Thunder's Place

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ADS question

ADS question

Hey fellas,

Glad to finally be a member of this forum community!:) I’m currently closing in on my second month of the newbie routine and I’m adding a simple ADS I constructed using an ace bandage. It’s pretty comfortable and not noticeable, definately sore after an all day stretch. My question is, should I alternate the leg it is attached to day by day? I’m assuming the ADS attached to the left leg targets the right side ligs and the opposite true for the right leg so in order to work both equally should I alternate legs day by day? Or maybe even a few hours right leg a few hours left leg each day? Also I’m kinda judging my stretch time based on how crunchy Jr. Feels but does anyone have advice on how long I should be shooting for? Any advice helps and once again I’m excited to start my PE journey with the help of you pros!:)

Welcome, crunchy.

What’s the level of tension like on your ADS? I would probably switch it back it forth every couple of hours if I was getting a decent stretch out of it. If you’re using it just to stay elongated after a workout session, I wouldn’t worry about it as much. Probably wont make too much of a difference either way.

I would try to wear it as much as possible (provided your EQ isn’t diminishing), at least a few hours after a workout. You’ve got the right idea - listen to your dick, and the gains will come. Good luck.

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