Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advices I like.


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Originally Posted by sparkyx
Also remember, the the least force needed to grow is the best, in that more force causes more toughening which is counter productive.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
My point is that I’ve rarely seen anyone grow who doesn’t also have excellent EQ. Excellent EQ indicates you have great hardness, can get hard with not much stimulation, increased frequency of erections, improved nite and morning wood (for you).

One thing is for sure, I’ve never heard anyone who has POOR EQ, that is growing at the same time.

The point is to move your EQ towards your best level, because it seems to be at the higher or highest levels of EQ or what is EXCELLENT for you.. That most growth seems to occur.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
For example, what if you need to be doing at least 15 minutes of daily jelquing to begin to stimulate growth, but it takes 2 months to work up to that level and keep good EQ? What will happen is you will just see improving EQ (if you aren’t over training) for 2 months then “bingo” you will start to see growth. But what frequently happens is guys get frustrated and begin to jump around with all kinds of different routines, or adds so much PE that they push themselves up and out of good EQ.

I think we are getting closer and closer to a real comprehensive approach that can work for most guys, if not damn near all.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
The process is, 1) Get great EQ 2) Measure frequently, and if gains start, hold at that level of force/time 3) If no gains start after a few weeks, slightly increase PE amounts.. And repeat process.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Its really shocking, the difference in guys ability to tolerate PE. Thats why I wrote the PIs and now the EQ thread.. To give you a way to know what is right for you. Some guys can run their dicks over with a truck, and be able to get an awesome hard on afterward. Some guys jelq for 5 minutes and it over stresses them.. Go figure!

Don’t be discouraged, the great thing about a sensitive dick is you won’t have to be spending hours doing PE to get gains.. You will (when you dial in your force/time/recover) find that you will get growth with far less than many need.

I would suggest easing up on your jelquing FORCE. You know one guy may be jequing like slighty stronger masturbation, another may be trying to rip his dick off! I suggest for sensitive dicks (no insult intended :) ) to always go for PLEASANT force, that is, as Avocet says, it should be sexually invigorating.. It should still be in the pleasant range of sensation. You should go easy enough to enjoy it.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
When growth stops.. Try a one to two week break and start again and see if that restarts growth. If it doesn’t, then you can begin to add time to your routine again.

Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

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Originally Posted by sparkyx
You really can’t go by what other guys are doing, you have to judge by your own responses.

So, if you do it in the morning, you have all day to begin to recover and a better chance of improved nite wood. I really believe nite wood MAY play a critical role in cementing gains.

The other factor is many newbies really pull the hell out of their dicks. I’ve watched the jelquing video and the guy really has a choke hold on that baby! I guess for many, that is fine, but I know for sure that for many guys just starting, that is WAY too much force!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think it is an absolute fact that proper PE WILL improve EQ.. Its just finding the right amount for you.

Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

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Originally Posted by firegoat
Doesn’t anyone read the newbie instructions on how to jelq? Stop around an inch before the glans! There is a nerve bundle on the dorsal (top) of the shaft just before the glans and if you damage it you are in serious sh*t.
Yes jelqing too far will cause more foreskin stretch.
For erection level and jelqs, use the search and look for “new jelq city’. Instructions for using the search properly are in my sig line.

Originally Posted by RoutineIsKey
So one day a light bulb goes off in my head and I realize that every time I take Claritin D for my allergies that’s when I would seem to have no sex drive or my flaccid would be smaller than usual. I have no idea why it took me years to figure this out, but it did lol. So I looked it up online and to my surprise I found out that many other people had the same physical response when taking anything containing PSEUDOPHEDRINE. It is the same drug Dr’s give you when you’ve had an erection lasting more than 4hrs.

It basically lowers your blood flow, so it would make since that it could affect certain individuals in a negative way when it comes to anything sexual. My advice to anyone reading this.. If you’ve been having any decreased sex drive or your flaccid and erections seem smaller than usual. Read the back of any medication that you may be taking and if it contains PSEUDOPHEDRINE, then that’s probably the culprit.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Morning wood is not the be-all and end-all of PE or EQ.
In fact I really don’t think it matters much at all. If you can get an erection when you need it, that’s all that matters. It’s not something to worry about.

Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

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Originally Posted by cheeva
For length, I jelq straight down (SD) at an erection no higher than 20-30%. There should be no rigidity in the unit whatsoever—basically what you want is a "softie"—a unit that looks like a good flaccid hang, but not semi-erect. I do wet jelqs. I use an overhand OK grip, grasp firmly at the base and pull SD. At the beginning of the stroke, there is a strong pull on the ligs/base. About halfway down, the blood in the unit will be expanding the upper shaft and glans. The grip is adjusted so there’s not too much pressure as the stroke is completed and a little back flow is allowed as the opposite hand forms an OK grip at the base for the next stroke.

At the end of the stroke, I stop just behind the glans and hold a stretch in this position, then turn my hand out so that the glans is forming the foot of an L before releasing for the next stroke. Strokes are slow, between five and ten seconds.

