Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question on my routine, ADS & Golf weights....


Question on my routine, ADS & Golf weights....

I am currently using the Grip System and love it! What I’m curious about is, after I warm up, I am hanging for 2 30 sessions in the A.M. 10lbs on the first session and then 12.5 lbs for the second 30 minute session. Then I hang 14 lbs for 30 minutes before I go to bed.

During the day after I hang, I either wear all three of the Golf weights for up to 6 hours or I will wear a device that attatches to my thigh and applies a gentle pull of 3 - 4 lbs on the penis. It depends on what I have to do in the house or in public on what I use for an ADS.

I’ve been doing hanging now since Sept. 9 2004, very aggressively and I belive I have gone from 6.12 inches to 6.25 inches on my BPEL.

So here’s my question:

I would like to wear an ADS like the Golf weights when I sleep to take the place of wearing them during the day or this leg device that I’ve been using during the day( no matter what I do to conceal the ADS I find people looking at my crotch allot in a strange way ).

This device is allot like a very thick condom that completely encapsulates the penis so it resticts from having too much fluid going to the glans and also keeps the penis at full length. I figure if I could wear this thing all day as I have before with no discoloration or coldness in the glands, then I could use it at night in bed.

What do you think?? Am I trying to do too much? I would really like to find a way to keep my unit extended with a little tension all the time to maximise the healing process.

Thanks for your input guys!!


Hi Thrill,

I would not recommend wearing anything on your dick while your unconscious. Any weird thing could happen to get your dick trapped in some awkward position while you roll around completely unaware. If you cut off circulation long enough, the tissue in your dick will die and never work again. IMHO, that risk is just not worth the extra time it will take to only wear your ADS device during waking hours when you can monitor the condition of your dick at all times.

That said, what’s this device you speak of? The very thick condom that completely encapsulates the penis? I’d like to hear more about this.

You definitely do not want to wear any golf rings at night. You will wake up wondering what to do with a donut condition that disables you from getting them off at all. In short bad idea.

I think the thing that creates more injuries for guys is being in a hurry. Somehow you must get out of the mindset that says if I do more, push harder, hang more, etc., that will get me more results. That is the mind set creates injuries and puts you out of commission for long periods of healing. Check out the thread by Dangleman. It is far better to get into the mindset that understands that this is a process that will be with you for quite some time and create a routine that you can stick to. Plan on 18 months to two years of work with all the ups and downs that come with it. Perhaps even longer. So what? Just treat it like brushing your teeth or doing laundry, it’s something you do. Remember greater weight does not equate to greater gains only bigger injuries. IMO your gains should have been greater.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Checkout “Dangleman Crashes” in the main Member Forum

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by stevie31
Hi Thrill,

I would not recommend wearing anything on your dick while your unconscious. Any weird thing could happen to get your dick trapped in some awkward position while you roll around completely unaware. If you cut off circulation long enough, the tissue in your dick will die and never work again. IMHO, that risk is just not worth the extra time it will take to only wear your ADS device during waking hours when you can monitor the condition of your dick at all times.

That said, what’s this device you speak of? The very thick condom that completely encapsulates the penis? I’d like to hear more about this.


Thanks for your input. The device I’m talking about is called a sleeve. If you go to and look under "Replacment Products" you’ll scroll down to the "G-Flex" sleeves. These products are really great! I have the Bib but just can’t get it to fit comfortably. I use the Grip for hanging up to 15 lbs when I feel like I can handle it. But whats really nice is that I can use the sleeves in place of the using a wrap for hanging or for using the Golf weights. If I’ve done a session of hanging and just want to keep my unit from from shrinking back, then I double up on the sleeves and place one on top of the other, it works great for keeping the penis extended. The device for the thigh that I use is called the "The Knee Tension strap". Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by Monty530
You definitely do not want to wear any golf rings at night. You will wake up wondering what to do with a donut condition that disables you from getting them off at all. In short bad idea.
I think the thing that creates more injuries for guys is being in a hurry. Somehow you must get out of the mindset that says if I do more, push harder, hang more, etc., that will get me more results. That is the mind set creates injuries and puts you out of commission for long periods of healing. Check out the thread by Dangleman. It is far better to get into the mindset that understands that this is a process that will be with you for quite some time and create a routine that you can stick to. Plan on 18 months to two years of work with all the ups and downs that come with it. Perhaps even longer. So what? Just treat it like brushing your teeth or doing laundry, it’s something you do. Remember greater weight does not equate to greater gains only bigger injuries. IMO your gains should have been greater.


