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A good kegel routine to try


A good kegel routine to try

Some people do kegels constantly, all day, whenever they get chance. Kegels in the car on the way to work, kegels at work in the office, kegels at the movies, kegels while sleeping etc.

I think this is way overkill, and that kegels should be done as part of a specific routine, just like your PE sessions.

I recommend doing 4 20 minute kegel sessions per week, building up to 30 minute sessions every other day. I have been doing this, and the erection strength benefits have been tremendous, as well as the maximum time I can hold the contraction for. All in a relatively short period of time.

If you are confused about kegel routines and when to do them, or maybe if you want to try something different, try this routine for a month and see if you dont notice the benefits.

This is the actual routine, copied from a PM I sent:

First half (1st 10mins) - 5 second squeeze, followed by a few seconds rest. For this part, contract the muscle as forcefully as you can for the 5 secs, then release. Really squeeze it up good. After a few weeks of training you will notice the releasing of the kegel a lot more. Hard to explain but you will get what I mean when it happens.

Last half (2nd 10mins) - Maximum duration squeeze. I hold the contraction for as long as I can, and count in my head while I do it. In the beginning, I could get to 20-25. When practicing holding off the ejaculation, I noticed I needed a lot longer, closer to a count of 35 (not quite seconds btw). I also noticed that at around the 15 count the contraction would be significantly weaker, too weak to stop the fluid flow. The muscle was just too tired! So I concentrated on training to keep a strong (but not maximum) contraction for the whole time. This has helped to no end. Now I can nearly hold for a 40 count at full squeeze, but I lose strength of the contraction somewhere in the 30’s.

The first half of the routine will increase the maximum strength of your kegels, while the second half will increase the maximum time you can hold your contractions. It is important to do the two in this order, if you do the second half first the muscle will be fatigued and not able to contract as strongly as if it was fresh. For the second half, remember what the highest count you can get to, and write it down maybe. I bet that it will have increased by at least 10 after the first week or two.

If you dont know what a kegel is or how to do one, do a fucking search.

I am very pleased with this routine and I hope it will be of use to some people!

Good Luck

Sounds interesting! I’m gonna give it a try!

I don’t kegel daily, either. Every other PE session I kegel, rather than simple counting, to mark the time I’ve been stretching. For example, when I’m doing a 12:00 tunica stretch for 30 seconds, I’ll kegel 30 times as I count. I do this with each stretch. If I stretch five different angles for five minutes at 30 second intervals, I get a nice PC workout.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


Pah, i’m not a fan of 1 second kegels. I think maximum contraction kegels should be held for 5 seconds. But if that works for you, great.


please post any kegel videos

Originally Posted by vamsi

please post any kegel videos


Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

I don’t know if I’m doing them right, but I can only hold it for a second or so and after a day of doing them, my ass muscles hurt. WTF? Are those muscles inter-connected?

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G


>I don’t know if I’m doing them right, but I can only hold it for a second or so and after a day of doing them, my ass muscles hurt. WTF?

If you find it hard to do for longer than a second, start by stopping the flow 3 times everytime you take a piss. After maybe a week you’ll have enough strength to do proper kegel routines and be better at isolating the specific muscle.

>Are those muscles inter-connected?

No but it’s difficult to contract one without the other at first.


>please post any kegel videos

That would be no use to you at all (instructionally speaking).


I’ve been doing a 45 minute Kegal session 3 times per week (M,W,F) I did try these every day, but felt I wasn’t getting the proper workout. I now view these as like working out your chest mucles - you need a break!!

Also, the first couple weeks I was squeezing my ass and cock muscles (PC,BC) at the same time not knowing the difference. But now I can isolate the cock muscle only (You only will understand this after a while of doing them)

My 3.5 cents (2 cents US)
Good post and good info!!


Very nice routine.

If same one is looking forward to control their ejaculation or even separate orgasm from ejaculation this is a good routine it, you would get strength and endurance on you PC.
If you want the best benefits from kegel, it best to not kegel everyday. Working on your PC it is not like working with your penis, because PC is a muscle. It’s like when you go the gym. If you want bigger biceps, you should work hard as possible in one day and rest your biceps for 3-5 days. But since PC is a small muscle 1-2 days of rest is enough.

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq
Some people do kegels constantly, all day, whenever they get chance. Kegels in the car on the way to work, kegels at work in the office, kegels at the movies, kegels while sleeping etc.

I think this is way overkill, and that kegels should be done as part of a specific routine, just like your PE sessions.

I recommend doing 4 20 minute kegel sessions per week, building up to 30 minute sessions every other day. I have been doing this, and the erection strength benefits have been tremendous, as well as the maximum time I can hold the contraction for. All in a relatively short period of time.

If you are confused about kegel routines and when to do them, or maybe if you want to try something different, try this routine for a month and see if you don’t notice the benefits.

This is the actual routine, copied from a PM I sent:

First half (1st 10mins) - 5 second squeeze, followed by a few seconds rest. For this part, contract the muscle as forcefully as you can for the 5 secs, then release. Really squeeze it up good. After a few weeks of training you will notice the releasing of the kegel a lot more. Hard to explain but you will get what I mean when it happens.

Last half (2nd 10mins) - Maximum duration squeeze. I hold the contraction for as long as I can, and count in my head while I do it. In the beginning, I could get to 20-25. When practicing holding off the ejaculation, I noticed I needed a lot longer, closer to a count of 35 (not quite seconds btw). I also noticed that at around the 15 count the contraction would be significantly weaker, too weak to stop the fluid flow. The muscle was just too tired! So I concentrated on training to keep a strong (but not maximum) contraction for the whole time. This has helped to no end. Now I can nearly hold for a 40 count at full squeeze, but I lose strength of the contraction somewhere in the 30’s.

The first half of the routine will increase the maximum strength of your kegels, while the second half will increase the maximum time you can hold your contractions. It is important to do the two in this order, if you do the second half first the muscle will be fatigued and not able to contract as strongly as if it was fresh. For the second half, remember what the highest count you can get to, and write it down maybe. I bet that it will have increased by at least 10 after the first week or two.

If you don’t know what a kegel is or how to do one, do a fucking search.

I am very pleased with this routine and I hope it will be of use to some people!

Good Luck

I see, so I should do this routine every other day or once a week?

I’m definitely going to give this a try.

The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

Thanks for reviving this thread. And thanks to the people who posted it originally.

Interesting stuff. I haven’t been doing PE long, but when I started out I was a bit lazy when it came to kegels. Since forcing myself to do them every session (50, as suggested in the Newbie Routine), there already seems to be a noticeable improvement in erection strength, particularly engorgement of the head.

I might try some of the alternatives suggested in this thread further down the track.

Originally Posted by Slack

It says “4 20min sessions a week”, then “building upto 30mins every other day”.

How long before I advanced to “building up to 30mins every other day?

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