A Kegel Question
The things that I’ve read on kegels are, use the muscles that stop your wee, but don’t tighten your belly or bum. Well I can do this with on problems but only if I’m squeezing light, but when I do them lightly I’m not feeling a pump or a swelling of the glans. If I try to do a stronger squeeze I feel a slight increase but my bum & belly also tighten.
I know I can stop my wee at any time for as long as I need with a light squeeze hold but is that all the strength I need to strengthen the kegels, and just keep doing that, or is a strong hold necessary to gain a strong kegel muscle.
One other question on kegels that I have is about the muscle that is used for a kegel, has it got a right and left or is it just one unit. The reason is that I’ve always felt the squeeze on the right side but if I focus I can squeeze the left as well, is this all the same muscle or am I bringing other muscles in as well, or is the left side just weak.
Cheers buggs