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A problem with ball stretching

A problem with ball stretching

Hi guys,

I need some advice.

A little while back I decided that besides a bigger dick, I also wanted to have some low hangers to accompany it.
I’m quite tight so bought a leather stretcher (1cm width) preemptive and started manual stretching. In about two months is doubled the size of my scrotum. Not very impressive considering how tight I am, but it gives me some working room. Or so I thought. My scrotum stretches much easier than my balls do.

Since I was tight I decided to start with manual stretching. Four different kinds of stretching for the scrotum only en 3 for the balls. The scrotum seems to stretch at a much quicker pace than my balls stretch. It’s still very difficult to fasten the leather ball stretcher. And when I do fasten it my cremaster usually pulls one nut right through in 10 to 20 mins.

Ultimately I would like to stop the manual stretching (since the growth seems to favor the scrotum) and move on to a metal ball stretcher. At this moment there are two things that keep me from moving on. The first is that I don’t think I can fasten it yet. And the second is that the price is quite high for something that I don’t know I will be able to fasten.

My question to you guys is as follows. Has someone run into the same problem (uneven stretching)? And did you find a solution? Or maybe you haven’t encountered this problem but just have a great solution to even things out and help me move on to the next step.

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


Start: BPEL 6.2inch, MSEG 4.6inch.

Current: BPEL 6.7inch, MSEG 4.7inch.

Goal: BPEL 8 inch, MSEG 6 inch.

Try a google search for scrotal stretching. You should find a link to Jarod Johanson. Lots of good information.

I am also tight most of the time and seem to be looser now that I have been taking the herb Damiana, it makes my balls seem plumper. I get it from Vitamin World .com cheap. I take one twice a day.

The Older The Fiddle The Sweeter The Tune

Thank you guys for the advice.

I’ve basically been using the guide from secret leather and thanks to the Google search I now know it’s from Jarod Johanson. I had to modify it a bit. But as time went on I’m better able to do the exercises as he describes.

The problem as I said before seems to be the uneven stretching. Great success in the scrotum, less so on the cords.

I feel like stretching on the cords will be better/ faster when I can apply longer stretching, but because it’s still quite tight I can’t seem to attach anything to achieve that. I can be totally wrong and just need to be patient. But I thought I’d ask.

I’ll look into the damiana. How long did it take for you to see any changes?


Start: BPEL 6.2inch, MSEG 4.6inch.

Current: BPEL 6.7inch, MSEG 4.7inch.

Goal: BPEL 8 inch, MSEG 6 inch.

I have been taking the Damiana for a few mos now and noticed slightly larger balls in about 2 weeks . Here two threads to check out. My advice is to read everything you can find on ball stretching and while your down there give yourself a self exam. the life you save will be your own. Happy stretching, Bear.

Size of the Testicles Balls

Ballpumping pics

The Older The Fiddle The Sweeter The Tune

Thank you for the advice. I’ll look into the damiana and I’ll see where it leads to.

I read up on all the material on ball stretching already (don’t like to start on anything uninformed). But I ran into a specific problem not covered anywhere. Judging by the answers I get it may be a little too specific. Let’s hope it all works out.


Start: BPEL 6.2inch, MSEG 4.6inch.

Current: BPEL 6.7inch, MSEG 4.7inch.

Goal: BPEL 8 inch, MSEG 6 inch.

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