As a year PE’er I think I want to reinforce the issue of stretching.Regardless of whether the method is ADS, hanging or manual stretching, all do the same thing, stretch!
So it should be no shock stretching produces results, nor is manual stretching inferior to anything else.
Streching and jelqing are the basic building blocks of gains, simple.
Hanging gives more control and the ability to produce longer stress i.e. try doing a BTC manual strech for twenty minutes, your hand would probably drop off!
The point I make to newbies, just because it is called the newbie routine DON’T think the routine is somehow limited or it is only something to be done for a few months until you reach for other methods.
The newbie routine is likely to deliver the best gains for many people and could easily be used for many years.
yea sooon i think im gonna start doing jelqing in addition to my regular stretching PE. only thing is i hate how messy it is :(