Advice for routine
I am about five months into pe and need some advice. I have pretty much stuck with the newbie routine but tried a
Little clamping which left my dick not feeling well so I nipped that in the bud after two sessions. I have bought a pump and used it twice at very low settings-2.5hg for a few three minute sets. So, newbie plus a little experimentation thrown in.
My problem is that with my current schedule I cannot really stick to a set 2 on 1 off routine. I basically have to get pe in when I can which has been less and less. When I did the newbie routine regularly I felt that I was starting to gain and get better eq. I have never had eq issues but I was getting raging hardons all the time and morning wood that would be very persistent.
So, with that being said should I just stick with the newbie routine when I can or is there something el I could try for my inconsistent sessions? I know that pe is all about discipline, consistency and time to get gains and avoid injury. It seems to me that doing some now and then is better than doing none. I just want to get the most out of the sessions that i can fit in.
Thanks guys!
On 6/15/12 NBPEL=6", BPEL=6.5" EG=4.75", BPFSL=6.75"
Current NBPEL=6 1/8" , BPEL=6 7/8" , EG=4 15/16", BPFSL=7"
Goal NBPEL=7", EG=5.5"