Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A month on the tally.

A month on the tally.

First month of PE is about done. How I see it I’m just one month closer to the great 9-7. As far as gains, in the first weeks of PE I noticed that my girth was increasing too fast(.5 gain in 2 weeks), I knew(because i used the search bar and did my research, thanks thunder) that I had to slightly alter my routine to fit my needs as far as gaining length. I incorporated doing jelqs at lower intensities(20-50%) erections so that it would further progress my length. At the end of the month I will take new measurements to see how far I’ve gone. Last i checked i had a 1/8 gain in length(this could be inaccurate.)

Enough about me, there are a few things I’d like to share with some of you who may find some of these tips useful.
You all may have heard the phrase “Quality over quantity”. This is golden. Why? because few realize how important form is, the foundation of what it is you are building, whether it be a house, muscles or a larger willy.
Sometimes you may find yourself counting numbers in your head, and towards the end of those jelqs or stretches the numbers may start counting faster until eventually tada, you’re done, you got in your days work of PE, done. This is a mistake. You must realize that when you are mechanically performing an activity you do not get as much out of it as per-say, putting every… single… thought….and ounce… of concentration into what you’re doing. That’s quality.

Another very important thing I learned is the use of your kinesthetic abilities. At the beginning I found my eyes telling me that I was indeed stretching the willy to the left, and it was until I became aware that I realized I wasn’t feeling it as much as I thought I should have. I began focusing my attention of the “feeling” I got, this helped me tremendously. After me PE workouts I felt and knew I had fulfilled my session properly. Remember when you feel pain you’re doing something wrong, I personally go for an intense yet safe stretch.

Dedication and Patience are great friends of mine. No need for further explanation.

To Bird: I tried the advanced Isometrics, and found that it was too effective since my LOT it low, and couldn’t get that proper stretch. So something I began doing was kegeling while stretching my willy upwards(while semi-fully flaccid), not sure how this works yet but it feels right. Is there a name for this activity?

Questions to the more experienced or those who know. Is it safe to PE twice a day, say between 8-10 hours? As the Newbie routine moves along, should I incorporate more workout days say from 2on1 to 6on1 or 7on0? Longer stretches? More jelqs? Give me what you know.

Well thanks to all who have answered questions of mine and to great advice provided. I should change my signature lengths by the end of the month. Does anyone know btw how to enter PE statistics? Well.. ahoy maties, let the New Years begin. ;)

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

Goal: EL: 9 EG:7

Originally Posted by JollyRog
To Bird: I tried the advanced Isometrics, and found that it was too effective since my LOT it low, and couldn’t get that proper stretch. So something I began doing was kegeling while stretching my willy upwards(while semi-fully flaccid), not sure how this works yet but it feels right. Is there a name for this activity?

Looks like DLD blasters to me. They will not give you the benefits that amazing isometrics does to you. If your LOT is low try bending it lower than parallel to the floor. Do this in a careful way, absolutely no bending to the sides. Stop when you feel resistance. Tell me what you think about that. In my opinion this is the way low LOT guys should do amazing isometrics.

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