As usual, you are absolutley correct! Today I measured again after watching some porn after my hanging session and wearing the golf rings for 4 hours. I measured and my new BPEL IS A FREAKIN’ 6.5 INCHES FROM 6.12!!!!! YEEEE Frickin’ HAW!!!!!

Either my initail measurements were incorrect at the beginning or these gains are genuine, either way I’m going to keep haning in the A.M., wear my golf rings or the knee strap device for 6 hours and hang again before I go to bed!!!

Golf rings are the best!!


Thanks for the info Thrill. Can you explain how the sleeves keep your dick extended? I’m having a difficult time deciphering the physics of them from that photo. Is the “head” on the sleeves detachable? Does it work similar to a traction wrap device?

Originally Posted by stevie31
Thanks for the info Thrill. Can you explain how the sleeves keep your dick extended? I’m having a difficult time deciphering the physics of them from that photo. Is the “head” on the sleeves detachable? Does it work similar to a traction wrap device?

stevie31, the way I think to best explain it is that when the sleeve is rolled onto the penis, that they are very thick and will not allow the penis to constrict backwards. Once the sleeve is rolled on, the top of the sleeve works as a slight vacuum causing the penis to stay forward. You can cut the top off but I found that when you do, the suction is lost and the sleeve just slides forward easily.

I’ve found that the best use for the sleeve is when I’m wearing the golf weights. I don’t have to wrap or anything.

IMO this works exactly like a traction wrap, especially when two sleeves are used instead of one. The only difference to me is that the head is not left exposed, which for me is great because I don’t need to monitor it all the time. The only time it comes off is when I have to take a whiz.


Thrill, No problems with coolness or loss of blood flow or discoloration wearing any of these items?

seems this thread is dead…. but in the case it’s not.

Thrill- do you get any donut effect using the grip system?


No I don’t seem to suffer from any doughnuts. I think it’s primarily due to useng the sports wrap tightly before I hang.


Start 09-27-2004 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.1 Base FG 4.0 BSFL 7.0 ____________________________ 01-03-2005 BPEL 6.58 BSFL 7.25 Current routine: A.M 2-3 Minute warm-up Hang10 lbs 30 minutes then 12.5 lbs 30 minutes ADS up to 7 hours 3 golf weights P.M Hang 12.5 lbs for 30 minutes wear Grip on thigh for 2-3 hours and go to bed.


I just had to jump in here in regards to the grip. I bought that hanger back in 1998 and used it fairly successfully for maybe 1.5- 2 yrs. While it did give an excellent stretch in the ligs/tunica, depending on angle, I could never get over 9 lbs with it. I can’t imagine how your hanging 12- 15 lbs with the grip and it’s only designed to take 8 lbs.
Or at least that’s the top weight they sell with it.

The problem I always had with it was loosing vacuum, maybe my cavity/one way valve died on it. If the vacuum held for the 20 min sessions I “would” get a great stretch and my peni looked like a stretched noodle (very nice!), in short the device does work when it worked correctly. But many times it was very fustrating trying to use it though..even thru it against the wall a few times! really pissed me off.

Around 2000 I also bought what I think you’re talking about…the weight attachment sleeve.. which hooks to the leg to keep your unit stretched out. But I would get a cold/numb head after 1- 1.5 hrs though. But I got to tell ya, I used the grip/ attachment sleeve to death, I mean for many months and only got a longer flaccid hang for my trouble. No true cemented erect length gains to speak of.. slightly if any.

I’m not trying to bash the grip though. It did work great for many many months and I should have replaced it when it started to loose vacuum.

