ADS and Pump Workout?
Hello everybody,
New user here, Federico - 25 years old from Italy
After some years of sporadic research on the argument I discovered this forum and decided to finally give PE a try. I start from 15.25cm (6.00in) BPEL and 12.00 (4.72in) EG. No goals at the moment, I just want to see if it works for me.
Due to my job and other stuff I rarely have the time for long manual workouts, so I found out that ADS may be the best solution for me.
So I ordered the PF and I’m at the second day of the “break-in” routine.
In the meantime I discovered a statistical analysis about PF users which showed that the best results were with the PF used in combination with a pumping device, so I also bought a good pump with gauge.
Now I plan on using the PF at works, where I have 5 hours, an 1 hour lunch break, and then the last three hours. This gives me the possibility of 8-9 hours of ADS from Monday to Friday.
1) How can I add the pumping to my routine? Do I need to use it before the ADS for healing in an extended state or maybe I can do it after the stretching session? Doing it later would be the best for me, but I don’t know the effectiveness of this solution.
2) Can you suggest a light pump routine? I was planning on a 1on-2off schedule low pressure pumping. I believe on a slower approach so I don’t want to stress my penis too much.
3) Do you believe that this combination could be good? I originally planned on using just the PF until I hit a plateau, and then switch to pumping, but that statistic changed my mind.
Thanks to everybody!