Advice on routine
Hey gents,
I’ve now done a slightly modified version of the newbie routine for almost 3 months. My routine has been the following on a 2 day on 1 day off schedule:
-5 minutes warm wrap/light stretches
-200 reps/10 minutes ok grip, mostly downward jelqs with light-moderate pressure x4-5 seconds each
-Stretching down/L/R/down-left/down-right in shower for about 10 minutes
-“Kegels” x5 seconds x20 reps
My stats:
-BPEL: 5.8” (+/- .1”)
-FSL: 5.4”
-MSEG: 4.9”
-Flaccid non-stretched BPL: 3.5-4” on average
-BPEL: 6.0”
-FSL: 5.9”
-MSEG: 5.0”
-Flaccid non-stretched BPL: 4-5” on average (up to 5.25”)
Goal: 7.0” BPEL x 5.25 MSEG
I’ve seen biggest gains in flaccid size to be honest, but overall size has increased. It also is noticeably more vascular, and I think the head is larger/more pronounced.
My question is.. I have done the newbie routine, have not had any injuries thus far, and am seeing reasonable results. Does anyone have suggestions for where to go from here? I’d prefer not to start buying equipment for clamping/hanging at this point, but would be willing to think about it. Should I increase stretching/jelqing? Or perhaps try different jelqing technique?
Input appreciated! Thanks bros.