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Kegel Question

Kegel Question

Any one ever experience any lactid acid burn from doing kegels? You know, the burn you get in your legs when biking up a big hill. If so, how and when do you get it?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

I’ve had a bit of that when doing sustained Kegels, you know, the kind where you clamp down and count to 10. Repeat that a few times and you’ll feel the burn.

I do 5 min kegel squeezes to make it get sore enough that I can’t hold it much longer, at first this would make me sore the next day, but not anymore.

I aim for muscular failure just like with bodybuilding.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Not acid burn, no… a similar sensation to muscular fatique/failure when in the gym, yes.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981

I do 5 min kegel squeezes to make it get sore enough that I can’t hold it much longer, at first this would make me sore the next day, but not anymore.

I aim for muscular failure just like with bodybuilding.

Do you think it was lactic acid or just soreness?

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

I think lactic acid is only temporary, like when a muscle is sore from too many repetitions, and goes away after a minute or less.

Soreness the next day I believe is from micro-tears in the muscles and indicates that it will grow.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Yah. The reason I am asking is because supposedly lactic acid aids or triggers the repair of tendons. That is what I have read.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...


But creatine is a suppliment which increases muscle mass gain, and it can actually decrease the build-up of lactic acid. So if what you say is true, why is creatine proven to aid in building muscle mass? Unless perhaps the amount of repair aided/triggered by lactic acid is less than whatever factor creatine has to get muscles repairing and growing.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

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