Thunder's Place

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A question about hair (sort of lame question)


A question about hair (sort of lame question)

Hi guys,

I’ve just started my PE routines and I’ve been jelqing. Its going well but I keep pulling my hairs down there. I just wanted to know if I should get rid of those hairs? Does anyone else have any suggestions on this? Thanks. :)


There are several threads on this. Most involve shaving completely, shaving down to a smaller length of hair, plucking, or chemical removal. Try to just shave them down to a shorter length.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I shave to a shorter length around my shaft and then the hairs on my shaft I pluck. It hurts a little at first but you get used to it. And also the hairs don’t come back as fast or thick as it would if you shave them.


You pluck the hairs on your shaft? That doesn’t seem like something I would ever get used to, but even if so isn’t it tedious as hell?

Personally, I agree with tt, use either scissors or clippers to make the hair much shorter. Using a straight razor is just asking for some very painful razor burn (in a place where you never want it) and chemical hair removal is harsh. However, some people’s skin isn’t agitated by products like Nair, Epil-Stop, etc, so if you decide to try it I’d highly recommend using a test area that is not your genitals.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I didn’t think I would get used to it either but I wanted a longer lasting removal that didn’t cause the hair to come back quicker and thicker. I don’t have a lot of shaft hair so it’s not too tedious (just do a little every piss) and beleive it or not you do get used to it.


I just trimmed mine so they weren’t so long, but I still have a decent amount.

I just trim mine with a sissors. Just get rid of the hair that gets in the way of PEing. I think it looks lame to completely shave it all off.

I just tried to cut the hairs shorter. I had an unforeseen side effect. The hairs are much shorter now and pricking my shaft whenever I sit or move. =/ I guess I’ll just try plucking it or maybe I’ll get used to it. Thanks for the comments guys.

I trim mine down with clippers, but the hair that is at the base of the shaft, I shave with a razor and shaving cream. I also shave the testicles and any hair on the shaft. I find that I like the cleaner look for a couple of reasons. One, it makes it easier to jelq. I’m not pulling on my hair. Two, it gives my penis the appearance of looking a little bigger. I know that this doesn’t matter, but it has helped my self esteem a bit.

Hey Bashion,

Some more suggestions in this link. Maybe you can find something you like there.

Problem w/ hair on penis shaft


Idiot that I am sometimes, I tried Nair on my unit. I don’t have sensitive skin but that stuff just pure burned it. Worse, it didn’t even do the job with the hair, it left stumps just as if I’d grazed across them with a cigarette lighter. Took about a week for the burn scabs to start to heal over.

Ok I have a thought about this, that part of your penis doesnt really get into the vagina in most positions anyway so it doesnt really matter?? Unless your girl can do some serious deep throat and doesnt like getting hairs in her teeth why bother removing them theyll only come back stronger next time!

And plus when we give girls head we get so much hair in our mouth we have a full floss so let her deal with a few hairs too!

It’s not the fact that there in the way whilst sexual intercourse, it’s the problems they cause whilst PEing

Originally Posted by Shiver

Idiot that I am sometimes, I tried Nair on my unit. I don’t have sensitive skin but that stuff just pure burned it. Worse, it didn’t even do the job with the hair, it left stumps just as if I’d grazed across them with a cigarette lighter. Took about a week for the burn scabs to start to heal over.

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one! My g/f still won’t let me live it down and this was 2 years ago.

Originally Posted by Shiver
Idiot that I am sometimes, I tried Nair on my unit. I don’t have sensitive skin but that stuff just pure burned it. Worse, it didn’t even do the job with the hair, it left stumps just as if I’d grazed across them with a cigarette lighter. Took about a week for the burn scabs to start to heal over.

I’m sorry…this made me laugh :mutley:

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