only 5” can it possibly get bigger to 6” in a couple of months??
I’m shy having sex because of my penis size can you help me?

Your size is within the normal range. It is possible for you to get another inch, but not likely in a couple of months. Some guys never manage to gain a full inch, even after a year or more of dedicated PE.

The only way to discover your own growth potential is to practice PE the correct way for an extended period of time. Think in terms of at least 6 months to a year. You will find that some continue to do PE for several years.

As always, go first to the Newbie Routine link at the top of the page, and begin carefully reading through all of the links provided. Then, either use the Search feature for all its worth, or begin browsing through the active and archived threads in each of the forums, or better yet do both. You will find hours of enlightening reading here.

Assuming you intend to make an honest effort at PE, begin by taking accurate starting measurements, including a good photo if possible, then put the ruler away and forget about it for two or three months. Don’t obsess over measuring yourself frequently—this will only lead to disappointment. Stick with the newbie routine and focus on refining your stretching and jelqing techniques.

Well said, calfaddict.

PEnewbi it’s possible to gain an inch in a couple of months, but that doesn’t happen for everyone.

calfaddict is right on, it’s best to put your energy into working on getting the newbie routine right, rather than obsess about your relationship with the ruler.

Welcome to Thunder's.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by calfaddict
Your size is within the normal range. It is possible for you to get another inch, but not likely in a couple of months. Some guys never manage to gain a full inch, even after a year or more of dedicated PE.

I fit in this way man, I am almost completing a year of PE and I still don’t get my full inch, I have gained more in girth, witch it’s a very cool thing, but lenght it’s what I need.

Anyway great read callfaddict.

Figaro - you’re a star!

I think that asking someone like you about their routine, rather than the guys that are ‘easy’ gainers or are already big and have had quick newbie gains, is likely to be much more productive.

You are the opitimy of consistancy and perserverance. Well done!

What is your routine currently and did you hit any plateaus?

01/OCT/2007: BPEPL: 7.00, Base Girth 5, Mid G: 4.5, Under glans G: 4.25.

01/NOV/2007: BPEPL: 7.25, Base Girth: 5.25, Mid G: 4.75, Under glans G: 4.50.

Ultimate goal: 8" x 6"

Yep, I have never understood asking guys that are amazingly easy gainers what their routine is.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks for the advices ill remember that hopefuly I can gain 1 inch in 6 months ehehe

I just found this forum after getting serious about searching for a natural way to possibly increase my size a little, while hopefully gaining a lot of needed confidence. As a very tall person it’s always been a sore spot with me that I was cursed in the length department. At 6’4” tall I’m only BPEL 4.9 X EG 4.7. I know a guy that at only about 5’7” tall had an 8 with an incredible girth of 7.5” plus. Life isn’t fair I suppose. I’m not expecting anything of that sort, but hopefully with the guides and exercises I’ll be able to possibly achieve a small gain.

I would truly like to see a pic of a 7.5” girth!

Yes, Phyriel, but I also think may be a bit exaggerated. I have seen a 6.5” girth, but 7.5” is awful big.

Originally Posted by abracadabra
Mines is exactly at 4 inches. Average condoms don’t fit as well as I want them to, lol. 5 inches girth, here I come.


Starting: Length, Erect: 4.5 In Goal:Erect Length: - 6 inches

Girth, Erect: 3.85 In Erect Girth: - 5 inches

Not proudly to announce but I’m in the 4” club. Hopefully soon to be 5” club. I feel so out of place reading people’s stats and seeing that there girth is longer than my length, kinda makes me sad. But in another sense makes me want to work hard to be part of the 7” club. Hopefully soon.

Current: BPEL 4.6" EG 4.1"

Short term goal: BPEL 5.5" EG 5"

Final goal: BPEL 6-7.5" EG 6"

I started PE a week ago after finding this site and am inspired by the progress that many have made here. I am an ashamed member of the 4” club and I must admit to finding some of the other posts amusing (I.e. Guys who are already at 7” and want to get to 9”). It’s a whole different world for small men. My starting stats are 4.6” NBPEL and 4.3” EG. Life has not been fun at that size. It would make such a difference to me to just be big enough not to get laughed at by women (not sure what size that would take, perhaps 5.5”-6”).

I have begun with the Newbie Routine found on this site (with a 2 days on / 1 day rest cycle):

1. 5 minutes hot wrap
2. 5 minutes manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
3. 10 minutes of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
4. 5 minutes hot wrap
5. 50 kegels of five second holds each

I have replaced the hot wrap with 5 minutes under hot water with a shower head. I also found it too hard to start with the suggested number of exercises so I reduced it to 100 jelqs and 25 kegels. I will increase the number incrementally over several weeks to 600 jelqs and 50 kegels.

I have only been on the program since last week but it seems to already have had some effect. My erections feel harder and I seem to have gained 1 mm in length. At this point, it might just be my imagination or measurement error so I will wait and see.

My initial goal is to get out of the 4” club and into the 5” club (together with 4.5” EG). That would at least put me into the range of normal (albeit the small end of the range), rather than the miserable abnormal end I am currently in.

Any comments or advice are much appreciated.


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