Thunder's Place

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6.8-7.5 from a stretching only routine


6.8-7.5 from a stretching only routine

so for about 3 months now ive been doing manual stretches, at first i was warming up but i really lost hte time for that.. so for the past 2 months or so it’s been no warmup stretching whenever i get the chance, not to a ridiculous point but my penis is often a little sore. my flaccid sice has improved tremendously, and my erect has changed from 6.8 (more or less - i remember i couldnt get to 7 with the ruler) to about 7.5.

pe works!!

Congratulations! I myself haven’t started my PE program yet (will begin August 1st) but I have concluded even before my program that length gains are very realistic, and usually more attainable of the two dimensions (length and girth). I’m confident I can get to at least 6” from 5” BPEL, and your story makes me that much more convinced (my ultimate goal is 7”).

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Originally Posted by shookone
so for about 3 months now ive been doing manual stretches, at first i was warming up but i really lost hte time for that.. so for the past 2 months or so it’s been no warmup stretching whenever i get the chance, not to a ridiculous point but my penis is often a little sore. my flaccid sice has improved tremendously, and my erect has changed from 6.8 (more or less - i remember i couldnt get to 7 with the ruler) to about 7.5.

Describe your routine? How often do you stretch, and for how many minutes?

I am sure you know bennett8 made great gains primarily with stretching.

(I think some could make gains just from doing a couple minutes of stretching everytime they pee, amounting to only 10-15 minutes of stretching per day.)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Last edited by commanderblop : 07-26-2008 at .

Glad you are gaining

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Originally Posted by commanderblop
Describe your routine? How often do you stretch, and for how many minutes?

I am sure you know bennett8 made great gains primarily with stretching.

(I think some could make gains just from doing a couple minutes of stretching everytimt they pee, amounting to only 10-15 minutes of stretching per day.)

ya whenever i pee, when im just bored around the house…ideally in addition to a usual 10mins of set stretching a day

how do i stretch? i grab my penis and pull, but very little upward stretches stretches

Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
Congratulations! I myself haven’t started my PE program yet (will begin August 1st) but I have concluded even before my program that length gains are very realistic, and usually more attainable of the two dimensions (length and girth). I’m confident I can get to at least 6” from 5” BPEL, and your story makes me that much more convinced (my ultimate goal is 7”).

you just gotta go with it, it’s become so natural for me to do the stretching that it’s become part of my lifestyle…i really have noticed this by now (still only 2.5 months).

Last edited by shookone : 07-23-2008 at .

Great gains keep up the good work. You should be proud of such great gains after such a short time.
Juts remember the quantity of the gains by decrease after the inicial “start bonus” but you are definitely on the right track.

Just as a personal advice I would advise you to use the spell check and avoid using i instead of I as well as capitalising at the beginning of a sentence.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Another thing I am not being a pain in the ass, but can you write a little more “right” for we foreigner it’s really hard to read that.

Good point!

Shookone, please capitalize sentences, end with punctuation, capitalize “I”, avoid too much slang, etc. For everyone’s benefit. :)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Yeah sorry guy, i’m used to a more relaxed type of conversation on the internet, but of course I will adhere to the rules, don’t want to start any problems :) .

Originally Posted by Phyriel
You have some idea of how many stretch you do during the day??

Another thing I am not being a pain in the ass, but can you write a little more “right” for we foreigner it’s really hard to read that.

Not a ridiculous amount, if I am around and in privacy, I will do some stretches for maybe a minute or so. Sometiimes more, however it is usually sporadic and short.

Congrats! I was on a stretching only routine for a month. I was consistent and dedicated, but saw no gains. I am going to try again, keeping in mind your “lifestyle” approach. :)

I’ve been doing the standard PE for about 4 months now without seen any gains. My routine is about 30-40 mins of stretching and jelqing 5 days a week. Has anyone gone through and long period of PE without seeing any gains? What I’m particularly interested in is anyone who has not seen any gains but switched their routines and began seeing results.

Congrats shookone!

Originally Posted by Flop
I’ve been doing the standard PE for about 4 months now without seen any gains. My routine is about 30-40 mins of stretching and jelqing 5 days a week. Has anyone gone through and long period of PE without seeing any gains? What I’m particularly interested in is anyone who has not seen any gains but switched their routines and began seeing results.

By standard routine you mean the newbie routine? If you had no results, chances are you are doing too much, too intense. I’ve to say, also, that it could happen that something is not working in a given period, and the very same job is working in another period.

Changing exercises can make start your progress; one of the most successful member here, Piet is a big supporter of the idea to change your work very often, so your penis will not adapt to a given stress.

If you are interested in length, a stretching-only routine, with small amounts of pulls many times through the day could deserve a try. Give a read to the link that CommanderBlop posted, it’s one of the best threads of this forum IMHO.

ya thanks guys hope it keeps coming :)

As a year PE’er I think I want to reinforce the issue of stretching.

Regardless of whether the method is ADS, hanging or manual stretching, all do the same thing, stretch!

So it should be no shock stretching produces results, nor is manual stretching inferior to anything else.

Streching and jelqing are the basic building blocks of gains, simple.

Hanging gives more control and the ability to produce longer stress i.e. try doing a BTC manual strech for twenty minutes, your hand would probably drop off!

The point I make to newbies, just because it is called the newbie routine DON’T think the routine is somehow limited or it is only something to be done for a few months until you reach for other methods.

The newbie routine is likely to deliver the best gains for many people and could easily be used for many years.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

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