How it feels:

Behind the stroke, the tunica and ligs feel like they are being stretched. (I get occasional lig pops doing this.) After the midstroke point, the lower shaft and ligs continue to be stretched while the upper shaft and glans feel mildly expanded. I have to be careful to allow enough back flow that the glans is not too expanded for the final stretch/tug at the end and the grip can be firm enough to really get a good stretch.

I will often pause at various stages of the stroke (1/4 up, 1/2 up, and 3/4 up) and kegel for ten seconds then release and continue. I bend the unit into an L shape as described above and focus on the stretch. When you kegel like this, you are stretching against the tug-back, and when you release you can feel your unit relaxing into the stretch.

Originally Posted by cheeva
Think of it as SD stretching where you are starting the stretch from the very base and slowly working your way down to a standard SD stretch. You also don’t need to position the opposite hand before the end of the stretch if it’s too distracting. But do try and time it so you are at least gripping with the opposite hand just as you release from the previous stretch.

New Jelq City!

More advices:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I suggest to any Newbie, start easy for a few weeks to condition your penis against injury, then slowly over a period of weeks, ramp up time and see what happens to your EQ. EQ is a great sign for pretty much everyone, if your EQ is improving (hardness, frequency, ease of erections, nite and morning wood), its a VERY good indicator that you aren’t over training, at least not by much.

Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
Haven’t read the other responses, but I’d say that neither less nor more is necessarily better. What you have to understand is that you can underdo it, or you can overdo it, and in either case you are doing a disservice to your penis. Basically, you need to understand the physiological indicators. A good thing to go by is this: if, after a workout, the following morning you wake up with nice morning wood, your body appreciates what you’ve done. If this is not the case, I’d say you did too little or too much. In PE, like everything in life, you need a healthy balance. Don’t go extremely overboard and overzealous with it! Just be consistent, and push yourself in a comfortable way. Never get careless and put extra pressure that may cause a problem.

Originally Posted by Equine Rooster
You can gain very quickly by doing "less", if that is the type of penis you have. I have seen a poster do 1/2 inch in a month with less than 100 jelqs per workout.

You can gain quickly by doing "more", if that is the type of penis you have.

Both of these would be easy gainers. Maybe some "hard gainers" just haven’t found where their penis wants to be in terms of workout.

Originally Posted by UFGator
My new theory is simple: do as little as possible required to gain.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think you need to be careful with FORCE, but not time.

Yeah, more is more guys really many times don’t see shit until they really have a lengthy workout. If your EQ doesn’t rise then I think thats diagnostic of you being a more is more guy.

Yes, then I really think you need to watch the force you use, but with time you should feel free to up it and experiment with it. If you go over in time, it will drop EQ, but won’t destroy you. Just bear in mind to up time by reasonable amounts, not go from 20 minutes to 60 in one jump. You are probably safe with going up by 5 minute increments.

Is LESS more, or is MORE more?

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Originally Posted by Growing28
The 2 most common reasons why people attain very little to no growth.

1. Your Diet
2. Overtraining

The most important factor of all, and I cannot stress this enough is your DIET!! 90% of people have a terrible diet, your penis will not grow if you are not giving it the raw materials it needs too grow no matter how perfect your training is!! No breakfast, fast food, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of proper calories, essential fat, protein, and the list goes on. I can go to the gym, do everything right, but if I do not have the proper diet, I will gain NOTHING!! And could even end up losing weight, the same goes for your penis. So if you are serious about growth, look at your diet very carefully. Adding a multi vitamin will not solve your problem. If you don’t have the proper diet, a multi V. Will do very little for you. Yes, they are important, but there are many other factors to one’s diet that must be looked at.

Overtraining. Your biggest enemy. So many people are under the impression more is better. I see time and time again, people who go to the gym, and have the mentality that the more I do, the faster, and the bigger I’ll grow. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Originally Posted by Growing28
What happens when you work a muscle, is that you tear it down. Then your body goes in, repairs the damage that was done, THEN after that it will grow. If your body has not finished it’s repairs on the muscle, and then you work it out again, your are overtraining. There will be little to no growth. Your body is going to work hard and struggle just to repair itself. So if I preform 10 sets instead of 3, then I may be doubling the time it takes to repair my muscle before it can adapt. So why would you do more, when it only slows (or stops) gains??

Originally Posted by Growing28
This is now my routine.
6 day’s a week:

5-10 mins hot wrap before and after
10-15 mins of jelqing, that’s it!

I usually never go over 10 min. But I make it an intense 10 minutes. Hard, slow jelqs. And I make sure that when I do my strokes, that my penis expands bigger than normal. I find that sometimes when I am not erect enough, I can still jelq, but I don’t expand beyond normal size. You must make it bigger than normal in order to attain growth. I also find that I need to be around 80% erect to achieve gains, not 50-60% as I was told, this may be different for you.

Originally Posted by Growing28
Dedication. One must be dedicated to see any gains. Don’t expect to see gains after a week. Give it time, they will come. If you do not have patience you absolutely will fail at P.E. No if’s and’s or but’s about it.

Originally Posted by alin
More is ok if less is not enough.

Is LESS more, or is MORE more?


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