Anyway, I finally gave up on the grip and made the Captain’s wench but it’s kinda strange hanging from the shaft instead of the head as with the grip. It’s a different type of hang altogether..let me tell ya. The grip was the first hanger I ever used so I guess it’s what you buy first or just get use to that makes all the difference.

These days I’m only hanging about every other day with the wench coupled with Monty’s pe weights to stay extended. I’ve had his rings for around 2 mths now. Started out using 3 rings for around 2 hrs stretch. Now I use 4 rings and stay stretched for 1.5 hrs at a time thru out the day.

Woefully, I’ve never had much success with hanging and gains regardless of what hanger or how much stretching I do. I think I’m one of those poor fellas that can’t gain no matter what! I think I’m going to take the slow road with the rings though and see what will happen…kinda like using a Penimaster. Maybe I’ll get there in a year or 2. It supposelly worked for the primatives???
I guess I’m just burnt out with hanging…getting older.

Wish you the best though with the Grip!
Sounds like it’s working fine for you, just don’t over do it and take rest days…your unit needs time to recover just like your body needs rest. I only say this from experience.

WTF, stubby posts and thrill responds in under an hour, but I post and all we hear is

thats a flatline on the heart machine by the way. Maybe I should change my name to threadkiller.

So Thrill, in case you do see this thread again, how do your experiences with the grip compare with Ineed’s?

Ineed9, how long have you been hanging with the wench and how do you like it compared to the grip?

Thanks Nem

Originally Posted by nemisis
WTF, stubby posts and thrill responds in under an hour, but I post and all we hear is

thats a flatline on the heart machine by the way. Maybe I should change my name to threadkiller.

So Thrill, in case you do see this thread again, how do your experiences with the grip compare with Ineed’s?

Ineed9, how long have you been hanging with the wench and how do you like it compared to the grip?

Thanks Nem

I’m like E.F. Hutton.

Now if it only worked like that with the ladies.


I made the wench about 2.5 mths ago and been using it pretty regular with a 1 on/ 1 off routine and the pe weights in between. I find the wench is alright but it’s difficult to get tight enough for hanging over say 10 lbs. I’ve read where others use 2 clamps to tighten up with but I’ve yet to try it. That’s where I think maybe the Bib is superior in that you need to stretch out the head/shaft while tightening the hanger but is easily done with the screw and wingnut of the Bib.

With the wench you need 2 hands to tighten the clamp (I do at least) so that leaves no way to stretch out the glands and squeese out the blood in the head. Head pressure has ALWAYS been a problem with hangers that attach from the shaft for me. As weight goes up, so does head pressure. I’ve tried all sorts of wraps and try to keep it loose and the hanger tight.

I’d like to offer a side by side comparison of the hangers If I may. In the past and present I’ve owned all 3 hangers: The Grip, the Bib and now the Captain’s Wench. All 3 are good in the own right but I have to say the Bib hanger is probably the best IMHO. There was a lot to fumble with with the grip..sports wrap, sleeves, hour glass sleeve on the cavity and it relies heavily on vacuum to work. Not to mention the sleeves wear out or loose shape over time so that’s something to consider also.

If it ever looses vacuum and starts to fail, the weights fall to the floor, so you have to start all over from stratch and try it again. Might not be a problem with a brand-new grip though.

The Bib however, is neat and clean in it’s design/use, simply wrap, attach hanger and hang! Well, pretty much like that.

Anyway, that’s where the grip is very different. You don’t need to grab the internal structures of the shaft, just the glands by wrapping first with sports wrap then roll on the sleeve, put on the cavity, draw a small vacuum and your ready to roll…simple right! Well it is if it will hold that vacuum which mine would not. But like I said, I probably should have replaced it as soon as it started acting up. The cool thing I liked about the grip was it comes with an instruction video which helps out alot. It shows how to put it on and all the different stuff you can get (optional stuff).

Also, you can get different attachments and such on there website. This thread has gotten me to thinking about the ole grip again, maybe I will get a replacement cavity and start up again…who knows.

Hope this helps,

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