Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

a little lump when i Jelq..

a little lump when i Jelq..

There is a little lump that forms when i jelq???

its kinda weird i am kinda confused…

its goes away when i am finished and wait like half an hour….

it looks like a vein….
its at the base of my penis.. but at the top of my sac….

any one have this problem…

thank you for your insight….

Hey WAZup,

Nice to meet you.

This sounds like it could just be normal vein expansion, veins can appear quite bumpy, If you grip below the point of the lump when you have an erection does it come up? That would be a vein.

Its possible that you could have created a (or exploited an existing) weakening in the vein wall and that it has expanded slightly. The next step is then a breach, a patch of discoloration and some coagulated blood.

If there is a hard lump you may have reached this stage already (or have a thrombosis entirely internal to the vein) in either case take a week of and do massages and hot wraps, it should gradually disappear.

As you are new do I assume you have little jelqing experience? If so be very aware of pushing to fast too quickly. The first couple of months the penis changes a great deal from jelqing, it becomes better able to cope with the intense pressure involved.

The other thing to bear in mind is we start looking harder at our penis when we start jelqing and the normal can easily seem abnormal.

Hope that helps.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

thank you for your reply..

i really dont think it is thrombosis because
the thing is below where i grip..
its at the base of my saft but on the side of it in my sac….
it sounds weird

its goes away…and does not really hurt… i guesss i should do less and slower just to make sure..

i am hoping to get some gain…
i love the forums..
thanks for your help….

There was a problem bigblackstick was talking about a while ago which involved a bunched up connection to the testes. I can’t find the damn thread right now. If I do I’ll post it. Do you feel like the connection to one of the testes is thicker than the other?

Oh and please read the forum guidelines, use capitals and stop using dots. I have a nasty habit of getting into a fit of peak about these things and banning people. What can I say: power corrupts.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thats the one. Thanks Thunder.

WAZup, check out that thread and see if it sounds familiar.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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