Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A stretching device only routine.

A stretching device only routine.

I have not seen any threads on the PE stretching devices(PM, andromedical.etc).the stretching threads seem to focus on manual stretching only. I was reading some of the sites on andro-medical and others and it says that you can have good gains by just using these devices. Is that everyones opinion? Also, where is the link for the mentor program?


I think Max X tender is also one of the stretching devices. There is a thread on it.

Hey Thunder, I tried using that search button you provided but it is not working :)

It’s working great, just trying to help out, I love it.

Nice. Is that a new smilie? We should have fun with that one. :D


Smart man…lol.


I was going to use it like crazy.

Which is the main reason why it is Mod only.


Whoa, why does it say “HOLD” under xlmagnum?

Nice search animation Thunder, you could put that as your signature. ;)

I think it may work, but that a good PE routine in addition will maximize any gains you may get from using them.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

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