Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

40 hours a week


I am one of the youngest here (18, 19 October 1st), I don’t think anyone does PE for 6 hours a day, thats insane. You can pull something like that (no pun intended). I usually do my pe around 9 or 10 pm while watching tv, on average I pe for about 1 1/2 hours or less. I am in my 3rd week and have already seen good gains in grith.

Thunder, I learned to cap them I’s..:)

My Starting Stats July 11, 2005 NBPEL: 6.05 EG: 5.25 NBPFL: 4.15 FG: 4.60 My Goal: NBPEL: 7.00 EG: 6.00

I banned stvt32. We make a good faith effort to prevent minors from accessing this forum, and his posts in this thread implied he was underage.

You done gave him the axe…:thumbs:

My Starting Stats July 11, 2005 NBPEL: 6.05 EG: 5.25 NBPFL: 4.15 FG: 4.60 My Goal: NBPEL: 7.00 EG: 6.00

I just did PE for 12 hours a day yesterday and seem to have made some gains. :)

What I wanna know is where he got that info.


Ooooh, I like that smiley. Nice addition.

Well it’s not as if he was going to make any gains anyway…it didn’t sound like he was willing to put in the necessary 40 hours per week.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

There should be a cover page for this site when accessing from google, 2 buttons, 18 or older click here(access the site) 17 or younger click here(donald duck homepage)

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
I just did PE for 12 hours a day yesterday and seem to have made some gains. :)

Did you increase your BPEL, or just your BPFSL? :spin2:


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