Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

4 inchers

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Dude, forget how big a guys penis is…just look for info on how to enlarge YOURS!!!

Great info and great guys here…welcome!

Read, learn, ask questions and leave the 4 incher group behind!

I did, and I have. I am happy to announce my new membership in the 5” club. I hope all the other 4 inchers make it too!


I got a lot of work ahead of me. 4x4 age 20.

(Sits in the back of the class.reluctantly raises hand).Yep.that’s me also.4 inches. Let’s just say I’ve failed some “crucial inspections” .very painful. Not much elsewhere to go but up. 5 inches.5.5.sounds like a nice goal, but in the end, a goal of having a healthier penis is good as well.

Yup this was me a year or two ago at 4.5 nbpl and just under 5 bpel, now I’m 6 bpel and believe me it has given me so much more confidence just knowing that I’m average and not small. Keep it consistent and youll be gaining before you know it

Yet another small fish joins the pond.

5”BPEL x 4.1”MSEG

This is a marathon worth running!!

Dec 09: BPEL 5.3" x MSEG 4.2"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" x MSEG 5"

Originally Posted by tomtom23
…year or two ago at 4.5 nbpl and just under 5 bpel, now I’m 6 bpel and believe me it has given me so much more confidence…

That is so cool, congratulations.

For all of those shrinks and sex “experts” that advocate just being happy with what you have. Try telling someone like tomtom that has gone from less than 5 BP to a full 6 BP that size doesn’t matter.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Hello all, I see that it has been a very long time since anyone posted under this thread so I am not certain if anyone will see this. Anyways, I am also a member of the 4 inch club. A couple of months ago a girl that I liked a lot and I finally began to hook up. We had been great friends for a long time but when she finally saw my penis she went from being out of control horny to telling that she “was just a tease.” She stopped giving me head and came up with an excuse for leaving. I was beyond devastated because I had intended to date this girl. This lead to some pretty bad self confidence that lasted for quite a while.

Flash forward a couple of months and I have finally begun to get over her and that terrible experience. All of you other 4 inchers out there do not dismay. There is nothing wrong with you or me. Yes our penises are below average but we joined this site to correct that problem. I have only been PEing for a little over a week, but I am ready to work hard and join the 5 inch club.

06/10/2012: EL = 4 inches / BPEL = 4.75 inches / EG = 5 inches (mid shaft)

Short Term Goal : EL = 4.5 inches / BPEL = 5.25 inches / EG = 5.25 inches

Long Term Goal: EL = 6 inches / BPEL = 6.5 inches / EG = 5.75 inches

Originally Posted by iamaru
Yep, I have never understood asking guys that are amazingly easy gainers what their routine is.

An old post, but very apt as this seems to happen from time to time on Thunders.

In a similar vein - 2 months ago I started a serious workout routine at the gym. My goal is to grow my pecs. It is slow work. However, my arms grow from doing almost nothing. So if you asked for my bicep routine, and I said - all you have to do is lift a cup of hot coffee 3 times a day - you would not be surprised if nothing happened. But for me even wanking makes my arms bigger. However, I have been bench pressing and flying and chin-upping and God-knows what else and my pecs have hardly grown.

Funnily enough, my dad said his pecs grew with out any effort, but his arms were hard work, so he is totally opposite to me.

Everybody probably has one part that is an easy gain part. With some guys it is their dick :D

I'm fed up of having a signature!

In the gym or doing PE the same approach works, go slow and be dedicated to the program. I am one week in and living the thought that I might break 7x5 in a year but I also realize that it may not happen. I will keep going though thanks to all the good success stories and support here!

On 6/15/12 NBPEL=6", BPEL=6.5" EG=4.75", BPFSL=6.75"

Current NBPEL=6 1/8" , BPEL=6 7/8" , EG=4 15/16", BPFSL=7"

Goal NBPEL=7", EG=5.5"

4.5x4.5 (NBPELxEG) reporting in. Also, if anyone graduates to the 5 inch club, make sure you post it here as motivation to the rest of us.

Be patient, be diligent and thorough in your PE regiments and give glory to god for gains you may achieve.

Be patient, be diligent and thorough in your PE regiments and give glory to god for gains you may achieve.

Reporting in! 5.5 BPEL 4.1EG

Nanometers passed 5 at non bone pressed with 4.25 girth. 5.5 4.5 is short term goal.

4.5x4.5 here. is the thread dead?

Wow no one has posted in years. But that’s my stats.


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