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A different NEWBIE ROUTINE frequency

A different NEWBIE ROUTINE frequency

Based on the writings of PE experts MX, Shiver, xenolith, hobby, ModestoMan, Remek and several others, the ideal routine frequency is 1 day ON, 2 days OFF.

Now the big question is: Are those training protocols applicable to the newbie routine or should the 1 day ON, 2 days OFF schedule only be incorporated after the newbie routine is finished (3 months)?

All PE veterans and newcomers please feel free to weigh in.


Wow I’ve been doing PE almost 7 days per week and only take a day off when my morning wood is not happening and then I take a day off and it’s fine after that. I’m interested in this reply too.

dicktator, it is the other way around.

Originally Posted by luvdadus
It is important to start out gradually to allow the penis to adapt. The first two months of penis enlargement are when most injuries take place and they are a matter of pushing too far, too fast….
Schedule:2 days ON / 1 day REST.

from: Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

Plenty of guys only take 1 or 2 days off a week, or use baywatch’s method. The 2 on 1 off is recommended to new guys so that they don’t break their penises. Stick with the newbie routine for a few months for safety before considering tweaking your routine. If your penis is getting larger on the newbie routine you probably don’t want to tweak it too much! If you do decide to experiment a bit you now have a tougher penis, are confident that you are doing the basics correctly, and are familiar enough with your own responses to tell when you are pushing things to far.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Dicktator, it is the other way around. From: Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

Plenty of guys only take 1 or 2 days off a week, or use baywatch’s method. The 2 on 1 off is recommended to new guys so that they don’t break their penises. Stick with the newbie routine for a few months for safety before considering tweaking your routine. If your penis is getting larger on the newbie routine you probably don’t want to tweak it too much! If you do decide to experiment a bit you now have a tougher penis, are confident that you are doing the basics correctly, and are familiar enough with your own responses to tell when you are pushing things to far.

I realize that the official newbie routine suggests 2 days ON, 1 day OFF. I was wondering if one would get greater gains with more rest days such as a 1 day ON, 2 days OFF routine would provide.
This has been suggested by many of the PE experts I named above, but I’m not sure if it would work as well in the newbie routine.

Anybody else have an opinion on Newbie routine frequency?

I goy my best newbie gains with five on and two off.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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